register themselves and their family members
Implementation of JKN or social insurance is
new for the people of Indonesia. Although the
regulation has been established since 2004 (SJSN
Act), 2011 BPJS replaces the old social security
institutions, and by 2014 BPJS is enacted, education
/ provision of information related to JKN is still
lacking. This can be seen in the tendency of people
who do not understand the flow of JKN participation
including the obligations and benefits gained. Until
now the problem has always appeared in the form of
a deficit BPJS budget. This is because residents do
not regularly pay dues and more and more citizens
who come to get free treatment.
The author has used the literature study method to
analyse the patient’s satisfaction towards the
Indonesian national health insurance’s (JKN)
implementation. The objective is to know whether or
not the patients are satisfied with the implementation
of JKN by reviewing and summarising the relevant
publications and journals. Data was collected from
BPJS Kesehatan and JKN publications, and google
scholar using keyword: satisfication;
implementation; BPJS; JKN; and patient. The
quantitative data was descriptively analysed to
explain the problem of the recent years’ patient
satisfaction to do with The Indonesian National
Health Insurance implementation.
Since January 1
, 2014, the JKN Program has been
officially implemented. This program is expected to
provide many changes to the health system in
Indonesia, such as financing management, health
service management, information management,
cross-sector coordination, and others. Furthermore,
the system is also expected to affect other aspects
beyond the health system itself, such as economic
aspects, business aspects, employment aspects and
wage aspects. This is in addition to the aspect of
poverty reduction and social protection and up to the
aspect of data collection and the recording of the
The participants of JKN as of January 1
, 2014
are participants of the health insurance programs that
are transferred directly to the JKN program. The
health insurance program is a form of social security
provided by the government for civil servants
(Jamkesmas, Askes PNS, Health Insurance
TNI/POLRI, and JPK Jamsostek). From that
moment onwards, BPJS Health opened up
registration for every citizen who wanted to register
with JKN. BPJS Health estimates the number of
participants of JKN as of January 1
, 2014 as being
as much as 48.2% of the total population of
Indonesia, or as many as 110.4 million people.
To achieve quality and sustainable health
insurance in the National Medium-Term
Development Plan (RPJMN) 2015-2019, the
government targeted BPJS participants to increase to
cover as much as 95% of the population and for the
participants of PBI to increase to as many as 107.2
million inhabitants. Until 2016, the number of
participants increased to 50.9 million people from
January 2014. Coverage as per 2016 reached 67.6%
of the total population, out of 180 million people.
In addition to participation, to optimise the
services to the community, BPJS cooperates with
health facilities in Indonesia. By 2016, BPJS has
successfully expanded its cooperation with
approximately 25,000 healthcare facilities consisting
of 19,969 first-level health facilities (Puskesmas,
Practice physicians, and primary clinics), 1,847
hospitals, 2,813 supporting facilities (pharmacies
and optics) and others.
With the momentum of the changes in the BPJS
Health management positions in 2016-2021, BPJS
Health established three main focuses as a
continuous step forward for implementing the JKN
program, which is sustainable financial
management, service stabilisation, and the
optimisation of the mental health revolution. The
second focus, the stabilisation of the services, is in
order to improve the satisfaction of all pesetas. At
the beginning of 2014, the BPJS health target was
that the participants' satisfaction should reach 75%.
This target has continued to increase along with
efforts to improve the health care system. The next
target is in 2019; it is expected that the Participant
Satisfaction Index can reach 85%. According to the
data from BPJS, the achievement of participant
satisfaction in 2016 was79% of the 156.7 million
participants of BPJS. Compared to the 2014, the
achievement of JKN participants' satisfaction is
considered to have increased, which is interpreted as