The weakness of management system of village
fund was coming from not complete internal control-
ling system. Study done by Santoso (2016) showed
that internal controlling system influenced positively
but not significant to the accountability of local fund.
This was different with Dewi (2016) who found that
internal controlling system did not influence
positively toward the village government fund.
The other factors that influenced village fund
management were asset inventories which became
the important parts of village responsibility reports.
Research of Permatasari (2015) concluded that
village asset management was done with arrangement
which was utilized for village asset inventory.
Simamora (2013) found that quality of financial re-
port was influenced by asset scoring in structural
contexts and asset note record.
Globally, Phenomena happened in village fund al-
location in 2014 based on the results found by com-
mission of corruption eradication that there were
several critical elements in management of regional
budget of village, those were: (1) program and
activities of RPJM Des, RKPDes, APBDes have not
been analogous with aspiration of village society; (2)
cycle of village budget management were managed
professionally; (3) lateness of report arrangement of
village government realization; (4) village asset
management was not efficient and effective.
Based on the explanation of problem in
pengelolaan dana desa and study of previous
researches, this test examined and gave empiric proof
(1) whether apparatus competency of internal control-
ling system, inventory of asset influenced pengel-
olaan dana desa; (2) the influence of pengelolaan
dana desa in budgeting report transparency. This test
was analyzed with Stepwarship Theory approach.
The result of this test was used as the foundation for
repeating test in thesis research with the bigger
sample and increasing the other variables which
influenced pengelolaan dana desa.
2.1 Theoretical Basis
Grand theory which based this pilot test was
Stepwardship Theory (Donaldson and Davis, 1991),
which described situation in which management was
not motivated by individual goals but about their
target of main goal for organization needs. This
theory assumed that there was a relationship between
satisfaction and organization success.
Village government as the mandate holder from
society with managing the big relative budget surely
must pay attention the society needs. Village
government as Stepward was motivated by
organization interests with not including individual
interests. In this problem, village government
maximized the use of fund gotten for principle
interest and satisfaction of society. This was created
by village government in programs that was held in
In this test, writer gave empiric proof of influence
of pengelolaan dana desa with using Stewardship
theory if this was looked from variable of apparatus
competency with analyzing the role of village
apparatus in budgeting performance with more
setting out the organization interests than individual
interests. Besides that, this theory was used by writer
to test variable of internal controlling system an asset
inventory with analyzing the role of village
government as the Steward in managing village fund
controlling management to create social prosperity.
Based on the study of theory and previous researches,
model of research built by writer can be seen from the
Figure 1 below:
Figure 1. Research method.
2.2 Research Hypothesis Formulation
Definition of competence according to Spencer in
Hermawan (2013) was expression of realization type
and representation, motif, knowledge, attitude, main
behavior therefore this was able to implement job so
well or differ between the average performance and
superior performance. Indicators ordered in this re-
search were belief, values, knowledge, talent,
character, motivation, intellectual skill, and
organization culture. Apparatus competency
influenced in management of village fund that had
been researched by Ismail (2016). The result of
research showed that the power of human resource in
village had significantly not done management of
village fund and apparatus competency was the basic
problem which was faced by village government. In
the other studies, Safwan (2014) showed that
competency together influenced toward performance
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship