Current regulations in East Java are in response
to the instructions from the government on the
obligations of local governments concerning
integrating Jamkesda in to JKN in East Java. It is the
issuance of the East Java governor, regulation
number 35 in 2016 about the mechanism of
financing and the claims of health services for the
participant’s health insurance. In the regulation, it
reviews the obligations of the district or municipal
governments that have integrated JAMKESDA
members in to the JKN-KIS program.
In addition to these regulations, East Java also
executes policies in terms of the governance of the
national health insurance program participants in
relation to data collection from the poorest of society
as relates to Penerima Bantuan Iuran (PBI). This is
also the way that the East Java Province proves their
commitment to carry out central government
instructions to do with integration obligations
throughout Indonesia.
In a study conducted by M. Ali Imron Rosyadi,
his findings stated that the implementation of the
national health insurance program policy in East
Java Province is standard and that the target has
been clearly regulated according to the Decree of the
Minister of Social Service No. 146 / HUK / 2013.
This is in accordance with the stated criteria both
from the criteria of the participants and the amount
set aside for the task.
In an article on the official page of BPJS, there
are several cities or districts that have not integrated
Jamkesda in to the JKN-KIS program such as the
Trenggalek Regency, Pasuruan City, Batu Town, the
Sumenep Regency and the Sampang Regency. The
factors affecting some areas that have not integrated
Jamkesda are constraints to do with APBD. The
province of East Java remains determined to achieve
the 100% integration program by 2019
To support the implementation of the policies
that have been established by the provincial
government of East Java, the provinces have also
prepared resources for the success of this
integration. Starting from human resources and
financing from the Ministry of Social Service, the
Social Services, BPS, Health Offices and BPJS
(Kesehatan) are ready to participate in the
involvement of PBI data so that the process of the
integration with Jamkesda runs well and on target.
The Governor of East Java has a high level of
commitment when it comes to realising the success
of the JAMKESDA integration. By listing the
poorest of society into the PBI, it makes it easier for
the government to execute the central government's
instruction concerning the obligation of each region
to integrate Jamkesda into the JKN-KIS program.
The policy regarding JKN participants receiving
the PBI has been regulated in Goverment Regulation
Number 101 in 2012 that PBI and decision social
minister of Indonesia Number 146/HUK/2013 that
the determination of the criteria and data collection
of the poor and the needy. But this activity is not
implemented maximally. It is still evident that many
poor people are not included in the PBI. In 2015,
PBI 14.001.871, Jamkesda or PBI Non Kuota
707.305 and SPM 70.000.
But the head of East Java Province has a high
commitment to realize the success of this JKN, poor
people who are not included in the PBI Jamkesda in
charge of the budget, also the community has the
motivation to become participants independently.
As seen in the East Java governor's regulation
number 35 in 2016, there is substantial proof that the
East Java Provincial Government is committed to
the instructions of the Central Government in terms
of the obligations the integration of Jaminan
Kesehatan Daerah (Jamkesda) in to the Jaminan
Kesehatan Nasional – Kartu Indonesia Sehat (JKN-
KIS), managed by BPJS (Kesehatan).
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Nasional. 2014. Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat
Andalas. Padang.
Buku Pegangan Sosialisasi Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional
(JKN) dalam Sistem Jaminan Sosial Nasional, Menteri
Kesehatan Republik Indonesia.
Keputusan Menteri Sosial Nomor 146/HUK/2013
Mauldiana, Nuraini. Putri. Anneke. Analisis Implementasi
Integrasi Jaminan Kesehatan Daerah (JAMKESDA)
ke dalam Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN) di
Provinsi Jawa Tengah. 2016. Jurnal Kesehatan
Masyarakat Universitas Diponegoro. Semarang.
Notoatmojo, S. (2010). Metodologi Penelitian Kesehatan.
Jakarta: Rineka Cipta
Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 101 Tahun 2012 tentang
Penerima Bantuan Iuran (PBI)
Peraturan Presiden Nomor 12 Tahun 2013 tentang
Jaminan Kesehatan
Siaran Pers BPJS Kesehatan. Integrasi Jamkesda Ke
Dalam JKN-KIS : Gotong Royong dalam Bingkai
NKRI ( diakses pada tanggal 28
Agustus 2017 pukul 20:03)