degrees of poverty. In the fulfilment of the basic
necessities only, secondary community down
already issued more business, especially if coupled
with purchase on buy cigarettes, resulting in the
burden of household spending growing. Not to
mention the fact that, if there are family members
suffering from diseases caused by smoking,
then the burden borne will be even greater.
Based on data taken from the journal “Beban
Kesehatan dan Dampak Ekonomi Merokok di
Indonesia tahun 2013”, in conjunction with
Indonesian Ministry of Health Regulation Number
69, 2013, it was found that in terms of national
inpatient treatment for diseases arising from
consumption of smoking in one year (2013), the
Government spent around Rp 5,353,829,437,990 or
approximately 5.35 billion rupiah. This is a huge
amount and not proportional to the expenditure
involved in removing funding from cigarette
consumption compared to the revenues received by
the state from the proceeds of the production of
cigarettes. It has more than 5.35 billion difference
from the impact and the cost from smoker what used
up every day.
Due to there being a greater number of
losses arising from tobacco than the benefits it
brings, a controlled effort is needed. The
government itself performs a variety of efforts to
decrease tobacco consumption, ranging from
advocacy efforts, by creating laws and regulations,
as well as other efforts such as the establishment of
the No Smoking areas (KTR) and unsettling images
of what will be suffered if someone smokes.
Efforts have been made by the government to
address the welfare of the people. However, all the
efforts will be futile if there is no awareness among
the communities themselves about the impact
brought about by smoking, that it not only harms the
smoker, but also others around them. This is because
of the need for support from various parties
to implement the programs that have been designed
by the government. If consumption against smoking
declines, the certain impacts on various fields of
yesteryear also will fall. With a declining impact
caused by smoking, one the Government can be sure
in increasing the welfare of society. In a country
with an already prosperous society, national
development efforts initiated by government will
also be easy to be realized.
The proportion of smokers in Indonesia is greater
among the on poor population compared with the
wealthy. When a resident has an active smoker in
their family then it will give rise to the increasing
burden of expenses. For the poor, the presence
of family members who are active smokers may
exacerbate the degree of poverty, not only
because spending will increase, not just for basic
necessities, but also to buy cigarettes. In addition,
there are likely to be family members who suffer
from a disease as a result of tobacco. As well as
the harm to society, smoking also harms the
country, because the income from the production
of cigarettes alone is less than the cost to be
borne by the government to treat diseases caused by
smoking. Therefore, it needs the support of various
parties to lower the levels of consumption in the
community in order to realise national development.
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Kementrian Kesehatan RI. 2015. ‘InfoDATIN Pusat Data
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Rampai Fakta Tembakau dan Permasalahannya di
Indonesia, p. 31.
Undang-Undang Nomor 36 Tahun 2009 abaout
Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Nomor
69 Tahun 2013 abaout Standar Tarif Pelayanan
Kesehatan pada Fasilitas Kesehatan Tingkat Pertama
dan Fasilitas Kesehatan Tingkat Lanjutan dalam
Penyelenggaraan Program Jaminan Kesehatan.
Impact of Tobacco Use on Poverty, Economic Development and Patterns of Tobacco Use by Poverty and Country Income Groups