territory or country. To fight against global challenge,
it’s important to build a strong human re-source. In
order to compete in this global era. The enhancement
of Human Resource become fundamental and it’s
essential for the government to effectively conceived
upon human resources, as how a country can be said
as developed country once they have qualified
Human Resources and high competitiveness and the
ability to analyze both effectively and efficiently, and
also be responsive in dealing changes among society.
Accurancy in responding the change which born
from surrounding environment will make an
increasing level of sensitivity that causes an improve
of competitiveness among society. One way to
improve competitiveness in society is through
education. Education becomes the key to obtain high
qualified and highly educated human resources.
Through education, the learning process whether
formal or informal can be an alternative for individual
to survive in a current era of globalization.
In Indonesia educational system in Indonesia is
not good enough comparing to the other countries.
The education curriculum in Indonesia has been
changed for several times. The curriculum changes
are expected to fulfil the necessity to deal with the
global challenges. The aim of the curriculum’s
preparation is to improve the quality of the students,
so that the students will not only become critical
humans, but also to be analytical and creative. What
Kurikulum 2013 (K13) was aspired, has been
included to the main competency as a benchmark in
achieving learning purposes.
Education in Indonesia needs a lot of
improvement. The development of education should
be followed by the role of the entire learning
environment or commonly referred as three education
center (family, school and society). The pupils will
find it easier to accept learning based on their
experience, so that experience is the one who
constructs their knowledge. Scientific Approach
becomes the recommended learning approach in K13,
however without losing thematic learning in it.
Thematic learning method becomes one of
enjoyable method to be applied in the classroom.
Thematic learning method is a theme based learning
method, through that theme the pupils try to discover
new knowledge. The themes arranged based on their
own experiences, not from the printed nor electronic
media. Both of these media become one of learning
media that can be used to support learning process.
Through the thematic learning method which
applied to the learning process, the theme is selected
where based on local wisdom was applied by Utari, et
al (2016) by promoting thematic learning based on
Bugis-Makassar’s local wisdom. The introduction of
Bugis cultural value become one of learning sources.
For example “sirri” in Bugis which means “rasa
malu” in Bahasa Indonesia. The introduction of
values from Bugis-Makasar has become one of the
sources of learning, such as the "sirri" culture in
Indonesian "shame". This will shape the
independence to enrich themselves by upholding a
sense of kinship and togetherness. The research
which held by Ardan et al (2015) at high school level
by promoting thematic learning based on the local
wisdom become one of the materials that can be
applied to the teaching and learning process, which is
integrated to the local wisdom of “Timor” in the form
of Textbook that can be used as Students’ learning
At the level of Elementary school, the application
of the integrative, based on Wayang Kancil can be
used to build education character to students who
carried out by Wardani and Widiyastuti (2015)
through learning thematic integrative based on a
puppet with the method of learning role-playing so
the students are able to make sense of an art that
comes from the local area and can contribute in
building education character the pupils, such as: self-
reliance in forwarding ones ideas, ability to work
together in groups, discipline, democratic,
responsibility in doing assignments and having spirit
in finishing the task whether or not facing obstacles.
Therefore, a research by Saputri (2017) using
Indonesia culture based comic for teaching English in
elementary student stated that the process of learning
language would be easier to understand if using a
media or learning models where is closeness theme
with students. And it can also used as a vehicle to
maintain local culture and local wisdom.
Each local area have their own characteristic in-
deed, both in culture or natural wealth. There is one
of the research has been doing by Soenaryo dkk
(2016) states that the potential benefits based on the
education of local excellence will further be
integrated the study tour models where learners
through tourism activities will learn to utilize natural
resource, human resources, geographic, cultural,
historical and other potential areas. And also, the
research by Saddhono (2016) said that teaching
materials with a basis of Indonesia culture is highly
needed for foreigners whom are willing to learn
Bahasa as well as introducing Indonesia’s cultures ad
commonly foreigners admire Indonesia for its culture.
One of the natural wealth that will be the topic of this
article is the result of the processing of the local
marine. Through thematic learning, the pupils will be
introduced about some variation in the processing of
Thematic Learning Based on Local Sea-Results Processing to Answer Global Challenges