the company. This affects the company's ability to
earn profits, so that in increasing the profit, the
entrepreneur certainly will not be separated from the
competition that will ultimately determine whether
his business will succeed in increasing profits or
even decreased in the face of competition and
increasingly stringent industry challenges.
According to Porter in Anorga Pandji (2009: 341)
argued that keen competition is the result of a
number of interacting structural factors, namely:
Number of competitors that are large or balanced,
sluggish industry growth, cost & Fixed or high
storage costs, lack of differentiation or switching
costs, large capacity increases, multiple competitors,
large strategic bets, and high resignation barriers. So
in the face of competition, companies need the right
competitive strategy in order to maintain the
sustainability of their business, increase profits and
gain competitive advantage. Then it can be
concluded that the competition has a two-way
influence on profit means that competition can give
a positive influence and negative influence.
According to Adam Smith in pressman (2000: 34)
explained To generate more profits earned by
employers depends on the circumstances of the
market where the company is located. The market
structure in the furniture industry under study is a
monopolistic market, as explained by Edward E.
Chamberlin and Joan Robinson in Tati Suhartati
(2012: 193) in which the characteristics are: 1).
There are many sellers, 2). The goods are different
in style, 3). Companies have little power to influence
prices, 4), entry in industry is relatively easy, 5).
Competition promotes very active sales.
Statement proposed by Chamberlin is supported
by Case & Fair (2002: 59) who argued that, "the
behavior of companies that want to achieve
maximum profit depends on the characteristics of
the market where the company is competing" and
that every company that wants to maximize profit
depends on its management internally in relation to
companies Competitors.
According to Case and Fair (2002: 372), in
monopolistic competition market, competition can
be done through: 1) Price, because the price set by
the company will affect the amount of sales and the
amount of profit to be received by the company. 2)
The product, if the entrepreneur can differentiate his
product from all other competitors, the entrepreneur
may be able to raise the price without losing all his
requests. 3) Promotion. With the holding of a
vigorous promotion, it is expected that consumers
will be interested to become customers.
The object of this research is competition and
managerial competence as independent variable and
profit as dependent variable or (Y), while subject in
this research is furniture industry entrepreneur
Malabar and Cicaheum in Bandung city. The
method used in this research is explanatory survey.
Population in this penelitin is all furniture
entrepreneurs who are in Kosambi Jl. Malabar and
Caheum Jl. A. H. Nasution Bandung, which
amounted to 33 entrepreneurs. Related to the sample
of this study, it is known that the furniture industry
business is located. In Bandung there are in two
points namely Kosambi and Cicaheum. Samples of
research all furniture industry entrepreneurs who are
in two points in Bandung city based on the results of
the study amounted to 33 entrepreneurs. In this study
data collection is done by using the instrument in the
form of questionnaire or questionnaire, therefore
tested the validity and reliability of the instrument of
this study so that the results of research is not biased
and doubtfulness. With multiple regression analysis.
According to Yana Rohmana (2013, pp. 59), the
model of multiple linear regression equations, as
Y : Profit
βο : Regression Constant
β1 : Regression Coefficient X1
β2 : Regression Coefficient X2
X1 : Competition
X2 : Managerial Competence
e : Anxiety Factor
The data analyzed is data collected from the research
results, then will be tested through Eviews 6. Data
processing is done by statistical method by using
multiple linear regression model because the
independent variable in this research more than one.
Data obtained on an ordinal scale should be
converted into an interval scale using MSI (Methode
Succesive Interval) as it is a requirement of the use
of regression analysis. In this study the authors take