health services can be determined by qualified health
providers and complete facility.
There are some intervention to reduce demand
barriers, information on health care, education,
costs, household preferences, community and
cultural preferences, attitude, norms, price and
availability. (Ensor & Cooper, 2004)
A demand curve can be used in evaluating the
program with need and demand analysis. However,
in this research a demand curve cannot be created
because of the time limitation. The researcher cannot
measure the change of quantity and prices in order to
form a demand curve
The conclusion of the need and demand analysis of
primary healthcare in public health undergraduate
students is that there is a gap between the need and
demand of primary healthcare. There is unmet need
in primary healthcare because of the quality of
health providers and access to health services.
Future research can be carried out over a longer
period, so that there will be change of prices and
quantity and, from those variables, a demand curve
can be drawn. The demand curve can then be used as
a tool to evaluate the JKN (Jaminan Kesehatan
Nasional) Program.
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