AEC attempts at enhancing the economic activities
done by the people. There are some ways to introduce
AEC to the people, one of which is through education.
Teachers hold the duty to introduce students about
AEC. As facilitators, teachers have to teach students
about AEC and its meaning though various teaching
strategies. Teachers may assign the students to
explore from various sources about the definition,
objectives, and characteristics of AEC. This teaching
strategy goes in line with the principle of the 2013
curriculum in which students are demanded to
actively search for what they want to learn from
various sources. As facilitators, teachers are allowed
to give explanation when necessary, and let the
students to learn themselves. Students are expected to
have high understanding and comprehension on AEC.
Teachers should also motivate students and get them
aware that they are the future productive economic
players who should stay optimistic in competing in
the AEC era.
Based on the result of a study conducted by
Huang and Lee (2012) in Siregar, et al (2016), human
resources (including the quality of teachers), process,
organizational policies and curriculum are significant
factors of competitive value development in higher
education level in Taiwan. Those four factors shape
strong foundation of the skills and the cognition of the
students in understanding learning materials. In the
context of the implementation of AEC, improving the
quality of the human resources (students), schools,
and implementing an integrative curriculum become
important agenda. In this context, curriculum and
students are two important elements in the teaching
and learning process at school. Whereas, teachers act
as actors who facilitate and motivate the students to
develop their skills and knowledge.
The result of this study supports Dangdang (2016)
who confirmed that in order to obtain high
comprehension skill, educators should be aware of
the dynamic global environment strategies to be
considered in designing a curriculum. Presently,
students found difficulties in improving their
comprehension skill and their cognition, besides they
also found problems in understanding the Asean
Economic Community. This fact demands teachers to
design good curriculum to equip the students with
adequate knowledge and skills that will allow them to
adapt well with the dynamic global environment.
Teachers hold a key point in introducing AEC to
the students. The process of knowledge transfer runs
smoothly when teachers have innovative and
dynamic view on the ASEAN free trade area.
Teachers’ cognitive skills should be presented in the
form of effective psych motoric and affective actions.
Within the cognition framework, implications that
may occur in the teaching and learning activities
include: 1) How are information or substances of
learning materials should be delivered by teachers in
the classroom? 2) Based on teachers’ expectation,
what are competences that should be mastered by
students in facing AEC era? 3) What are appropriate
teaching strategies to prepare students’ competences
in facing AEC?. Within the psychomotor domain,
teachers should present concrete examples on the
implementation of AEC in student’s daily life. Whilst
in the affective domain, teachers should show
illustrations on the behavioral changes that appear as
the consequences of AEC implementation in the
local, regional and national economic activities. The
most important aspect of affective domain is the
importance of nurturing students’ nationalism and
pride of Indonesia’s local products.
An obvious effort to do for the success of AEC is
designing appropriate economics teaching for
students of high school level. Some important points
to develop teaching and learning plans of economics
Review of curriculum, core competence and
basic competence: International economic
Designing Syllabuses: Arranging course
Material determination: The benefit of
international economic partnership of AEC for
the national economy and local products.
Learning sources planning: Text book, journal,
articles, and internet
Teaching method : Cooperative learning using
Think Pair Share technique
Arranging lesson scenario: Teaching
administrations, teaching media, and facilities
Teaching administrations should be made based
on the curriculum applied for high school level in
Indonesia. The implementation of the 2013
curriculum offers broader chance for teachers in
creating innovations and developing their own
teaching materials and teaching practices. The
materials of economics can be added with
international economic partnership and its
implications toward economic development of a
nation. In designing lesson plans of economics
course, students should be driven to comprehend the
importance of the empowerment of local products to
compete in global Asean market. Local-scale
economic activities are reflected upon various
economic activities that involve local genuine
products, local labour, and local market. The ability
to maintain the existence of this local market
aggregately strengthens the foundation national
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship