Mosque Social Entrepreneurship as a Social Business Model
Sela Rachmawati and Unsiyah Anggraeni
Universitas Negeri Malang
{selarachmawaty, unsiyah.hadey}
Keywords: Social Entrepreneurship, Mosque.
Abstract: Basically, social entrepreneurship is an activity which is done by person or organization for the purpose of
developing and implementing right and appropriate solution towards social problems with a business
approach. The main focus of social enterprise is not profit received but benefits which are felt by society. As
one of the social entrepreneurship models which are successful and become innovation model is the
empowerment of the community around the mosque. This research conducted in one of the amous mosque in
Pasuruan, Cheng-Hoo Mosque. A method in this research uses Qualitative Four-D method from for the
purpose of giving the socio-economic contribution and recommending mosque as social entrepreneurship
model of Islamic Civilization Center from various aspects that are social activity, economy, and activity
religion and culture.
Mosque is a place of worship to perform various
activities (Athiqah, and Ismail, 2014), reflection of
Muslims (mirror of Muslims), and the first institution
(Abulquraya, 2015). The place becomes one of the
foundations to awaken the spirituality of Muslims
(Dewiyanti and Kusuma, 2012). Undoubtedly, the
existence of mosques in Europe and America become
the identity of Muslims existence to worship
(Tacchini, 2010).
Since the first built in the Prophet period up to the
period of Kilafah, Ummayah etc, the mosque has vital
roles in both the culture and the life of the Muslims
(Mahmud, Rawshon, and Rahamn, 2011) specifically
for gathering, religious service, Islamic spreading
center, socio-political function (Rahmana, Mastukia,
and Yusofa, 2015), education, mission of
nationalism, and economic activity (Yuswohadi,
2014) despite the fact that it often changes in different
aspects. The dynamic changes cannot be separated
from the Islamic tradition, the period of colonialism
and the influence of the ruling government (Collins,
In 2010, Indonesia as the world's largest Islamic
country with 209 million Muslims (Desilver and
Masci, 2017) based on data from the Directorate
General of Islamic Community Guidance of Ministry
of Religion on Campus News Online, the number of
mosques in 2013 amounted to 731,096 and increased
by 20 percent each year, if calculated in 2016
amounted to 1,169,754 mosques (Pitoko,
2016).However, only a few mosques develop the
function and the role of the mosque in terms of
Insaniyah value (human-human relations) and
Uluhiyyah value (human-God relations) (Mufidah,
2016). It is because of the constriction of function and
role of mosques in the modern era itself. The role of
da'wah, politics, economics, social science and health
fade away (Jannah, 2016)
The data above identifies that the function of the
mosque is very wide; it is not limited to a place of
worship, but this is not balanced by efforts to prosper
it. Therefore, it is necessary to revitalize the mosque
with social entrepreneurs program. As cited by Mort
and Weerawardena, 2013, the creation of activities in
the worship places will be more useful if there are
socio entrepreneur activities that will create social
value to others mainly in surrounding worship place.
Therefore, the researcher needs to initiate the new
innovation focused on worship place. This research is
expected to be able to give the contribution to the
society and recommend this mosque as a social
Rachmawati, S. and Anggraeni, U.
Mosque Social Entrepreneurship as a Social Business Model Innovation.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship (ICEEE 2017), pages 617-621
ISBN: 978-989-758-308-7
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
entrepreneurship model of Islamic Civilization
2.1 Mosque
The mosque is a place of worship for Muslims and
has been become a place for some of the Muslims
activities (Baharudin & Ismail, 2014). Based on its
history, the mosque has always been an inseparable
part of the Muslim community. Mosque is able to deal
with the problems that exist in the community.
Mosque also becomes the center of information and
deliberation for Muslims to study about social,
economic and political issues.
2.2 The Principles of Social Enterprise
Social enterprise term is a social entrepreneur figure
who is social driven, the move is not motivated by
profit, but the mission is to overcome existing social
problems. The conception of the concept is described
by Yunus (2009). It can be concluded that social
entrepreneurship is the creation of social value
resulted from collaboration with other people and
organizations in the community environment
involved in creating of social innovation in economic
activity. Therefore, the description gives four
criteria’s of socio entrepreneurship, those are social
value, society environment, innovation and economic
activity (Hulgard, 2010). This research focuses on
mosques that are not only used as a place of worship
but there is a social enterprise activity, therefore, it
becomes the center of community activity.
The research approach used is a qualitative approach
where researcher observes directly how the
community develops a mosque that is not only as a
place of worship but as a central place of all positive
activities such as social, economic, and cultural
activities. The type of research used in this study is a
case study, as the researcher explores the factual
information about the development of the mosque to
the community as a form of socio-economic change
and what kind of empowerments provided by the
mosque manager through the collection of detailed
and in-depth data.
This research was conducted in Cheng hoo
Mosque, Pandaan and focused on mosque managers
along with all the guides who participated in mosque
activities. In accordance with the focus and objectives
of the study, the data collection techniques used are
through interviews with the foster, Mr. MS and Mr.
AS the field coordinator, while supporting data can be
obtained through an interview with daily coordinator
and some traders. Interviews used in this study are in-
depth interviews. The data was also collected by the
researcher using observation technique. The
technique used was documentation study related to
mosque development data and other service sectors.
In order to make the more accurate and quality
study result, the researcher used interactive model
analysis as a tool to analyze data that has been
obtained in the field. According to Miles and
Huberman (2014), interactive model is a continuous,
repetitive, and continuous effort. The stages
performed in interactive model analysis are data
reduction, data presentation, and conclusion to be
success stories in sequence as a series of data analysis
activities following each of the stages of data
collection, data reduction, display data and
Researcher also tested the validity of data by
conducting credibility tests. The credibility test of this
data has two functions: performing the survey in such
a way that the level of invention credibility can be
achieved. In checking the validity of this data is done
in two ways by doing triangulation and member
check. The researcher uses sources triangulation
where in obtaining the validity of the data is also
conducted interviews to the supervisory board of
Chenghoo Mosque, Mr. YS who knows the
development of Chenghoo Pandaan mosque from
time to time and understands how an empowerment
agent gets in the Chenghoo Pandaan mosque
Triangulation technique is also done where the
researcher checks the validity by using observations,
where the technique is useful as a comparison
between the interview data and the real condition
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
4.1 An Overview of Cheng-hoo
Pandaan Mosque
This mosque originated from the idea of Pasuruan
regent Mr. Jusbaskir Aldjufri who went to China to
fulfil the state duty. He wants to build a mosque that
will become the center of community activities as
well as to eliminate negative image of the place
because it is considered as a prostitution place in the
past. Finally, the mosque was inaugurated on June 26,
2004 by KH. Abdurrahman Wahid who served as
President of Indonesia at that time. In this modern era,
Indonesian people still adopt and combine the foreign
elements as the concept of mosque architecture. The
architecture of the Chenghoo mosque building
adopted from China. The name of Cheng Hoo is given
to Cheng Hoo mosque building to commemorate
Admiral Cheng Hoo who carries the influence of
Islam and Chinese culture.
Chenghoo mosque is located in Jln. Raya Kasri,
Pandaan. Administratively, Jln. Raya Kasri is located
in Pandaan sub district, Pasuruan district, the position
is limited by the neigh boring villages. The location
of Chenghoo Pandaan mosque is strategically near to
Malang and Surabaya which makes the area have
various potentials that can go for natural resources
owned by the region.
According to the Village Administration
(RPJMDES 2013-2019), the data shows that the
population of Pandaan sub district is 97.288 people;
49,344 men and 47,944 women. The development of
the population indicates that the area of Pandaan sub
district began to be inhabited. It is a natural thing
considering that the impact of globalization is the
explosion of population.
4.2 Education
The existence of education is one of the main
principals to promote economic, social and life skills
of the community. The improvement of the education
level in the community will also encourage
community empowerment. The community
empowerment can be shown through the skills in
entrepreneurship. By growing of entrepreneurship in
the community, people create new jobs and reduce
poverty as well as unemployment. The table below
shows the number of graduates as well as the
education level of Cheng hoo Pandaan mosque
Table 1: Education graduation data.
Illiterate above
10 year sold
0 %
Not finished
6,6 %
13,3 %
Finished Junior
High School
20 %
Finished Senior
High School
36,6 %
16,6 %
Source: Chenghoo Mosque Management Committee 2015-
The percentage data in the table indicates that only
a small number of people continue to the higher
education. Education will influence the quality of
human resources (SDM) in the community.
Economic factors and the mind set of people who still
think that education is not a top priority in improving
the welfare also affects the low education in Pandaan
sub district. It is related to public awareness of the
importance of education.
Efforts that can be made to improve the quality of
life and as an addition, replacement, and complement
of formal education is through life skills, training, and
extension programs. However, these programs just
running once, for now, its application is less
maximized by the community. It shows that the
human resources of the community over there is still
low and need to develop a community mind-set that
will prioritize education to improve their welfare.
4.3 An Overview of Cheng Hoo
Mosque Activities
The state guarantees the freedom of every citizen to
embrace his own religion and to worship according to
his religion and belief. One effort to make it happen
is required adequate facilities of worship both in
terms of quality and quantity. In Indonesia with the
Muslim majority population, the existence of mosque
buildings in sufficient quantities is absolutely
necessary. In this study, the researcher focused on the
services contained in the mosque. The management
of the mosque program coordinates several services,
those are:
Islamic activities
Routine recitation is done every Monday,
Thursday, Friday and Sunday. Not only for men
Mosque Social Entrepreneurship as a Social Business Model Innovation
but this recitation is also intended for public.
Other activities are speech and reciting Al-
Quran. It can create a regular relationship
between Muslims and their God (Allah)
according to the main role and function of the
Religious tour
This tour is meant to enrich religious insight and
deepen our spiritual sense. It is different from
ordinary tours that are only meant to have fun
and eliminate fatigue. Cheng hoo mosque has
unique and different ornaments compared to
others, therefore, it attracts the visitors.
Culinary tour
Visitors can enjoy the food and drinks that have
been provided behind the mosque with a fairly
extensive parking area. Not only a place to eat
but also a place of souvenirs is provided.
Cheng hoo mosque provides a place to study of
both Islamic and general sciences. Education in
this mosque is aimed at all ages. The purpose of
education in the mosque is to juxtapose younger
generations to the mosque. Subjects of reciting
Quran, praying as if Rasulullah did, tolerance
education given when there are tourists visiting
this mosque. The impression of tolerance at the
mosque is apparent not only from the mosque
ornaments but also from services provided in the
mosque welcoming all visitors.
Activities and Fundraising
Cheng hoo mosque is also a place to raise funds.
The mosque often holds bazaars and events
from the district government. The mosque is
also a place of marriage ceremony, like other
religious places of worship.
Quran producer
Cheng hoo mosque has mosque printing
equipment, therefore, it can produce Quran
amounted to Rp 100.000 - Rp 120.000. Ordering
can be made on request.
Social activities
Social activities taking place in Cheng hoo
mosque are donation to elderly who are not able
to work and to orphans around. In addition, there
is a routine clean-up of the mosque.
Figure 1: Social enterprise activies in Cheng Hoo mosque.
4.4 Discussion
Social Enterprise is a solution of social problems that
emphasizes the local community either directly or
indirectly involved through entrepreneur approach by
Yunus (2009). This is in accordance with the research
results conducted in the Cheng hoo mosque that
emerges as the result of potential social problems
identification. The construction of the mosque is
intended as the empowerment of local communities
and the existing activities in the mosque can also
improve the economy of the community and
awareness of environmental sustainability, even in
reality a passive participation of the community still
Social Enterprise is a non-profit oriented social
activity based on community based social enterprise
which has several principles in carrying out activities.
The principles are:
Based on the social value of Cheng hoo mosque,
the environment is used by the community in
order to utilize the strategic location and the
potential of nature to have economic value;
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
Having economic value, where visitors can
enjoy religious and culinary tours
Having innovation in constructing the mosque
and upgrading activities in order to improve the
prosperity of the mosque, for example, adding
the instagramable ornaments so that the visitors
not only worship but can take selfie photos
which indirectly promotes Cheng hoo mosque.
The community around the mosque, it can be
depicted that the community also has undivided
role in carrying out these activities, the bottom-
up concept illustrated in the community clearly
shows that the manager is a local community,
who provides is the local community and who
enjoys is the local community. It shows that the
social enterprise activity is based on the local
Attractiveness and visitor satisfaction are the
priorities for doing publication by providing
maximum service, the service aims to increase
the number of visitors.
Based on these statements, it can be seen that the
social enterprise carried out in the mosque has
principles that always obtain. The principles will keep
growing in accordance with the conditions of society
at that time. The researcher finds the principles based
on interviews and observations conducted in
Chenghoo mosque. The principles are in accordance
with the following figure:
Figure 2: Mosque as social enterprise.
Mosque is a place of worship as well as a high social-
valued place. Therefore, it will be very meaningful if
socio entrepreneur is held in that place. Socio
entrepreneur is very useful and will always be needed
by the public for overcoming social problems that still
seem to be neglected. Through the activities of socio
entrepreneurs expected society welfare in the field of
economy, education and health increase significantly.
Social enterprise aims to create social value for
customers. It needs to get support from various parties
such as government, private and academia.
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