The results above data shows the value of r = -
0.859 means the relationship between the rate of
inflation with the level of economic growth Indonesia
shows a very strong relationship and Negative and
negative pattern. This means that the higher the rate
of inflation will result in lower economic growth, as
well as the unemployment rate, but not as much as the
effect caused by the inflation rate is the same as the
result of research conducted by Vinaya who
conducted research in 32 Asian Countries
(Vinayagathasan, 2013). Furthermore, the role of
government in making regulations and legislation is
very helpful in order to succeed the economic growth
of a country (Huang & Ho, 2016). Likewise the
business community that always has the innovation
and creativity can maximize its potential to support
the development and economic growth in the State of
Indonesia (Riswanto, 2016).
This research concludes some things that is that both
factors are examined both the level of inflation and
unemployment has a solvent to the economic growth
rate Indonesia country. The second, it can be
concluded that the level of insulation has a significant
influence on the level of economic growth. Third, the
need for cooperation of various parties, both
communities, governments and other countries to
increase economic growth in Indonesia.
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Indonesian Economic Growth Rate: Inflation and Unemployment Rate Analysis