
inflation rate increased from 3.62% to 6.96%,
recorded open unemployment rate decreased from
5.08% to 4.25% in 2009-2010. It shows that the effect
of inflation and minimum wage on open
unemployment rate.
From the research and discussion above, the
influence of inflation can be seen from the theory of
Sadono Sukirno that is with the higher rate of
inflation that occurs it will result in the economic
growth is de-creased so that there will be an increase
on unemployment. And previous research, that the
high inflation will affect the high level open
unemployment. In a positive and significant
relationship the amount of investment to the
unemployment rate is supported by capital-intensive
investment theory. It means agreeing with Sucitrawati
(20012) when the amount of investment districts /
cities in Bali Province increased, then the level of
unemployment districts / cities in Bali Province also
increased with invested capital-intensive.
Thus with wages, Phillips's curve theory states
that when high wages unemployment is at a low level.
(Pure, 2006: 211). The results of this study are in
accordance with research conducted by Sirait and
Marhaeni (2013) conducted in the regency /
municipality of Bali province, indicating that the
minimum wage negatively affect the unemployment
rate, mentioned by in-creasing wages hence the urge
to seek work by more and more people so that Reduce
the number of unemployed. So it can be concluded
the authors argue that there is influence between
inflation, investment and wage rates against
unemployment rate in East Java, with the results of
research Sucitra and Arka (2014) entitled "Inflation
Rate Influence, Investment, and Minimum Wage
against Open Unemployment Rate in Province Ba-li".
Based on the analysis and discussion of data can be
taken. The following conclusions: inflation has a
significant positive effect on open unemployment rate
in East Java in 2006-2016 with a positive or
unidirectional signs. Investment has no significant
positive effect on open unemployment rate in East
Java in 2006-2016 with a negative or unidirectional
signs. Minimum wage has negative and significant
effect on open unemployment rate in East Java year
2003-2014 with a negative or unidirectional signs.
Inflation and minimum wage affect open
unemployment rate in East Java in 2006-2016.
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The Effect of Inflation, Investment and Wages Rate on Unemployment in The East Java Province