parties associated with the implementation of JKN to
allow them to be more prepared for the possibilities
that can arise after the achievement of UHC 2019. In
addition, the results of this study can be used as
government considerations to improve the quality of
the National Health Insurance (JKN) program.
This explanative quantitative research explains and
tests the hypothesis of the research variables. The
study was conducted over a period of five months,
starting from March to July 2017. The study design
was cross-sectional with a population consisting of
the BPJS Kesehatan participants in Surabaya. The
design was used because the study examined two
variables at the same time. The independent variable
is the ownership of BPJS Kesehatan in Surabaya.
The dependent variable is health behavior. The
sampling technique used was multi-stage random
sampling. The location of the research was obtained
by randomly taking individuals as samples from 2
sub-districts from the 31 sub-districts in Surabaya,
and then selecting 2 urban villages until the final 2
RW (Rukun Warga) were chosen as the research
location. The selected RWs were RW 1 Krembangan
Utara, Pabean Cantian and RW 7 Nginden
Jangkungan, Sukolilo, Surabaya.
The equation used to determine the sample size
is known as the Lemeshow formula (1997):
𝑛 =
𝑃(1 − 𝑃)
𝑁 − 1
+ 𝑍
𝑃(𝑃 − 1)
From the formula above, we have got a sample
size of 250 people, with a ratio of 4:1 which was
obtained from the number of participants of
Surabaya City BPJS 2016 and the number of people
who do not have health insurance (the population in
2016 - the number of participants of BPJS in 2016,
assuming that non-BPJS participants are included in
the community who do not have health insurance
because of the difficulties in knowing the number of
people who do not have BPJS Kesehatan in
Surabaya. The assumption is only used to determine
the ratio of the research sample). The data used in
this study was the primary data obtained from the
data collection in the field using the aid of a
questionnaire instrument with a Likert scale (1-4).
The questionnaire passed the test of validity and
reliability before being given to the community.
Based on the research objectives and the data scale
of each variable (the scale of the independent
variable data is nominal, the dependent variable is
the ratio), the linear regression test with a dummy
variable could be used. However, because there are
some unfulfilled assumptions in the test, the Binary
Logistic Regression test was used to perform the
data analysis.
A total of 250 respondents participated in this
research. Each of them was asked to fill the
questionnaire to assess their health behavior.
The data obtained are analysed by binary logistic
regression test. Below is the result of partial test and
model formation:
Table 1: Variable in the Equation
Based on Table 1, it can be seen that the
coefficient of the participation of BPJS is 0.668
(value significance (p) = 0.039). This value is less
than alpha 0.05, which means that it has been
rejected. This, in turn, means that "there is a
significant influence of BPJS Kesehatan
participation on the health behaviour of the
participants" or "BPJS participation affects the
participant's health behaviours". In addition, from
the Table 1, Exp(B) shows a value of 1.951 which
means that the probability of societal members who
have health insurance behaving more healthily is
1.951 times better than those who do not have health
insurance at all.
Risk management theory states that people do not
like to be in risky circumstances, so they try to hand
over the responsibility of risk to others. The other
party in this study is the provider of health
insurance, but with the granting of this
responsibility, a person will have two possibilities
related to moral hazards. It describes the changes of
behaviors in prevention and treatment caused by
Influence Analysis of BPJS Kesehatan Ownership on Participant’s Health Behavior in Surabaya