The Effect of Inflation, Investment and Wages Rate on
Unemployment in The East Java Province
Yulia Eriani Putri and Santi Tri Indriani
State University Postgraduate of Surabaya, Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Keywords: Unemployment, inflation, investment, wages.
Abstract: The growth of the labor force that is faster than the growth employment will increase the number of
unemployment. This study discusses the effects of inflation, investment and wages rate on unemployment
rates in eastern Java Province in 2006-2016 both simultaneously and partially. The data used is secondary
data with the time series data from 2006-2016. The analysis technique used is multiple linear regression
analysis. The analysis showed that simultaneous inflation, investment and wages rate significant effect on the
wage rate of unemployment in eastern Java 2006-2016. While partially, investment has no effect on the
unemployment rate in eastern Java 2006-2016. While the inflation and wages is partially significant effect on
unemployment in eastern Java 2006-2016.
1.1 Background
A process of development for the region, of course,
there can be an increase as the income of the
community which is offsite by increased employment
opportunities and price stability. Development is a
multidimensional process that encompasses
fundamental changes to social structures, attitudes of
society and national institutions as well as the
acceleration of economic growth, the reduction of
inequality and absolute poverty reduction or the total
change of a society the adjustment of the whole social
system to a better state (Todaro, 2004: 17). In order
to achieve these objectives, it is imperative that the
government's participation in maintaining state
stability or basic goals of the established development
can be achieved. The role of government can be done
through fiscal policy, monetary policy and other
policies that will affect the national economic
condition. As the population increases every year, it
will require additional revenue each year (Tambunan,
2009). Apart from the demand side (consumption), in
terms of supply, population growth also requires
employment growth (source of income). Economic
growth without being followed by additional
employment opportunities will lead to inequality in
the division of the additional income (cateris paribus),
which will further create a condition of economic
growth with increasing poverty (Tambunan, 2009).
In the International Labor Organization (ILO)
states, the global unemployment rate will increase.
This is based on ILO research that brings together
government, companies and employment
representatives from 187 countries. Quoting the BBC,
the ILO said that the unemployment rate is predicted
to increase by 3.4 million this year and 2.7 million in
2018. The reason is the growth of manpower is much
higher than the employment created.
Director-General of the ILO, Guy Ryder said
economic growth continued to disappoint. This
provides a worrying picture for the global economy
and the ability to create sufficient employment.
Table 1: The unemployment rate, inflation, investment and
minimum wage rate of eastern Java Province in 2006-2016.
Putri, Y. and Indriani, S.
The Effect of Inflation, Investment and Wages Rate on Unemployment in The East Java Province.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship (ICEEE 2017), pages 791-798
ISBN: 978-989-758-308-7
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Source: BPS of East Java Province, data is processed.
According to the East Java statistics agen-cy,
unemployment rates are still high, open
unemployment rates range from 800,000 or 4% of the
workforce. This figure moves quite slowly in the last
6 years, ie from 2010-2016. In previous years the
open un-employment rate in East Java was also quite
high, in 2006 the unemployment rate reached 8.19%.
The high unemployment rate shows a failure in
development. Those who are economically
unemployed have no source of income for life. It
affects social problems, including criminal problems
with economic motives (Djohanputro, 2006: 19).
In more detail during the period of 2006 only
accounted for 18.22% and decreased again in 2007 by
17.41%. There are several things that cause the
decline of this investment is Lapindo mud disaster
that disrupts the process of distribution of goods and
services. Beside that, the sluggish global economic
condition contributing to private consumption and
government consumption more than 60% of total
GDP for the period of 2004-2008. However, it
approaches the period of 2015 to date, investment in
East Java is increasingly in demand by foreign
investors, as described by one of the
media, which explained that the US would be
interested in investing in East Java, because East Java
is the entrance and the lane liaison in Eastern
Indonesia. Because the cost of distribution of goods
so far is very high because of logistics connectivity is
less good. So investment to East Java is very
Inflation is an economic phenomenon that is
difficult to avoid an economy, which can cause some
good or bad consequences that reflect the economic
conditions in country. Inflation is one of the important
indicators in analyzing a country's economy besides
economic growth and unemployment. Inflation
occurring in provinces with agriculture and industry
as the leading sector to the economy fluctuated in
2006 by 6.76%, in 2009 by 3.62%, in 2014 recorded
inflation of 7.77% and in the year 2016 of 2,76%.
A.W Phillips mentioned that the inflation rate had an
inverse (negative) relationship to the unemployment
rate. That is, the greater the unemployment rate, the
lower the inflation rate.
The next variable is the minimum wage rate. Each
region has set its minimum wage, for East Java itself
from 2006 to 2016, the minimum wage increases
annually. From 2006 of Rp. 390.000,00 and in 2016
reached Rp.1.238.000,00. According to A.W Phillips
wages have a negative relationship with
unemployment, that is when high unemployment
wages are at a low level. The ability of an economy
to produce goods and services can be said to grow, if
the amount of goods and services produced are up.
Based on the above background, the authors examine
the "The Effect of Inflation, Investment and Wage
Rate on Unemployment Rate in Eastern Java".
1.2 The Purpose of the Study
Knowing the effect of inflation, invest-ment,
and wage rate simultaneously on un-
employment rate in Eastern Java Year 2006-
Knowing the effect of inflation, invest-ment,
and wage rate partially on unem-ployment rate
in Eastern Java Year 2006-2016.
2.1 Inflation
According to Suseno (2009) inflation can briefly be
interpreted as a tendency to increase prices - goods
prices and services in general and continuously. In
Suseno's sense, there are two important notions that
are key to understanding inflation. The first is the
general rise, and the second is continuous. In inflation
must be contained elements of price increases, then
the price increase is the price in general. The
declining inflation in recent years is the result of a
mixed economic policy, favoring disinflation,
followed by tight monetary and fiscal policy and an
almost neutral budget policy. The monetary policy is
mainly characterized by high interest rates and
mandatory reserves and currency appreciation (Pop,
2010). With regard to an adequate inflation rate, prior
to the crisis, there was a belief that inflation rates were
low and stable. Important for long-term economic
growth. At the same time, economists of all
formations agree that if there is a reserve production
capacity, then inflation will fall. Conversely, if
production is overloaded, there will be an increase in
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
2.1.1 Theory of Inflation
Quantity theory according to Sukirno (2010) this
theory differentiates the source of inflation into three,
namely the theory of demand pull inflation, cost push
inflation, and the latter is inflation imported. The
demand pull inflation or demand pull inflation is
caused by an aggregate demand whose production
conditions are in full. Employment. In quantity
theory, it is explained that the main source of inflation
is due to the excess demand so that money circulating
through the community multiplies. According to
Keynesian Theory, inflation occurs because a society
wants to live beyond its economic capabilities. The
inflationary process, according to this view, is
nothing but a process of seizing a share of livelihood
among social groups who want a larger share than that
provided by the community. This process of struggle
is then translated into state in which people's demand
for goods always exceeds the amount of goods
attainable. Because the demand exceeds the goods
attainable, the prices will rise. The increase in prices
means that part to the plan to purchase goods from the
group is not met.
In subsequent periods, the group will seek greater
funding (from printing new money or credit from
larger banks or from larger pay increases). The
inflation process will continue as long as the number
of effective demands from all segments of society
exceeds the amount of output produced by society.
2.2 Investment
Investment is the expenditure or expenditure of
investment or companies to purchase capital goods
and equipment to in-crease production capacity of
goods and services available in the economy. Factors
Affecting Investments (Deliarnov, 1995: 84) are
among others as follows:
Innovation and Technology
Economic Level
Corporate Profit Rate
Political Situation
This increase in the amount of capital goods
allows the economy to produce more goods and
services in the future. Sometimes investment is done
to replace the old capital goods that must be
depreciated (Sukirno, 2010: 121).
Investment is a step at the expense of current
consumption to increase consumption in the future.
Therefore, the amount of investments can be defined
as an expenditure or expenditure by a company to
purchase capital goods and production equipment so
that the ability of production of goods and services
companies can increase. Infestation very important
role in economic development an area where foreign
investment can accelerate the rate of economic
growth. Mean-while, the unemployment rate of a
region can be seen through an increase in economic
growth of a region. The higher the economic growth
of a region, the higher the level of community welfare
and the unemployment rate decrease.
2.3 The Wages Rate
Wages are also one of the factors that affect the
unemployment rate of a region, because the low level
of wages can also be a matter of employment in Bali
Province. As regulated in PP no. 8/1981 minimum
wages can be set a regional, sectorial or sub-sectorial
minimum, although currently only a minimum wage.
Determination of wage rate is the authority from the
government that affects the level of unemployment in
a region. However, the economic analysis, the size of
their reply as labor should be taken into account. The
level of wages is also called the average rate of work
repayment that is generally accepted in society for all
kinds of work. This wage rate can be calculated per
hour, day, week, month or year (Gilarso, 2003). The
higher the level of wages set by the government, it
will cause the fewer number of workers who work
(Alghofari, 2009). Determination of wage rates is
influenced by the economic conditions for an area
that spur on the economic growth of the area. That is,
the better the economic conditions for a region, the
more increasing the economic growth of the area so
that the determination of wage rates is also increasing.
In Indonesia, many people try their own and do not
take into account "wages" for them-selves. In
Indonesia the provisions on manpower especially in
the wage determination system are regulated in Law
No.13 Year 2003 on Employment.
The minimum wage is the minimum monthly
minimum allowance in return for an employer
granted under an employee for a work or service that
has been or has been done and declared or assessed in
money as determined by a consent or by law and is
payable upon the basis of an agreement employment
between employers and employees, including
benefits, both employees themselves and their
families. Indonesian government every year there is a
regional minimum wage increase that perceived this
policy is profitable for the workers because workers
are able to in-crease their standard of living. The labor
must be work harder because they have earned a
decent salary in accordance with the standard needs
of workers.
The Effect of Inflation, Investment and Wages Rate on Unemployment in The East Java Province
2.4 The Unemployment Rate
According to Sukirno (2010) unemployment is
someone who has been classified in the labor force,
who is actively looking at a job at a certain wage
level, but unable to get the job he wants. According
to Sukirno (2010) distinguishes the types of
unemployment, into two ways to classify the first is
based upon the source or cause, and the second is
based on its characteristics. When viewed from the
source afterwards there are some kinds of
unemployed that is normal unemployment, Normal
unemployment is unemployment caused by the desire
of workers - workers to seek work better or more
appropriate for them. After that the next is cyclical
unemployment, cyclical unemployment is
unemployment caused by changes in waves (up and
down) of an economic life / economic cycle. This
unemployment is taken seriously when economic
activity is under full employment, and this can be
seen from the circumstances that indicate that the
nation-al income is actually below the potential
income. Furthermore, structural unemployment is
unemployment caused by changes in economic
structure and economic patterns in the long run.
Structural unemployment can be caused by a number
of possibilities such as a cause of demand, because of
changes in technology use, be-cause of government
policy. The last is technological unemployment is
unemployment caused by the replacement of human
labor by machines and chemicals. In addition to
differentiating unemployment by source, there are
also unemployment types based on their
2.5 Previous Research
Research conducted by Sucitrawati and Arka (2014)
got positive results for the influence of inflation on
unemployment rate in Bali Province as well as the
level of wages that have a positive influence.
Similarly, research conducted Setiawan (2013) states
that there is a significant influence between inflation
and the unemployment rate with a positive direction.
And research conducted by Putri and Subroto (2014)
which shows the result that the influence of inflation
and minimum wage variables has a significant effect.
Irdam Ahmad at Ekubank Journal entitled "The
Relation-ship Between Inflation with Unemployment
Rate Testing Phillips Curve with Indonesian Data,
1976-2006". The conclusion is that the relationship
between inflation and unemployment rates for this
study is long-term with a 35 percent error correction
model, which means that any past shock (year t-1) in
the short term will reduce the unemployment rate in
the year t by 35 percent, and so on so that ultimately
unemployment and inflation in the long run will reach
equilibrium. Research con-ducted by Timothy
Cogley and Argia M. Sbordone on Journal of
Economics Literature entitled "Trend Inflation and
Inflation Persistence in the New Keynesian Phillips
Curve". Cogley uses Vector Autoregressive (VAR)
analysis in analyzing data be-cause the data obtained
is volatility yields the conclusion that the inflation
rate that happened in the previous year from 1960 -
2003 shows a fairly stable inflation rate and also for
the short term in the next few years, there is no a
serious problem.
Types of Research this research is included in
descriptive research using quantitative approach.
Quantitative approach is a research methodology
used to quantify da-ta and usually apply statistical
analysis. This research is an explanation of the state
of variables and completes the description of the
results of the analysis of quantitative data. The
research was conducted by using time series method.
"Time Series Designed" is a study that aims to
determine the stability and clarity of an uncertain and
inconsistent circumstances (Sugiyono, 2008: 78).
Researchers conducted research using inflation data,
investment, wage rate and un-employment rate during
the period 2006-2016.
Figure 1: Research design.
In the figure above, the open unemploy-ment rate
as the dependent variable (Y) is influenced by the
independent variable in-flation (X1), investment (X2)
and wage rate (X3). Sources of data from this study
are secondary sources, where sources are obtained
from outsiders of research ob-jects, which are not
self-employed by re-searchers, for example, from
statistics` agencies, documents of companies or or-
ganizations, newspapers and magazines or other
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
publications (Marzuki 2005: 15). This research data
is taken from BPS (Central Bureau of Statistics),
journal, and book. Data collection technique in this
study is to perform documentation from the data
source. The documentation in question is data
obtained from BPS (Badan Pusat Statistik), journals,
and books. The analyti-cal technique in this research
uses descrip-tive statistics and statistical analysis,
which includes classical assumption test, statisti-cal
test, and regression analysis. The classi-cal
assumption test in this research includes normality
test, multicolinearity test, hetero-scedasticity test,
autocorrelation test, and linearity test.
4.1 Classic Assumption Test
The classical assumption test includes hypothesis
test, and regression analysis. The classical
assumption test in this study includes
multicollinearity test, heteroscedasticity test,
autocorrelation test, normality test, and linearity test.
Normality test results are known that the value
Prob.Obs.R2 of 0.837> α (0.05) then the distribution
of normal data, thus it can be concluded that the
variable in this study is normal.
The results of multicollinearity test of tolerance
and VIF values there is no Tolerance value below
0.10, that are 0.682; 0.527, 0.525 thus can be
concluded there is no correlation between
independent variables because the correlation value
of 0.682 <0.10; 0.527 <0.10; 0.525 <0.10
The result of heteroscedasticity test with Park`s
test, the inflation, investment and wage variable are
not significant at 0.01 (0.868, 0.865, 0.580) which
means there is no heteroscedasticity.
For the linearity test, using LM test showed R
square value of 0.843 with sample number 11 then the
value of c2 = 0.843x11 = 9.2273. This value is
compared to the value of c2 table = 19.68 with a
significance level of 0.05. Therefore, the value of c2
count is smaller than c2 table, it can be concluded that
the model is linear.
4.2 Statistic Test
F test is done to know the effect of inflation,
investment, minimum wage simultaneously
(simultaneously) to open unemployment rate in East
Java, obtained F function table value from statistic
table that is 4,07 and F count 2,435 bigger than F
value table 4,07 it can be concluded that all
independent variables Inflation (X1), Investment
(X2), Wages (X3) simultaneously affect the variable
unemployment rate (Y).
The t test is used to determine the effect of each
variable on the open unemployment rate in East Java.
Obtained t value for the variable of inflation of 0.034
with a significance of 0.05 (5%). Because the
inflation variable (X1) has a significance value of
0.034 <0.05, then the inflation variable (X1) has an
effect on the open unemployment rate. For
investment variable (X2) t value equal to 0,064. With
a significance value of 0.064> 0.05, then the
investment variable (X2) has no effect on the open
un-employment rate. While the variable wage rate
(X3) obtained t count value of 0.04. With a
significance value of 0.04 <0.05 then the variable
wage rate (X3) has a significant effect on the open
unemployment rate in East Java.
The coefficient of determination is done to
determine the ability of independent variables
capable of giving to the dependent variable. Also
called R-squared and denoted by R2. The coefficient
of determination is between zero and one. A small R2
value of R2 means the ability of the independent
variable to explain the variation of the de-pendent
variable is very limited. A value close to one means
the independent variables provide all the information
needed to predict the dependent variable. The result
of R2 test in this research is obtained the value of 0.
843 can be seen in table 2. Which means free
influence (inflation, in-vestment, and minimum
wage) to the de-pendent variable (open
unemployment rate) is 84%. While the remaining
26% is influenced by other variables where in the
double regression equation the open unemployment
rate (Y) is not only influenced by inflation (X1),
investment (X2), and mini-mum wage (X3), but there
are other variables (e) Affect the open unemployment
4.3 Regression Analysis
The value of the regression coefficients on inflation
variable 0.634 means that if the inflation variable
increases 1%, while the variable minimum wage and
fixed investment, then open unemployment rate (Y)
will rise by 0.643, sign (+) indicates a unidirectional
relationship between inflation to the unemployment
rate unclose. Value of the regression coefficients on
investment variable 0,604 means if investment
variable increase 1%, while variable inflation and
minimum wage remain hence open unemployment
rate (Y) will experience an increase equal to 0,604.
The (+) indicates a unidirectional relationship be-
tween the investment and the open unemployment
rate. The value to the regression coefficient on the
The Effect of Inflation, Investment and Wages Rate on Unemployment in The East Java Province
minimum wage variable of 4.7116 means that if the
minimum wage variable increases 1%, while the
inflation variable and fixed investment, then the open
unemployment rate (Y) will decrease by 4.7116. The
(-) indicates a unidirectional relationship between
economic growth and the open unemployment rate.
4.4 Discussion
4.4.1 Inflationary Influence on Open
Unemployment Rate in East Java
From the results for the study showed that inflation
has a significant effect on open unemployment rate in
East Java. The alter-native hypothesis proposed in
this study suggests that the effect of inflation on the
open unemployment rate in East Java, and the null
hypothesis states that there is no influence between
inflation and open un-employment rates. Inflation has
a significance value of 0.034 <0.05, thus rejecting Ho
and accepting H1, and it can be concluded that the
inflation variable (X1) has an effect on the open
unemployment rate in East Java. The inflation
coefficient of 0.604 indicates if inflation increases by
1%, then it will raise the number of open unemployed
in East Java by 60.4 %. Based on data descriptions in
East Java from 2003 to 2007 inflation and open
unemployment rates experienced the same direction
of movement. This suggests that high inflation will
affect high open unemployment rate.
4.4.2 The Effect of Investment on Open
Unemployment Rate in East Java
In the results from the study showed that investment
has no significant effect to the level of open
unemployment in East Java. The alternative
hypothesis proposed for this research is the effect of
investment on open unemployment rate in East Java.
While the null hypothesis states there is no effect of
investment on open unemployment rate in East Java.
T test conducted by t test gets a result that economic
growth variable has probability value equal to 0,634
with level significance 5% (0,05). Because the
economic growth variable has a significance value of
0.634> 0.05 to as to accept H0 reject H2, and it can
be concluded that investment variable has an in-
significant effect on open unemployment rate in East
Java. The positive and significant relation of
investment on the unemployment rate is supported by
capital-intensive investment theory. This research is
supported by research conducted by Suwandika
(2015) which states that the amount of investments
have a positive effect on unemployment rate in Bali
Province. It is caused by incoming investment in the
form of portfolio investment or indirect investment
where the investment is not in-vestment directly
involved so not able to absorb labor and cannot
suppress the existing unemployment rate.
4.4.3 The Effect of Minimum Wage on
Unemployment Rate in East Java
From the results for the study showed that the
minimum wage affects the open unemployment rate.
The alternative hypothesis for this study states that
the effect of minimum wage on the open
unemployment rate, whereas the null hypothesis
states that there is no effect of minimum wage on
open unemployment rate. Minimum sphere has a
significance value of 0.040 <0.05, then H0 is rejected
and H3 accepted. And it can be concluded that the
minimum wage variable significantly influenced the
open unemployment rate. The results of the data
analysis in this study explain that if the minimum
wage variable increased 1%, then the open
unemployment rate will de-crease by 63.4%. This is
consistent with the Phillips curve theory which states
that when high wage unemployment is at a low level.
(Pure, 2006: 211).
4.4.4 Inflationary Influence, Investment and
Minimum Wage on Open
Rate in East Java from the result of data processing
done by f test scene that obtained function value F
table from statistic table that is 4,07 and F count 2,435
bigger than value F table 4,07 hence can be concluded
that all independent variable Inflation (X1),
Investment ( X2), Wages (X3) simultaneously affect
the variable unemployment rate (Y). Inflation,
investment and minimum wages are important factors
that can reduce the open unemployment rate in East
Java. The rigid wage model (Mankiw, 2006: 368)
shows the instillation of the rigid nominal wage on
aggregate supply. The things that happen to the
amount of output produced when the price level rises
that is, when the nominal wage does not change, the
rise to the price level lowers the real wage, which
makes the labor cheaper, the lower real wage pushes
the firm to use more labor, and additional labor is
used to produce more output. So when there is an
increase in price then the wage in real terms becomes
lower, thus the entrepreneur feels able to increase its
out-put which then increase the economic growth, the
addition of output is done with the addition to the
number of workers. From the addition to this number
of workers, there is a reduction to the number of
unemployed. Based on data descriptions in East Java,
with nominal wages increasing by Rp60,000.00, the
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
inflation rate increased from 3.62% to 6.96%,
recorded open unemployment rate decreased from
5.08% to 4.25% in 2009-2010. It shows that the effect
of inflation and minimum wage on open
unemployment rate.
From the research and discussion above, the
influence of inflation can be seen from the theory of
Sadono Sukirno that is with the higher rate of
inflation that occurs it will result in the economic
growth is de-creased so that there will be an increase
on unemployment. And previous research, that the
high inflation will affect the high level open
unemployment. In a positive and significant
relationship the amount of investment to the
unemployment rate is supported by capital-intensive
investment theory. It means agreeing with Sucitrawati
(20012) when the amount of investment districts /
cities in Bali Province increased, then the level of
unemployment districts / cities in Bali Province also
increased with invested capital-intensive.
Thus with wages, Phillips's curve theory states
that when high wages unemployment is at a low level.
(Pure, 2006: 211). The results of this study are in
accordance with research conducted by Sirait and
Marhaeni (2013) conducted in the regency /
municipality of Bali province, indicating that the
minimum wage negatively affect the unemployment
rate, mentioned by in-creasing wages hence the urge
to seek work by more and more people so that Reduce
the number of unemployed. So it can be concluded
the authors argue that there is influence between
inflation, investment and wage rates against
unemployment rate in East Java, with the results of
research Sucitra and Arka (2014) entitled "Inflation
Rate Influence, Investment, and Minimum Wage
against Open Unemployment Rate in Province Ba-li".
Based on the analysis and discussion of data can be
taken. The following conclusions: inflation has a
significant positive effect on open unemployment rate
in East Java in 2006-2016 with a positive or
unidirectional signs. Investment has no significant
positive effect on open unemployment rate in East
Java in 2006-2016 with a negative or unidirectional
signs. Minimum wage has negative and significant
effect on open unemployment rate in East Java year
2003-2014 with a negative or unidirectional signs.
Inflation and minimum wage affect open
unemployment rate in East Java in 2006-2016.
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ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship