Analysis of Vision Statement of Indonesia’s 10 Best Universities
Tigin Lugiani , Nova Rahmawati Chaidi
, Sofiyah Sofiyah and Choi Jung Hyun
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi No.229,Bandung, Indonesia
{tiginlugiani, novarahmawatichaidir, sofiyah, choijunghyun}
Keywords: Vision, Vision Statement, Universities.
Abstrack : The evolution of the global economy that continues to lean towards market openness and economic
integration demands that Indonesia continuously strengthen its competitiveness by utilizing its
advantages. In improving their competitiveness Universities must have clear goals and objectives in order
to compete in the global community and at the international level. Universities as institutions of higher
education should be able to create an educational order to produce high-quality human resources,
supported by readiness from all parts of the university through a vision statement that can be used as a
reference. College is a competitive resource printing tool. A vision statement can be used to promote
university competence. This research aims to analyze the vision statement of Higher education’s
2016/2017 decision. Research done by descriptive method, using secondary data collection technique.
The universities strategic plans, obtained from the internet, and other ne necessary data were analyzed
using content analysis based on the indicators for an ideal vision statement, which are: easy to understand,
easy to remember, positive, motivational, inspirational, interesting, challenging, and future oriented. The
results show that from the 10 universities analyzed, ITB and UGM have complete vision statements.
The development of the University as well as
Science is increasing from year to year and the
University, as a higher education institution
conducting scientific research, provides solutions to
deal with the problem of state on training qualified
workers. Universities are expected to be able to
conduct scientific research, develop solutions to
national and universal problems, disseminate
knowledge, skills, and insights, publish and give
examples in all fields (Özdem, 2011).
The current Internet revolution has facilitated the
concept of openness more than ever before. Today,
some technologies support the modern education
paradigm in terms of creation, communication, and
collaboration. In addition, technology has created
many opportunities and opened people's minds in
terms of knowledge sharing (Shu-Hsiang, Jaitip, &
Ana, 2015). The development of the world economic
situation which continues to grow in the direction of
market openness and integration of the economy
demands that Indonesia continuously strengthens its
competitiveness by utilizing its own advantages. To
that end, all institutions including higher education
must develop real programs to be able to compete in
the international world (Indonesian Higher
Education, Research, and Technology, 2015).
Figure 1: Logical framework taken from kemenristek in supporting competitiveness.
Lugiani, T., Chaidir, N., Sofiyah, S. and Hyun, C.
Analysis of Vision Statement of Indonesia’s 10 Best Universities.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship (ICEEE 2017), pages 740-744
ISBN: 978-989-758-308-7
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
In improving their competitiveness, universities
must have clear goals and objectives in order to
compete in the globalized community and at the
international level. Having a clear vision and
is very important in order to achieve organizational
goals. Vision is a guide,
from several aspects, that
focuses and ties employees to the future goals of
business as a tool of planning and motivation
(Karakaya et al., 2012). Essentially, your mission
statement becomes your constitution, a solid
expression of vision and values (MacLeod, 2016).
Vision is the image of the company’s future.
Vision, as a basic factor that reflects clearly the
understanding of the current situation and the future
situation, shows the company's goals and affects all
the important elements of it and has a quite important
position nowadays in organizational management
strategies (Altiok, 2011). A vision statement is a
portrait of the institution to establish a future; vision
projects the future of the university (Rashid et al.,
2016). Vision is the starting point of organizational
transformation and it supports organizational
strategy (Kantabutra & Avery, 2010).
Robert Abelman's research in the Journal of An
Assessment of the Institutional Vision of Catholic
Colleges and Universities shows that the best
philosophical concept is an institutional vision. An
analysis of the content and vision of Catholic schools
generates motivational keywords with components
that are found feasible, and missions are easily
disseminated and well understood. The results of his
study define the characteristics of vision as using a
clear, highly optimistic, an inspiring language
(Abelman & Dalessandro, 2008).
Vision Statement must fall into several criteria:
easy to understand, easy to remember, positive,
motivating, inspiring, interesting, challenging, and
future oriented (Papulova, 2014). In creating
competitiveness in Indonesian state universities the
vision statement is used as a reference for achieving
competitive advantage. This article aims to analyze
the vision statements taken from the strategic plans
of the 10 best State Universities in Indonesia
This research uses descriptive method to analyze
vision statement. The data used in this research are
secondary data. The sample of research consists of
the 10 best universities in Indonesia as determined
by the Indonesian Ministry of Research, Technology,
and Higher Education in 2016/2017. The vision
statements were published in the official website of
each university. The data for this study were
collected from each university's strategic plan
published in the Indonesian Ministry of Research,
Technology, and Higher Education website.
Semantic analysis was used to analyze the
contents of the report. Semantic content analysis is
the process of creating a theme (category) that
identifies the main subject and dimension in the
material under study, and the specific sub-fields
under subjects and dimensions (Özdem, 2011). To
analyze each university’s vision statement, first, each
university’s strategic plan was accessed through the
internet and its vision statement was extracted. Then,
the vision statements were analyzed based on the
criteria of easy to understand, easy to remember,
positive, motivational, inspirational, interesting,
challenging, and future-oriented (Papulova, 2014).
A good vision statement should emphasize the
unique characteristics of the organization that
differentiate it from other organizations, and take all
future planned activities for the internal and external
environment of the organization into consideration.
Vision must be understood and owned by all
stakeholders of the organization. Vision should help
people understand organizational culture. The vision
statement should be formulated to strengthen the
organizational culture and unity and loyalty among
members, and enhance employee motivation. In this
case, the vision statement should reflect the
organizational culture (Özdem, 2011).
Vision Statement must fall into several criteria:
easy to understand, easy to remember, positive,
motivating, inspiring, interesting
, challenging, and
future oriented (Papulova, 2014).
According to research conducted by Karabukuk,
the Vision Statement criteria (Kantabutra & Avery,
2010) consists of:
Brevity: A vision must be short but clear
Clarity: A vision must be clear and precise to
be understood and accepted. Clarity makes the
overall aim completely understood by
Future Orientation: A vision should focus on
the organization's long-term goals and the
environment in which it functions
Stability: A vision must be general and not
sufficiently affected by most of the changes on
the market or on technology
Analysis of Vision Statement of Indonesia’s 10 Best Universities
Challenge: A vision motivates people to work
towards the desired results; vision challenges
people to do their best.
Abstractness: A Vision must represent a
general picture as opponent for a certain
Ability to inspire: A vision must illustrate an
ideal, something worthy and could be followed
by all employees. When employees do not look
at vision as attractive they will not be
Another study states that there are 8 criteria of the
vision statement (Papulova, 2014), which are:1.Easy
to Understand (EU); 2.Easy to Remember (ER);
3.Positive (P); 4.Motivational (M); 5.Inspiring (I);
6.Attractive (A); 7.Challenging (C); 8.Future-
Oriented (FO).
Here are the names and the vision statements of
the 10 Best Universities in Indonesia as determined
by the Indonesian Ministry of Research, Technology,
and Higher Education in 2016.
Table 1: Vision statement of 10 best universities in
Name of
ITB Being a university that
excels, dignified,
independent, and
recognized by the world
and guide changes that can
improve the welfare of the
people of Indonesia and
the world. (Source: 09 /
SK / I1-SA / OT / 2011)
UGM Gadjah Mada University
as a pioneer of world class
universities that excel and
innovative, serve the
interests of the nation and
humanity inspired by the
nation's cultural values
ased on Pancasila.
UI Realizing University of
Indonesia to become an
independent and superior
PTN BH and able to solve
problems and challenges
at national and global
level, leading to the
in Southeast Asia
IPB Being a leader in
dignity through higher
education that excels at the
global level in agriculture,
marine, and tropical
Being a superior
university with
international standard and
able to play an active role
in nation building through
educational process,
research and community
ITS Being a university with an
international reputation in
science, technology, and
the arts, especially those
that support
environmentally friendly
industries and marine.
Become an independent,
innovative, leading
university at the national
and international level, a
pioneer in the
development of science,
technology, humanities,
and art based on religious
The flagship center in the
development of human,
science, technology, art
and culture based on the
Indonesian maritime
UNDIP University of Diponegoro
in 2020, becoming a
superior Research
UNPAD Showing excellent
universities in world-class
Based on Table 1, the authors classified the
vision statements of the 10 best universities in
Indonesia taken from the website of the Indonesian
Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher
Education and analyzed the vision statements in
accordance with the 8 criteria mentioned, which are:
easy to understand, easy to remember, positive,
motivating, inspiring, interactive, challenging and
future oriented (Papulova, 2014). The results of the
Vision Statement analysis are presented in Table 2.
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
Table 2: Vision criteria.
Table 2 shows which vision statements meet the
eight criteria of vision statement. It shows that ITB
and UGM have complete characteristics, while for
University of Indonesia there are 2 unfulfilled
criteria of vision statement: inspiring and interactive.
For IPB, there are 3 unfulfilled criteria:
inspirational, interactive, and challenging.
University of Brawijaya have 3 unfulfilled criteria:
easy to remember, motivating and inspiring. For ITS,
there are 2 unfulfilled criteria: easy to remember and
motivational. Airlangga University has one criterion
that is not fulfilled, which is inspiration. Hasanudin
University has 3 unfulfilled criteria: motivation,
inspiration and challenge. For Undip there are 3
unfulfilled criteria: easy to understand, inspiring and
challenging. Padjadjaran University has one
unfulfilled criterion: motivation.
This study aims to analyze the vision statements
taken from the strategic plans of 10 Indonesian
universities. The research findings show that two
universities, ITB and UGM, fulfill all criteria of
vision statement: easy to understand, easy to
remember, positive, motivational, inspiring,
interesting, challenging, and future oriented. On the
other hand 8 other universities (University of
Indonesia, Bogor Agricultural Institute, Brawijaya
University, Ten November Technology Institute,
Airlangga University, Hasanudin University,
Diponegoro University, and Padjadjaran University)
have not fulfilled all the criteria of vision.
On the basis of the above conclusions,
suggestions may be given universities effectively
communicate the vision statement hierarchically
within the organizational structure and the parties
involved in it. Universities should evaluate each
implementation of the vision statement and make
continuous renewals.
First of all, thanks to ALLAH S.W.T for his grace
and guidance in giving us full strength to complete
the task of this paper. We would like to thanks to Mr.
Dr. Lili Adi Wibowo, S.Pd. S.Sos, MM for all
support and guidance, because without her guidance
our paper cannot be done properly like this. Besides
that, Acknowledgments are conveyed to all those
who have assisted in the making of this paper. May
all guidance, help and support from all parties are
rewarded by Allah SWT.
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ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship