on the acceptance and dispatch, the interviews in the
Japan International Corporation of Welfare Services
showed that its way of thinking is not different from
that of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.
For example, they do not see the nurses come to
Japan from Indonesia with the aim of supporting the
labour shortage.
On the other hand, the interviews of the
Indonesian Agency for Overseas Placement and
Protection revealed that Indonesia, the dispatching
country, views their activities as a contribution to the
resolution of labour shortage. This may be one
reason for the miscommunication between Japan and
Second, the interviews with the first and second-
batch, and the candidates that returned home
revealed that there is a difference in the acceptance
system from hospital to hospital. However, case
studies of hospitals that accepted candidates who
failed the national examination are not conducted,
yet. This topic remains to be explored in the future.
Both the candidates and the accepting hospitals
indicate language barrier as a factor to explain the
low examination pass rate. We would like to point
out that improvement in Japanese language ability
depends on how much time the accepting hospital
sets aside for work and study.
However, the level of the examination must not
be lowered from an ethical viewpoint, as it is an
occupation that concerns human life.
Third, when there is a difference regarding the
EPA between the signing countries, there is a
possibility that it may develop into problems
involving the candidates as well as international
relations. We conclude, based on interviews that it is
likely to develop into international relations. We
consider that, although Japan currently has a good
relationship with Indonesia, new demands arise
between the governments.
Our research showed that the EPA is aimed at
mutually strengthening economic collaboration
between nations and it is a considerably important
agreement for the relation between the Association
of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and Japan.
Analysis of the current situation revealed that the
EPA framework, accepting foreign nurses in aging
society with declining birth-rate is significant as this
means nurses’ cross-border movement and their
contribution to global community. It is important
that policies concerning movement of people are
made with sufficient mutual decision-making by the
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