The Analysis of Women Role’s in the Small Industry to Family
Economic Stability
Wenni Anggita
University of Bangka Belitung
Keywords: Women, empowerment, small industry and family economic stability.
Abstract: This research combines a quantitative and qualitative approach so that in this research the analytical approach
uses descriptive mix method. It is intended that this research can touch on things that are not likely to be found
by statistical analysis. This research combines sociology and economic science in general, it can be seen from
the issues raised in this study that examines women role’s in the small industry that will be combined with
the matching family economy. The results of this study showed that the role of women in the small industry
is very impact on the family economic stability. In addition, the benefits perceived by the small industry is
improving the economy in Sungai Selan Village. The full support of the government also helps in this process
of empowering women toward economically independent women who will improve the family economic
The issue of women arose because of the patriarchal
culture. In the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary
states that patriarchy is a society, a system, or a
country that is ruled or controlled by men (2000).
Where every power in a patriarchal society is
controlled by men. Women have little or no influence
in society or can be said to have no rights in the
common areas of society. They are economically,
socially, politically, and psychologically dependent
on men, especially in marriage institutions. So that in
the family and society women are placed in a
subordinate or inferior position. According to Madsen
the work of women only on domestic territory, taking
care of husbands, being a mother by taking care of her
children. Domestic roles are attached to the figure of
women by people who embrace the patriarchal
system (2000).
Essentially, women are the foundation of the
household. Women must be smart so they can give
birth and educate their children to be smart. Women
should receive equal treatment and rights. Especially
for housewives, work at home is very heavy and if
treated unfairly there will be imbalance of human
rights. Women's active participation in every
development process will accelerate the achievement
of development goals as it sees more female
population than men not only in Indonesia but also
around the world. Lack of role of women, will slow
the development process or even women can become
the burden of development itself.
Mello and Schmink (2016) in their research
entitled "Amazon entrepreneurs: Women's economic
empowerment and the potential for more sustainable
land use practices" show that women's economic
empowerment contributes to their household
economy. It also raises their awareness of
environmental issues and improvements in practices
used to manage forest resources, access to resources
and the power to make decisions about land use.
Other research on women empowerment, among
others Mualif Research (2012) conducted in the
village of Andongrejo found that the role of women
farmers in this village enhanced the village economic
sector in general. Maya's research (2012) on women's
issues in the family economy in Mlangi village
explains that the role of women not only performs the
domestic role but also the public role that aims to
assist the husband in meeting the family's economic
In Sungai Selan, Central Bangka Regency, there
are 181 home-based businesses that become the
economic roots of the village. This figure is based on
Anggita, W.
The Analysis of Women Role’s in the Small Industry to Family Economic Stability.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship (ICEEE 2017), pages 756-759
ISBN: 978-989-758-308-7
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
survey results conducted in November 2016
conducted by the Women's Empowerment Agency of
Central Bangka, but based on the results of surveys
and observations of researchers the figure can still
increase. The perpetrators of household industries in
Sungai Selan villages of Central Bangka Regency
have become one of the pilot villages for the Tri End
Program of the Ministry of Women's Empowerment
of the Republic of Indonesia, which makes women
more independent, active and creative.
Winarti et al (2008) says that shifting changes or
precisely the values of socio-culture that develops in
society make women have a responsibility to his role
as mother and wife. In addition women realize that
their presence in the home industry is very helpful to
the family economy. As mentioned earlier, changes to
the economic system in these societies have led to
changes in the economic allocation of families. In this
case women change because the role of women in the
economic field also changes. This increase in work
participation not only affects the labor market
constellation, but also affects the welfare of women
themselves and the welfare of their families.
2.1 Liberal Feminism Theory
Liberal feminism wants a freedom for women from
oppression, patriarchal, and gender. This flow also
includes 2 (two) forms of political thought: Classical
Liberalism and Welfare Liberalism; Classical
Liberals believe that ideally, the state must safeguard
the freedom of its people, and also give individuals
the opportunity to determine its ownership. On the
other hand, Welfare Liberalism, believes that the state
should focus on economic justice rather than the
conveniences for civil liberties. They consider
government programs such as social security and
school freedom as a way to reduce injustice in social
society. Both classical and Welfare Liberalism
believe that government interference in their personal
lives is not necessary.
2.2 Women as Drivers of Economic
Women's participation in economic growth not only
reduces poverty among women, but also as a solid
foundation in other sectors. In world economic
growth for example, women contribute more than
90% of their income to the health, education and
welfare sectors of the family (
Former Minister for Women's Empowerment and
Child Protection, Linda Amalia Sari Gumelar said
that women are an asset and a tremendous potential
to reduce poverty, realize development, peace and
security. If women are empowered economically and
intellectually, it will be very effective for the
development of society and nation. However, to
overcome the increasingly complex problems of
women, the government cannot work alone. As part
of efforts to improve women's welfare, it is necessary
to empower women by conducting various training
and guidance to create independence among women.
2.3 Hypothesis
This study will analyze the role of women in the small
industry in family economic stability after
empowerment. In addition, in this study not only
analyze quantitatively but also will see the other side
of the role of women and the extent of their role in
various fields in improving the economic resilience of
the family. So the hypothesis raised in this study are:
Ha : The Role of Women Empowerment in Small
Industry Will Increase Family Economic
This research uses mix method approach with 181
samples of women who do small industry in Sungai
Selan Village registered in Women Empowerment
and Child Protection Agency in Central Bangka.
Stage 1: Quantitative test classic assumption test
and hypothesis test.
Stage 2: Qualitative test data reduction, data
display, conclusion drawing and verification.
The population that will be used in this research
is all women who already married in Sungai Selan
sub-district of Central Bangka Regency. While the
research samples to be used are married women who
already have a household business registered in the
Agency for Women Empowerment and Child
Protection in Central Bangka Regency as many as
181 respondents. Respondents will be given a
questionnaire to fill in some questions that have been
made. From the results of the questionnaire will be
analyzed further so as to produce concrete data.
The Analysis of Women Role’s in the Small Industry to Family Economic Stability
4.1 Quantitative Result
The results showed that the women role’s in small
industry was very able to improve the family
economic stability. The women role variables affect
the family economic stability. This is supported by
the value with t count 9424> t table 0.67586, so that
the only hypothesis proposed in this research is
The results showed that the role of women
strongly supports family economic stability. These
results support research conducted by Mello and
Schmink (2016) which also states that women's
economic empowerment contributes to their
household economy. But the results of this study do
not support research conducted by Indriyani (2005)
which states that women play a small role in the
development of batik industry in Banyumas Regency
which in this case is more influenced by aspects of
institutional development than the aspect of
community development. Such specific female roles
can be found in small industries with characteristics
that still rely on women as production machines.
4.2 Qualitative Result
In addition to the 12 point statement submitted, the
respondent also answered 5 questions. The first
question concerning the age of business that was
involved by the mothers in Sungai Selan Village
Sungai Selan District, Central Bangka Regency. Of
the 181 respondents, it is seen that the age of the
business that has matured in the sense that has fallen
down to home-based business no more than 40%.
4.2.1 The Barriers of Small Industry
The second question posed in this questionnaire is
about obstacles in wrestling small industry. From the
results of in depth interviews conducted, it can be
concluded that capital is not a major obstacle in doing
business. The obstacle felt by the respondents is the
market competition, which in Sungai Selan Village
there are many businesses with the same type. Call it
a typical snack market or food, business people,
especially women in this village must be smart and
follow the trend. Another barrier perceived by
business actors is the financial management that they
have not fully understood. So that the bookkeeping of
income and expenditure they are done simply and still
mixed with household finances. This is difficult
because of their lack of knowledge about sound
financial management.
4.2.2 The Benefits of Small Industry
Most of the family heads in Sungai Selan Village are
livelihoods as fishermen. As we know that the job as
a fisherman is not too promising even more to meet
the needs of life which is getting bigger day. From the
data obtained it can be concluded that the work or
business that is involved by these mothers helps the
family economy and provides employment for other
neighbors. The great benefits of this home-based
business are felt by Ms. Y (Initial), who has been a
widow for 13 years. Without doing this home-based
business, the two children will not be able to get
education even up to college.
The results of this study in line with research
conducted by sujarwati (2013) which states that the
role of Housewives in improving family economic
welfare in Kampung Pujokusuman RW 05 is not
limited to her role as Housewife, but how they also
act as mothers, wives, community members and as a
motivator in his family to be able to improve the
economic welfare of the family. Then also various
reasons that require Housewives in Pujokusuman
Village to work, such as husband not working, single
parent, the low income of the husband, thus making
the Housewife must struggle with work in order to
improve the economic welfare of the family.
In testing the results of the hypothesis based on the
calculation results can be said the role of women in
the household industry will increase the economic
resilience of the family. This is not only based on the
results of hypothesis testing with quantitative
analysis, but from the qualitative approach based on
the questions asked to the respondents to get the same
results where the role of women in the household
industry can increase the family economy
significantly. The women in the Sungai Selan Village
make this home industry for generations and even the
business is no longer done for the sake of earning a
living but rather from their own hobby.
This research can be carried out with the help of
various parties. Especially those who are willing to
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
take the time to fill in the questionnaire, give their
opinion on what the government should do to
empower Indonesian women. Thanks to all those
involved in this research who have helped researchers
to complete this research. This research is expected to
be a useful reference for future research.
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The Analysis of Women Role’s in the Small Industry to Family Economic Stability