obstacles in the implementation of Indonesia's
national health system, one of them is the
operational BPJS Health in 2014 which experienced
an imbalance or mismatch in the ratio of claims, due
to the outgoing financing greater than the
contribution of the incoming premiums up to
103.88% (BPJS Kesehatan, 2015). Therefore it can
be predicted that lower cigarettes purchasing pattern
will be able to pressing down the cost-economy
which related to smoking-related disease. Besides,
the higher cigarette tax might be increase the budget
allocation to the national health system so as to
improve the quality of health service and maintain
the health insurance program continuity in Indonesia
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related cigarettes purchasing pattern can be
concluded that the increase in cigarette taxes may
have an impact on the decline of cigarette
purchasing pattern, so that will be one of the
effective solution to increase the national health
status and reduction the burden of national health
insurance in Indonesian.
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