The Reinforcement of Craft and Entrepreneurship Education in
Senior High Schools
Sugiono Sugiono, Trisno Martono and Dewi Kusuma Wardani
Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Indonesia.,,
Keywords: Craft and Entrepreneurship education.
Abstract: This research aimed to find out the constraints occurring in the implementation of craft and entrepreneurship
education. This research employed qualitative research method. The research was taken place in three
schools in DKI Jakarta as the beneficiaries of entrepreneurship program grant from the government. Data
was collected through interview and observation. The result of research showed the less optimum
implementation of craft and entrepreneurship education. The constraints the teacher encountered in the
implementation of Craft and Entrepreneurship subject were: teacher having no background of
Entrepreneurship Education, No Subject Teacher Discussion (MGMP) group available and no supporting
activity for Craft and Entrepreneurship subject. Therefore, this research recommended the reinforcement of
entrepreneurship education learning through establishing MGMP team, teacher training, and sustainable
integration of entrepreneurship subject and program.
Time change requires education realm to make
innovation in the attempt of contributing to
preparing human resource to have competiveness.
National education system has a variety of duties
and responsibilities to give solution to challenge and
opportunities in global era. Thus, it is expected that
Indonesia can win the competition in the future. The
policy released should be implemented intensively
by government as the corrective attempt, regarding
system, organization pattern, facility, and the
improvement of teacher quality and other
components related to education realm. The policy
made is intended to improve the quality of
education, to answer the time demand and to
promote the development of knowledge and
Education at Senior High School level in
Indonesia has a challenge. The number of opened
unemployment by education level is the highest one
during 2011-2015 and it increases over times at
secondary school level. In 2011, the number of
Senior High School graduates contributes
unemployment number of 2,376,254, and in 2012,
this number decreases to 1,867,755. However, in
2013-2015 it increases successively: 1,925,660;
1,962,786; and 2,280,029 (BPS, 2016).
McKinsey Global Institute (2012) stated that
demographic transition will occur in Indonesia that
will open the demographic bonus opportunity during
2030. Indonesia is predicted to have a larger number
of populations with productive age identical with the
secondary school student age; it will impact on the
higher opportunity and potency of improving
productivity, thereby improving its population’s
Considering the ideal expectation, Human
Resource Development in productive age through
Senior High School education in Indonesia becomes
a very important target. Senior High School
education is expected to result in a high-quality
graduates that can adapt to the change and are
competitive at global scale. It is because Indonesia
as the state with large potency has an opportunity of
being the one with developed economy. There
should be a policy that can encourage the creation of
young entrepreneurship and empower the
entrepreneurship as the attempt of supporting
national development. Demographic bonus should
also be followed with the even distribution of
education and the improvement of human resource
quality, so that demographic bonus becomes a
potency that can be maximized for the state advance.
Considering the Republic of Indonesia Education
and Culture Minister’s Regulation Number 81A of
2013 about Curriculum Implementation, learning
Sugiono, S., Martono, T. and Wardani, D.
The Reinforcement of Craft and Entrepreneurship Education in Senior High Schools.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship (ICEEE 2017), pages 683-689
ISBN: 978-989-758-308-7
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
should support the students to develop
entrepreneurship spirit and life competency skill of
students. This fact occurring requires the Senior
High School Education to equip its graduates with a
science to create job opportunity. The intended
science is entrepreneurship science. The
reinforcement of entrepreneurship education is
expected to change the mind set of Senior High
School graduates no longer to be job seeking-
oriented but to have vision to create job opportunity.
That is why the smart entrepreneurship should be
quipped with knowledge, insight, skill, mindset,
strategy and tactic.
Kao defines entrepreneurship as entrepreneur’s
attitude and behavior; entrepreneur is an innovative,
anticipative, initiative, risk-taking, and profit-
oriented one (Suherman, 2008). Zimmerer defines
entrepreneurship as the product of a discipline, a
systematic process in applying creativity and
innovation in the attempt of meeting the market need
and opportunity (Suryana, 2013). Meredith
(Mulyani, 2011) states that the characteristics of
those having entrepreneurial spirit are: self-
confident, task-and outcome-oriented, taking risk
bravely, having leadership spirit, future-oriented,
and original. From definitions above, the
entrepreneurial values have been mentioned as well.
The inculcation of entrepreneurial values can be
done through education channel. The
entrepreneurship-based education is the one
applying principles and methodology toward the
internalization of values into the students through a
curriculum integrated into the development
occurring in both school and society environment
and the use of learning model and strategy relevant
to the objective of learning (Winano, 2009).
Indonesian Government, through Presidential
Instruction Number 4 of 1995 about National
Movement of Socializing and Cultivating
Entrepreneurship mandates all Indonesian people to
develop entrepreneurship programs. Mulyani (2011)
in her study states that the government’s attempt of
socializing entrepreneurship has not exerted a
significant effect yet. The success of
entrepreneurship education program can be seen
from the achievement of students, teacher and
headmaster. Students have high entrepreneurship
character, attitude and behavior. Class environment
can develop student habit and behavior consistent
with entrepreneurship values internalized. School
life environment serves as the learning environment
with entrepreneurship nuance supporting
entrepreneurship activity. In his study, Winarno
(2009) found that the entrepreneurship values the
students have are relatively less optimal, so that it
indicates that the entrepreneurship attitude of
students has not been established well. Maryati
(2015) considers the need for a policy that can
support the birth of young entrepreneur and to
empower it to support national development. There
should be synergy of all stakeholders to contribute
actively to socializing entrepreneurship, thereby
having implication to the creation of
entrepreneurship attitude that will support national
The development of entrepreneurship talent is
important to maintain the competitive advantage in
global economic competition based on innovation.
The role of high-quality education in improving the
students’ entrepreneurship potency is important and
can be the alternative to career choice. An
entrepreneurship-based education is the one
applying principles and methodology to internalize
the values into the students through a curriculum
integrated into the development occurring in both
society and global environments and the use of
learning strategy relevant to the learning objective.
Entrepreneurship education becomes an important
capital (asset) for the students. An outcome of
entrepreneurship education is that the students can
resolve conflict and be more responsible. Education
institution is responsible for improve the graduates’
life competency as the capital to deal with any
changes occurring in the society.
Teacher is an important factor in spurring the
quality of education, so that the improvement of
teacher competency is a must. Teacher becomes an
actor in learning process in which teacher acts as
learning facilitator, motivator, activator, and
inspirer. There are three main preconditions of
education development in the attempt of improving
human resource quality: building infrastructure,
high-quality book, and professional teacher and
educational staff (Mulyasa, 2013). The improvement
of professional teacher is an attempt of helping the
less professional teacher to have professional ability.
The improvement of teacher’s professionalism is
conducted merely to realize the improvement of
education quality and the achievement of education
objective. Teacher becomes the key actor to
education advance. Teacher becomes a starting point
in transforming values. Teacher, as educator, is
responsible for sending down values and norms to
the students; in the presence of value transformation,
value conservation process will occur because
education process is an attempt of creating new
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
From the result of research, the following
problems are found: Teacher of Craft and
Entrepreneurship subject does not have
Entrepreneurship education background; there is no
Subject Teacher Discussion (MGMP) group so that
for Craft and Entrepreneurship subject, every teacher
should make elaboration according to their ability,
and there is no supporting activity for the Craft and
Entrepreneurship subject.
The implementation of Craft and
Entrepreneurship education in the attempt of
improving Senior High School graduates in order to
have high competitiveness should involve all of
stakeholders including government, school
component, and community component. One of
actors important to school component is teacher.
Teacher plays an important role in the attempt of
transforming entrepreneurship values to the students
so that the students can define and conceive
entrepreneurship values that will have implication to
the creation of student character with
entrepreneurship character. The Craft and
Entrepreneurship education is so important at Senior
High School that there should be reinforcement in
craft and entrepreneurship education subject. The
reinforcement of craft and entrepreneurship
education subject aims to achieve the objective of
craft and entrepreneurship education.
This research employs a qualitative method,
according to Richie and Lewis (2003), defined as the
attempt of presenting social realm and its
perspective in the world, from concept, behavior,
perception and problem of human beings studied.
This qualitative research employed
phenomenological approach. Creswell (2015)
mentions that phenomenological study describes a
number of individuals’ general interpretation on
their life experience related to concept or
phenomena. Social situation becoming the object of
research was schools existing in DKI Jakarta as the
beneficiaries of program entrepreneurship grant
from government. The sampling technique used is
purposive sampling. Glaser & Strauss (Kalof, Dan
& Dietz, 2008) states that the use of purposive
sampling technique is not intended to be
representative or typical but to maximize the scope
of information found. The collection of data using
interviews, observation and study of the document.
Moleong (2016) states that data source and type
involved are words and action, written source,
photograph and statistic data.
3.1 Education Background of Craft
and Entrepreneurship Teacher
The education background of teacher becomes main
constraint in implementing craft and
entrepreneurship education. It is in line with the
result of interview with Vice-Headmaster of SMA N
66 Jakarta stating that:
“Our biggest constraint is that we do not have
pure entrepreneurship teacher. It is the biggest
constraint, while other constraints can be solved, for
example, we can deal with the processing-related
learning by discussing it with the division. The
presence of entrepreneurship officer will make it
easier. The school lacks of entrepreneurship teacher,
so that entrepreneurship subject is assumed by the
teachers with no entrepreneurship background. To
deal with such the problem, every teacher holds
discussion before delivering material to the
The result of interview with the craft and
entrepreneurship subject shows that a teacher said “I
have Japanese language education background but I
am asked for teaching Entrepreneurship. I think it is
very far away from my education background; then I
have prior mindset that entrepreneurship is only
limited to trading and I do not have trading ability
and experience. The learning conducted is consistent
with teacher’s ability so that I deliver material of
textile craft.
It is confirmed by the second teacher saying that
“the biggest problem is my chemistry education
background, so that any time we come to the new
material or chapter, I should think hard related to the
material I should deliver to the students. To deal
with it, I search for material via internet and
sometimes the material in internet is different from
that in textbook”.
The students respond to the craft and
entrepreneurship subject as follows: “Yeah, it is less
clear; then I think that the teacher understands
poorly what the entrepreneur is, so we should
explore ourselves to get the meaning of
entrepreneur; and the class makes us bored because
the learning process delivers theory only and
learning process is developed inadequately.
The Reinforcement of Craft and Entrepreneurship Education in Senior High Schools
Overall, the result of interview shows that the
education background of entrepreneurship teacher at
school is varying from physics, chemistry,
mathematics, to Guiding and Counseling teachers.
There is no entrepreneurship subject teacher with
education background so that its learning
development is adjusted with the ability of
corresponding teacher. The effect of varying
education background is that the students consider
that the teachers cannot develop craft and
entrepreneurship subject.
Suryadi (2014) mentions that the professional
teacher will result in learning program that can
motivate the students to learn and can impact greatly
on the students’ achievement. Law Number 14 of
2005 about Teacher and Lecturer, in article 1 clause
1, mentions that teacher is a professional educator in
charge of educating, teaching, guiding, directing,
training, assessing, and evaluating the students in
early age child education of formal education,
primary education and secondary education. In
article 1 clause 2, it is mentioned that the teacher
serves as a professional personnel in primary,
secondary and early age child education in formal
education channel hired corresponding to the
legislations. Regarding teacher competency, as
included in Article 10, teacher should have four
main competencies: pedagogic competency,
personality competency, social competency, and
professional competency acquired through
professional education.
Teacher plays a very vital role because he/she
contributes to determining the students’ successful
learning, particularly in teaching-learning process.
Teacher should prepare the procedure of learning
process. The procedure includes planning,
implementation, and assessment. As an educator,
teacher serves as caretaker, forwarder, and translator
of value systems becoming the source of habit norm
prevailing in the society (Natsir, 2007).
The improvement of education, particularly
teacher competency, should be done continuously.
Mulyani (2011) mentions that the quality of process
can be achieved when the learning process runs
effectively and the students can conceive and
interpret the learning process. The quality of product
can be achieved when the students have ability of
mastering the learning task corresponding to its need
in life and work realm’s demand. The improvement
of teacher competency is important to ensure the
successful learning process that will have
implication to good learning product or outcome for
the students. It is refers to the Republic of Indonesia
Education and Culture Minister’s Regulation
Number 81A of 2013 about Curriculum
Implementation mentioning that the learning activity
should support the students’ growth and
development in order to have entrepreneurship spirit
and to have life competency. Thus, the students have
good capital to continue to the next education level
and/or to enter into work realm.
Considering the main problem in which the Craft
and Entrepreneurship teacher does not have craft and
entrepreneurship education background, Mulyasa
(2013) mentions that this education background
should correlate positively to education quality,
along with other factors affecting it; thereby it is
necessary to improve the teacher ability. The
attempts that can be taken to improve teachers’
competency are: to hold training and to establish
teacher network.
The development of education advance should be
followed with the improvement of teachers’ ability
and skill. Knowledge, skill and attitude of teacher
highly determine the learning process in education
class and process at school. The improvement of
teacher’s knowledge, skill and attitude can be done
through training channel. Sherman, Bohlander, and
Churden (Musfah, 2012) mention that training is the
process utilized by organization to change the
workers’ behavior, contributing to overall mission,
and personal and professional development of
individuals involved. Training can improve ability
and skill. The improvement of teacher’s skill can
have implication to support the teacher to develop
competency, to encourage to solve the problem
encountered and to help the teacher anticipate need
and problem, and to formulate policy and action plan
as suggested by Kydd (Musfah, 2012).
Therefore, from the elaboration above, training
should be held for craft and entrepreneurship teacher
as the solution to the school in the attempt of dealing
with varying education background of teacher.
Training becomes the school institution or related
institution’s attempt of preparing professional
teacher in entrepreneurship field. Training can be
another factor in the attempt of reinforcing the craft
and entrepreneurship education. This
entrepreneurship training is intended to give the
teachers the good understanding and perception on
the subject they assume. Training can also improve
teacher ability and/or skill, thereby having
implication to the improvement of teacher
The attempt that should be taken to improve
teacher competency is to improve the network of
subject teacher. Referring to the problem
encountered, that is, no Subject Teacher Discussion
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
(MGMP) available, such the team should be
established. MGMP aims to improve teacher quality
and professionalism in their own group (Mulyasa,
2012). The activity deriving from one of this study
area clumps is conducted to discuss the problems
related to the study field (Suyanto & Jihad, 2013).
MGMP (Subject Teacher Discussion) is a
forum/medium of subject teacher’s professional
activity in SMP/MTs (Junior High School/Islamic
Junior High School), SMPLB/MTsLB (Junior High
School/Islamic Junior High School for students with
special needs), SMA/MA (Senior High
School/Islamic Senior High School), SMK/MAK
(Vocational Middle School/Islamic Vocational
Middle School), SMALB/MALB (Senior High
School/Islamic Senior High School for students with
special needs) existing in one area/regency/city/sub
district/studio/ school cluster) (Directorate of
Educator Profession, 2008). Corresponding to its
objective, MGMP is a medium for teacher to expand
insight, share experience, empower the member of
group, improve education process quality, and
improve teacher competency through activity at
MGMP level. The establishment of MGMP team for
craft and entrepreneurship subject teacher is
important, recalling that the main problem of craft
and entrepreneurship education implementation is
teacher with no craft and entrepreneurship education
background. The establishment of MGMP team
becomes the solution to improve teacher ability
referring to the objective of KKG (Teacher Work
Group)/MGMP as included into the standard
development of KKG/MGMP. Thus, the
establishment of MGMP plays an important role in
supporting activity and development of teacher
The successful implementation of craft and
entrepreneurship education can be seen from
teacher’s understanding on entrepreneurship
education because the teacher’s high understanding
on entrepreneurship will facilitate the teacher in
implementing the entrepreneurship program
(Sugiharsono, Lestari & Sagoro, 2014). In addition
to have understanding on entrepreneurship, the
teacher should be integrated into entrepreneurship
(Wibowo, 2011). Teacher plays an important role in
the successful implementation of craft and
entrepreneurship education, so that teacher should
improve his/her competency through training.
3.2 Integration of Subject and
Sustainable Program
The implementation of craft and entrepreneurship
education needs a synergy of all components
existing in school environment in order that the
internalization of craft and entrepreneurship
education values can run well. Through this
integration, the students are expected to obtain
awareness of the importance of entrepreneurship
values in daily life, through learning process both
inside and outside classroom (National Education
Ministry, 2010).
Entrepreneurship values are integrated into
learning sets (syllabus and learning implementation
plan/RPP). Independency, creativity, risk taking,
leadership, action-orientation and work hard are
main values of entrepreneurship integrated into all
subjects. The learning implementation plan is the
plan describing learning procedure and organization
to achieve a basic competency specified in standard
content and elaborated in syllabus (Isdisusilo, 2012).
The components of RPP are at least consisted of:
learning objective, material, method, source, and
outcome evaluation. This implementation plan
becomes a guideline for teacher in teaching-learning
Mulyasa (2008) mentions four advantages of
Learning Implementation Plan: firstly, explaining
information related to the achievement of student
competency, and preconditions needed by the
students to attend the learning at school. Secondly,
RPP improves the efficiency of implementation
process. Thirdly, it implements the sustainable
development process. Fourthly, it can be used to be
an attractive scientific work product as the proposed
material of position/grade promotion for an
educator, so that a learning plan should be designed
corresponding to standard content and basic
competency at different grade level.
The craft and entrepreneurship education values
can be integrated into learning set and can be
implemented by every subject teacher through
connecting the material to craft and
entrepreneurship. The result of interview shows
“every subject has correlation to entrepreneurship,
for example, biology subject can be connected to
cultivation material that can yield money”.
It is confirmed with the result of interview with
teacher mentioning that “Everything works. So the
curriculum integrates into craft and entrepreneurship
teacher, and it is embodied into all teachers. It means
that all teachers have responsibility”. The integration
of craft and entrepreneurship subject becomes
The Reinforcement of Craft and Entrepreneurship Education in Senior High Schools
important in the attempt of internalizing
entrepreneurship values to students, those values can
also be the foundation for students in the attempt of
creating character.
The integration can also be done through
extracurricular activity at school. One objective of
extracurricular activity is to develop the students’
competency as the complement of teaching-learning
activity in the classroom. Extracurricular activity
impacts positively on giving the students an
understanding on entrepreneurship. For example, a
student of SMA Negeri 66 Jakarta suggests that “I
am originally not interested in entrepreneur. This
prior thinking is related to my assumption about
entrepreneurship that wastes time only. Having
attended Student Company extracurricular activity, I
feel that entrepreneurship is important and can equip
me with the skill after I am graduated from Senior
High School”.
Then teacher of craft and entrepreneurship
subject informs that “there is a very prominent
difference between students attending
entrepreneurship extracurricular activity and those
not; the students attending are more active and
understand the entrepreneurship better because they
are built by an institution operating in
entrepreneurship field”.
In addition to through integration, the Craft and
Entrepreneurship Education subject in Senior High
School is the program of identifying
entrepreneurship concept, developing
entrepreneurship value, practicing business
development, obtaining practical experience with
entrepreneurship, growing an interest in being
entrepreneur, and developing entrepreneurship
potency (Directorate of Senior High School
Building, 2016). Organizing entrepreneurship
program should be done systematically through
curriculum and learning conducted sustainably. The
presence of entrepreneurship program at Senior
High School level gives the students the opportunity
of developing their potency in entrepreneurship field
in addition to going beyond the learning process in
the classroom.
Entrepreneurship program can also give
empirical experience to the students related to
entrepreneurship so that the students can understand
the meaningfulness of entrepreneurship. The
meaningful education is organized with orientation
to empowerment, and to the creation of noble
character, disposition, personality, or superior
character, and life competency (Sugiharsono, Lestari
& Sagoro, 2014). This entrepreneurship program
should also be developed corresponding to the
school’s potency, so that the program implemented
can run effectively and achieve the target
The reinforcement of craft and entrepreneurship
education in Senior High School education unit is
the attempt of producing Senior High School
graduates with entrepreneurship spirit and life
competency. Craft and entrepreneurship education is
expected to be the solution to Indonesia in order to
prepare the competitive human resource in global
competition and to utilize the opportunity of
demographic opportunity. The implementation of
craft and entrepreneurship education still find some
constraints: No Subject Teacher Discussion
(MGMP) group is available and there is no
supporting activity for Craft and Entrepreneurship
This research gives some recommendations to
deal with those problems. Firstly, MGMP team
should be established to be the teachers’ medium of
expanding their insight and to improve teacher
professionalism, secondly, training should be held in
the attempt of improving teachers’ understanding
and perception on entrepreneurship, thereby having
implication to the successful learning
implementation. Thirdly, subject should be
integrated, by including entrepreneurship values into
the learning set. Fourthly, the sustainable
entrepreneurship program can give the students the
empirical and practical experience with
entrepreneurship. These attempts can be the solution
to the reinforcement of entrepreneurship education
in internalizing entrepreneurship values.
The writers give thanks to SMA Negeri 66 Jakarta,
SMA Negeri 61 Jakarta and SMA Negeri 79 Jakarta
for as the data source.
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