Improvement of Social Science Learning Results through Learning
Models of Social Interaction and Modification of Behavior
Sudarmiani Sudarmiani
, Sri Jutmini
, Baedhowi Baedhowi
and Gunarhadi Gunarhadi
PGRI Madiun University, Indonesia
Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Social Science Learning, Social Interaction and Modification of Behavior.
Abstract: This study aims to describe the improvement of Social Science learning outcomes through learning models
of social interaction and behavior modification based on the value of local wisdom for students of Junior High
School 2 Madiun. The research method used is a classroom action research model Kemmis & Mc Taggart.
Techniques of collecting data through test results and non-test results, that is, observation and documentation.
Data analysis used is a model of qualitative analysis with interactive model (Milles and Hubberman, 1992).
Interactive analytical models include data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion (verification).The
result of the research shows the learning result before using the model of social interaction learning and
behavior modification based on local wisdom value of 32 students with Minimal value of mastery score 76,
students who complete 10 students (32%) and unfinished 22 students (68%), Average 75. After the
implementation of the Model, students who completed 27 students (84%) and unfinished 5 students (16%)
with an average score of 87. Depdiknas (2008), the learning is declared complete if 75% of students get value
according to passing grade. Thus Social Learning Interaction Models and Modification Value-Based Values
Local Wisdom can improve learning outcomes Students of 7th grade of Junior High School 2 Madiun.
Social Science learning has been less interesting and
boring. This makes students less interested in learning
and their grades are low. Teachers have not mastered
the competence that will be taught, there is no support
of learning media, learners are not ready to receive
lessons and teaching methods that monotonous
teachers. Based on the observation of learning in the
research location there are also the same obstacles.
Learning that is carried out monotonously through
lecture methods makes learners less enthusiastic and
bored in learning.
In learning, students of Junior High School 2
Madiun tend to be passive and difficult to be invited
to be more active and creative. When the teacher ex-
plains continuously, many students get bored and
then talk to their pocket buddies and play on their
own. It makes student learning outcomes low. From
32 students because 68% of students have failed the
passing grade. Another case that was encountered
during the observation was that social science les-
sons took place during the day less than optimal.
Students feel bored, drowsy and tired quickly causing
The results of the study by Agung S, Leo (2015)
on "The Development of Local Wisdom-Based Social
Science Learning Models with Bengawan Solo as the
Learning Source" based on Local Wisdom-Based
Knowledge model developed with Bengawan Solo as
a learning resource can improve student learning
outcomes and can improve student active-ness in
learning. With the model of social interaction and
behavior modification is expected to improve social
science learning.
According to Dewi, Ika Nurani,, (2017) from
his research, about "ElSII Learning Model Based
Local Wisdom To Improve Students' Problem
Solving Skills And Scientific Communication", EL-
SII learning model based on local wisdom through the
adaptation of environmental conservation values
contained In the social life of the community, can
develop problem-solving skills, scientific
communication, and caring attitude to maintain the
balance of the environment. Based on this application
Sudarmiani, S., Jutmini, S., Baedhowi, B. and Gunarhadi, G.
Improvement of Social Science Learning Results through Learning Models of Social Interaction and Modification of Behavior.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship (ICEEE 2017), pages 676-682
ISBN: 978-989-758-308-7
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
of this model in grade of Junior High School 2
Madiun can improve learning achievement.
The results of the study of Anggraini, P, Kusniarti,
T (2015), on "The Insertion of Local Wisdom into
Instructional Materials of Bahasa Indonesia for 10th
Grade Students in Senior High School", Indonesian
language teaching materials containing local wisdom
not only equip students with knowledge A broad, but
also a strong character. Based on the results of the
study, through learning social interaction and
behavior modification based on local wisdom, can
improve student achievement of Junior High School
2 Madiun.
The various problems above require the right
solution for the target learning can be achieved. One
of the steps to be taken is using Social Interaction
learning model and Behavior Modification. This
model emphasizes the activities and interactions
among students to help each other in mastering the
subject matter to achieve maximum results by
providing rewards as reinforcement supporters.
The research method used is a classroom action
research model Kemmis & McTaggart. Classroom
action research procedures are carried out on an on-
going cycle basis. This classroom action research
takes on the design developed by Kemmis and Mc
Taggart which is the development of the Kurt Lewin
concept. Kemmis Model Scheme & Mc Taggart
(1990) can be seen in the following figure:
Figure 1: Model Kemmis and Mc Taggart.
Based on the Kemmis & Mc Taggart model, the
research steps are carried out in four stages: Planning,
Action, Observation, and Reflection.
2.1 Planning
Activities undertaken at this stage begin with the
preparation of Learning Implementation Plan,
observation sheet, student worksheet then proceed to
prepare the test instrument and non-test. The test
instrument is a matter of performance test and its
assessment. Non test instrument is an observation
guide sheet to observe student activity and teacher
performance in learning process.
2.2 Implementation
At this stage the teacher conducts the learning based
on the implementation plan of learning that has been
prepared together with the researcher. The learning
model used is a model of social interaction and
behavior modification carried out by the re-searcher.
The test given by the teacher is done at the beginning
and end of the cycle.
2.3 Observation
Observation is a memorial activity that aims to
document everything related to the giving of the
action. Implementation of observations during the
course of action. Observations were made using an
observation sheet that serves as a record of events.
Observation is done to the learners activities during
the learning activities. Observation activities con-
ducted at the time of the activity can be useful to
correct if there are activities that are not in accordance
with the original plan.
2.4 Reflection
Reflection is an important activity in research because
with reflection researchers can evaluate what has
been done. The reflection stage is per-formed to
assess and analyze the process, the problems that
arise, and everything related to the actions that have
been done. Reflection is done to find out whether
what happens in accordance with the design, whether
there is no deviation or procedural error, whether the
process as envisaged in the learning scenario, and
whether the results have been satisfactory as
expected. If it is not satisfactory because of
something, it is necessary to have a revised plan,
modified, and if necessary a new learning scenario is
Improvement of Social Science Learning Results through Learning Models of Social Interaction and Modification of Behavior
Data collection techniques in this study were
conducted through test results and non-test results,
namely observation and documentation (Richard
Sagor: 2005). The test technique is used to assess the
learning outcomes with the cognitive domain, be-
cause after the students are given the material to know
the results that have been obtained from the learning
process before and after the action. While non-test in
the form of direct observation is an observation made
to the symptoms or processes that occur in learning
situations are directly observed by observers. While
the documentation is used as concrete evidence of the
circumstances that occur during the process of action
research took place.
The research instrument used is test, student
worksheet, and observation sheet. The test is an
assessment tool on mastery of the subject matter that
has been submitted that must be answered by the
students. The answers in the test can be either writ-
ten or oral. The test used is multiple choice. The
Student Worksheet is used as an instrument to assess
students 'activities when conducting discussions and
measure students' cognitive abilities after discussions
on economic activity materials. While the observation
sheet is used to assess student participation in the
learning process.
Data analysis used is quantitative data analysis
and qualitative data analysis (Michael P. Grady:
1998) (Nataliya V. Ivankova: 2015). Quantitative da-
ta obtained from the test results to determine the ex-
tent to which improvements in student learning out-
comes by scoring on student answers, looking for the
average value obtained by students, and calculate
students' learning mastery. While the analysis of
qualitative data in the form of observation results, by
providing scaled values with numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4.
3.1 Research Results
3.1.1 Description of the Implementation of
Cycle I Planning
Planning is implemented with reference to the data
and findings obtained in the initial observation
activities. Planning is done covering various steps of
activity. Before implementing the model of social
interaction and behavior modification, the researcher
prepares the following research support tools: (1)
Coordinate with the social science study teachers who
have been appointed by the Principal and dis-cuss the
implementation of the model that will be done during
the lesson. (2) Preparing learning tools in the form of
syllabus, Learning scenario, questionnaires, field
notes, competency test grid tests, competency test
questions, and answer keys. (3) Setting up the
PowerPoint media. (4) Prepare learning tool in the
form of book package, laptop, and LCD. (5) Pre-pare
the instruments of data collection among others as
follows. (A) The list of students of class VII, (b) test
result sheets, (c) sheets of student study result
recapitulation, (d) field notes. Implementation of Action
Implementation of class action in the first cycle is
carried out during three meetings and ends with a test
of learning outcome and filling in an attitude
questionnaire. Implementation of the study was con-
ducted on Monday, January 9 to Saturday, January
14, 2017 with Core Competence "Understanding
knowledge (factual, conceptual, and procedural)
based on his curiosity about science, technology, art,
culture related phenomena and eye-catching events.
“Understanding the concept of interaction between
people and space, resulting in a variety of economic
activities (production, distribution, consumption,
demand, and supply) and interaction between spaces
for the sustainability of economic, social and cultural
life of Indonesia." Allocation of time required for the
implementation of first cycle action is 6 x 40 minutes. Observation
During the implementation of the study the re-
searchers made observations. The researchers found
that some students were less active in group work.
Some students bother their friends, tell stories with
friends, and come out indoors. This is because col-
laboratory lack the mastery of classroom
management. As far as the observation of student
researchers generally still have difficulty finding
answers to the problems that must be answered.
During the group discussion, students were quite
active and enthusiastic. Students generally ask a lot,
there are only some students who are busy telling
stories, annoying their friends, and laughing at the
time the group presents the results of his work. As far
as the re-searcher's overall observations students are
generally able to express opinions and respond to the
results of other group discussions. Reflection
Implementation of actions in the first cycle apply the
steps of social interaction model using power-point
and video media. PowerPoint media is used to display
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
images tailored to the material covered, while the use
of instructional videos aims to show economic actors
and deepen the students' knowledge of the topics
discussed in accordance with the problems of each
group. The use of both media has a positive influence
on student interest, motivation, and learning
outcomes. This is evident when the group reports the
observations and responds. Implementation of the
first cycle of the use of both media has not
significantly improved the IPS learning out-comes, so
additional media is needed to be used in the next
3.1.2 First Cycle Learning Outcomes
The data of the first cycle research learning results
obtained from the implementation of the competency
test conducted at the third meeting on Mon-day,
January 16, 2017. Implementation of the first
competency test followed by 32 students and held for
1 lesson. The number of items tested is 20 items with
multiple choice questions. Based on the results of
competency test tests conducted in the first cycle
obtained data value of student learning out-comes
with the following details:
Table 1: Details of learning outcomes of the cognitive
sphere of cycle I.
Learning Outcome
Average value
Not complete
Based on the data the average value of students is
80, students who complete learning as many as 14
people and who do not complete as many as 18
people. There is an increase in student learning out-
comes compared to the initial conditions. This can be
seen with the use of Social Interaction learning model
and Behavior Modification about the concept of need
and scarcity (motive, principle, and economic action)
so that students feel happy, and see the real problems
that occur in the surrounding environment so that they
become active and creative in expressing Argument.
3.1.3 Description of Cycle II
Classroom action research in the second cycle is
carried out for 3 (three) meetings. The
implementation of this research was conducted on
Thursday, January 19, 2017 to Thursday, January 26
2017. The implementation procedure of second class
cycling action includes four stages: planning, action
implementation, observation, and reflection.
Specifically, the four stages of the study are described
as follows. Planning
Stages of planning carried out in the second cycle
refers to the alternative actions and solutions
formulated by researchers and collaborators at the
first stage of reflection. The steps taken in the second
cycle of planning activities carried out with reference
to the data and findings obtained in the reflection
activities in the first cycle, the planning that covers
the various steps of activities before the action is done
with the model of distribution activities by preparing
per- Raise the following research sup-port:
1) Coordinate with collaborators and request
permission from the Principal to conduct field visits
as implementation of social interaction learning
model and modification of behavior based on local
wisdom. Prepare learning tools such as: syllabus,
Learning Program Plan (RPP), questionnaire, test
grid of competency test, competency test question,
and answer key. 2) Prepare media and learning tools
such as power book package, laptop, LCD, Genset. 3)
Prepare the instruments of data collection among
others. (a) A list of students of 7th grade. (b) Sheets
of recapitulation of student learning outcomes. (c)
Test result sheet. (d) Field note sheets. Implementation of Action
Implementation of class actions in the second cycle
during the three meetings and end with the test results
and filling questionnaire attitudes. Implementation of
the study was conducted on Monday, January 19 to
Saturday, January 26, 2017 with Core Competence
"Understanding knowledge (factual, conceptual, and
procedural) based on his curiosity about science,
technology, art, culture related phenomena and eye-
catching events. “Understanding the concept of
interaction between people and space, resulting in a
variety of economic activities (production,
distribution, consumption, demand, and supply) and
interaction between spaces for the sustainability of
economic, social and cultural life of Indonesia."
Allocation of time required for the implementation of
first cycle action is 6 x 40 minutes. Observation
Observation activity in the second cycle, re-searchers
found increased activeness in carrying out the
investigation. Overall the students play an active role
in carrying out their respective duties, it is be-cause
the problems are observed really as they experience
and feel in their daily lives.
Improvement of Social Science Learning Results through Learning Models of Social Interaction and Modification of Behavior
Just as when presenting an observation report in
front of the class, the activity of asking and
responding to questions increases sharply, it can be
seen during the discussion, almost all students raised
their hands to respond to the investigator report of the
presenter group. Some students are upset because
they are not given the opportunity to express their
response. Seeing these conditions, collaborators
occasionally give the students understanding that re-
membering time is not possible if all questions are
mocked. The solution is every question should rep-
resent the group and each group is given the
opportunity to ask one question. Reflection
Based on the data of student learning outcomes in the
second cycle it can be concluded that the results of
this class action research already meet the criteria of
success of the study. It refers to the aver-age grade
score of 87 or 84% learning mastery. Referring to the
data above learning results, then the second cycle of
research implementation meets the criteria of success
of the research that has been determined. Therefore,
this study was discontinued until the second cycle.
3.1.4 Second Cycle Learning Results
The second cycle research result data was obtained
from the implementation of the competency test
conducted at the third meeting on Thursday, January
26, 2017. The second cycle of competency test was
followed by 32 students and held for 20 minutes. The
number of questions tested is 20 items with multiple
choice objective type.
Based on the results of competency test tests con-
ducted in the second cycle obtained the value of
student learning outcomes with the following details.
Table 2: Details of learning outcomes of the cognitive
sphere of cycle II.
Learning Outcome
Average value
Not complete
Based on the data, the average of student
achievement reaches 87, which is complete learn 27
people and not complete 5 people or learning result
reach 84%.
Comparison of Student Learning Data in
Preliminary Condition (Pre-Action), Cycle I and
Cycle II. Comparison of learning outcomes ranging
from initial conditions (pre-action), first cycle, and
second cycle then below presented a comparison table
as follows:
Table 3: Comparison of learning result data on pre-action,
cycle I, and cycle II.
Learning Outcome
cycle 1
cycle II
Average value
Percentage complete
Percentage not
Based on the data of student learning outcomes,
the average student scores on initial conditions only
75 or the percentage of mastery 34%. After the first
cycle, the average learning outcomes increase to 80
or the completion percentage reaches 66%, after the
action in the third cycle the average learning out-
come reaches 86 or the percentage of mastery in-
creases to 84%.
Based on the data of these learning results, the
research on this second cycle has been in accordance
with the indicator of successful research that is set at
3.1.5 First and Second Cycle Differences First Cycle
Implementation of learning in the first cycle
implements the steps of learning model of social
inter-action and behavior modification. The
deepening of the subject matter utilizes library and
PowerPoint media. Libraries are used as a means to
learn and find answers to the problems that make up
tasks through textbooks, newspapers, magazines and
relevant sources. Power points are used as a means to
clarify material not found in libraries. Such as images,
photos and videos related to the material. Power-point
also serves as a tool to explain the steps of the
learning model so that students more quickly catch
the message delivered. In the first cycle student
learning outcomes average 80 or completeness of
learning reached 66%. Media power points, libraries,
and markets, in an effort to relate the subject matter
to the actual conditions that can be perceived by
students so that the lesson is really contextual. The
market becomes the object of observation done by the
students to do a search about the problems associated
with the distribution in the observation.
Implementation of observations in the market gives a
huge change to the learning outcomes of the second
cycle. This can be known after done with the test of
learning achieves an average of 87 or 84% complete
learning. Based on the data, the second cycle
implementation using the environment media
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
(market) as an object that can be observed directly
(observation) by the students, san gat gives a big
influence on student learning outcomes.
3.2 Discussion
3.2.1 Pre-action
Prior to the classroom action research, the learning
activities undertaken by teachers still apply
conventional learning methods. The learning method
implemented tends to be one way traffic without
actively involving student participation in learning.
The material presented is abstract, theoretical, and
academic by promoting rote as one way of mastery of
the material being studied. Application of
conventional learning methods because students are
not able to develop creativity cannot analyze the
problems or concrete problems faced in everyday life
and only able to remember the material taught in a
short time.
3.2.2 Implementation of Social Interaction
Model and Behavior Modification
Implementation of social interaction learning model
and behavior modification based on local wisdom is
done by using PowerPoint media, library and the
surrounding environment (market) as a medium to
convey information about the subject matter in
observation in order to build spirit, interest, learning
motivation that relate theoretical lessons with real life
Constraints faced in the implementation of social
interaction learning model and modification of
behavior based on local wisdom is a) Time
management that has not maximal in Implementation
of social interaction learning model and modification
of behavior based on local wisdom in IPS learning
pro-cess, b) Observation on the activity of learners is
very limited so that The phenomenon of learners'
behavior is not completely readable, the change in the
attitude of learners requires continuous supervision
and control, c) Implementation of social interaction
learning model and modification of behavior based on
local wisdom has not been maximized due to time
constraints, d) Lack of spirit of collaborators to
implement interaction learning model Social and
behavior modification based on local wisdom be-
cause it is familiar with conventional learning
The researcher solves the problem of applying
social interaction learning model and behavior
modification based on local wisdom by designing and
executing the learning in accordance with learning
scenario that has been compiled, improving the
mastery of the class, improving the concept of
learning mod-el of social interaction and modification
of behavior based on local wisdom, And media use to
enable collaborators to feel the importance of
meaningful, fun, and innovative learning strategies,
investigative implementation must using time other
than school hours.
The use of learning model of Social Interaction and
Modification of Behavior based on Local Wisdom
Values is very pleasing and can improve the quality
of learning include student activeness in following the
lesson, arguing courage and student learning
outcomes also increase. The combination of the two
components is not only students learn through
textbooks or social science course materials, but
students also learn cooperatively students can directly
link the subject matter with real world students, so
that students really feel the real what they learn and
motivated with Rewards that become teacher
strengthening for students whose interests and
learning outcomes best. We recommend that teachers
apply the Use of Social Interaction learning model
and Behavior Modification based on Local Wisdom
Values tailored to the learning materials. The use of
social interaction learning model is very suitable to be
applied with behavior modification to emphasize the
activity and interaction among students to help each
other in mastering the subject matter in order to
achieve maximum result by giving reward as the
supporting reinforcement.
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