4). Based on some understanding of the intentions of
entrepreneurship, it can be synthesized that intention
entrepreneurship is a cognitive representation to
exploit business opportunities by applying
entrepreneurial learning (knowledge and skills), so
that the intention of entrepreneurship understood as
confidence and awareness of an individual that they
intend to establish a new business venture and plans
to do so in the future.
In addition, there are several factors that
influence the entrepreneurial intentions of a person.
Some research has been done related to the factors
affecting such intention, research Tung (2011: 154)
who found that entrepreneurship education with the
indicator (know what, know-who, know-how, know
why) a significant effect on the person's intentions
student entrepreneurship. Furthermore Wahyono
(2013: 56) in his research found the positive
influence of entrepreneurship education (know what,
know-who, know-how, know why) and
entrepreneurial intentions. This is in line with the
findings Johannisson (1991: 176) who argued that
entrepreneurship education (know what, know-who,
know-how, know-why and know when) an impact
on one's intention to entrepreneurship. A number of
studies that examine the influence of
entrepreneurship education on intentions
entrepreneurship (Izedonmi and Okafor, 2010; Lorz,
2011; Bakotic and Kruzic, 2010; Singh and Verma,
2010; Kruzic et al, 2010; Cruz, Escudero, Barahona
and Leitao,
3.2 Education Entrepreneurship
Education entrepreneurship is an effort to internalize
the spirit and mental entrepreneurship through
educational institutions as well as other institutions
such as training institutions, training (Wibowo,
2011: 23). Entrepreneurship education is a process
of transmitting knowledge and entrepreneurial skills
to students to help them to take advantage of
business opportunities, entrepreneurship education
aims to teach students in starting a new business to
be successful and profitable so it is expected to help
the economic growth of the country (Tung, 2011:
36). Entrepreneurship education is an education
program to work on aspects of entrepreneurship as
an important part of the debriefing of competence of
learners (Saroni, 2012: 45). It the seal with an
opinion Izedonmi and Okafor (2010: 98) states that
entrepreneurial education designed to inculcate
competencies, skills, and values necessary to
identify business opportunities, organize and start a
new business.
Education gives effect to the mental development
of a person (including an entrepreneurial spirit)
because education is run with full awareness, has a
target goal, specific objectives and given
systematically to develop the potentials that exist
(Muladi, 2011: 114). Somanto (2002: 78) states that
the only struggle or how to realize a man of morals,
attitudes and skills of entrepreneurship is education,
because through education, individual insight into a
broader and more confident, able to choose and
make the right decision , increase creativity and
innovation. This is consistent with research Tung
(2011: 154 who found that entrepreneurship
education with the indicator (know what, know-who,
know-how, know why) influence significantly on
one's intention entrepreneurship students.
Furthermore, Wahyono (2013: 56) in his research,
found their positive influence of entrepreneurship
education (know what, know-who, know-how, know
why) and the intention of entrepreneurship.
Johannisson (1991: 176) also argued that
entrepreneurship education (know what, know-who,
know-how, know-why and know when) provides the
impact on one's intention to entrepreneurship.
Izedonmi & Okafor, 2010; Lorz, 2011; Bakotic &
Kruzic, 2010; Singh & Verma, 2010; Kruzic et al,
2010; Cruz, Escudero, Barahona & Leitao, 2009;
Athayde 2009 also perform Related research on the
influence of entrepreneurship education in
entrepreneurship intentions entrepreneurship
education plays a role to develop the entrepreneurial
spirit and form entrepreneurial behavior of students.
Education entrepreneurship de ngan planting
entrepreneurial character within the competence
required to be owned by the generation of people to
meet the challenges of the future. Based on these
descriptions can be synthesized that
entrepreneurship education is a conscious effort
made educational institutions to impart knowledge,
values and attitudes of entrepreneurship to students.
It aims to create new entrepreneurs who are
competent and able to improve the welfare of the
Five components of entrepreneurship education
according to Tung (2011: 63) is as follows:
3.2.1 Know What (Entrepreneurial
Know what refers to the concept and knowledge
about entrepreneurship. This component is
considered as a fundamental part of the
entrepreneurship program, because all the skills or
other techniques must be built on a theoretical basis.
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship