3.1 Non-Smoking Area Regulations that
are not yet equally distributed in
The enactment of Regulations for Non-Smoking
Areas is very important and influential for the future.
It can minimise the number of active smokers who
smoke in various places that do not think about their
surrounding conditions, which can adversely affect
the health of active smokers and passive smokers
alike. According to the data from Indonesia Health
Profile 2012, pusdatin Kemenkes RI 2013, it states
that there are still many provinces that have not
implemented the Regulation of No Smoking Areas.
It is important to keep in mind that if there are no
policies, then the number of active smokers in
Indonesia will increase year to year. Non-Cigarette
Regional Regulations should be further enforced in
various areas that have not established a Joint
Regulation with the Minister of Health and Minister
of Home Affairs No.188/Menkes/PB/I/2011.7 to do
with No Smoking Area guidelines.
3.2 Areas Without Cigarettes that are not
From several research results that have been
analysed and presented by the researcher, it can be
concluded that the implementation of regulations for
Non-Smoking Areas is still not running effectively
yet. The implementation of Perda No.5/2008 for
Non Smoking Area and Limited Area Smoking in
the Joyoboyo Terminal area of Surabaya City issued
by Surabaya City Government has not yet been fully
achieved. From the results of this research, it proves
that there are still many who have not implemented
the regulations properly. There need to be firmness
from the Government to put more emphasis on the
severe sanctions that will be enforced on people who
violate the regulation of No Smoking Areas so the
violation of the regulation is not a preferable or
neutral action.
3.3 Low compliance with the Rules
Indonesian society has a low standard when it comes
to complying with regulations provided by the
Government. Lots of rules have been established,
not only the Regulation of Regions without
Smoking, but are still violated. This is due to the
lack of strict sanctions from society and a lack of
knowledge. One example is a researcher named
Iswanti who examines compliance with smoking
regulations in Surabaya. Supervision on the
implementation of Local Regulation No.5 / 2008
concerning Non-Smoking Area and Limited Area
Smoking in Joyoboyo terminal of Surabaya City is
not done as stated in Regulation No.5 / 2008. Law
enforcers also never sanction against perpetrators of
violation of Regulation No.5 / 2008, especially in
Joyoboyo terminal of Surabaya City. Although the
UPTD terminal Joyoboyo Surabaya City has tried as
much as possible, but still found many smokers who
smoke free in the terminal Joyoboyo Surabaya. It
can be concluded that the awareness and compliance
of community law in Surabaya Joyoboyo terminal is
still low.
From the results of Reno Renaldi's research
analysis in 2013, there is a significant relationship
between the implementation of KTR policy and the
knowledge of KTR policy. The researcher also
stated the results of the data analysis obtained from
society which was influenced by environment
associations who, at risk, were 17 times more likely
not to execute KTR policy. This research is in
accordance with results of the research conducted by
Puswitasari in 2012 stating the existence of a
relationship between the influences of the
environment with the level of compliance. An
analysis of the results of research from both sides
has previously been in conformity with Imelda's
research in 2012, stating the relationship between
cigarette attitudes and KTR policies with the
participation of non-smoking areas.
3.4 Cigarette Advertisement Ignored
Society in Indonesia, especially in Surabaya,
indicates that many are indifferent to the ad
campaigns that have been made by related parties.
Many people actually understand about the content
or meaning of the content contained in the ad. But
they are indifferent because no one forbids if
smoking does harm to public health. It needs a new
marketing strategy or ad campaign that generates
more attention.
The implementation of non-smoking areas in
Indonesia, especially in Surabaya, has not fully run
optimally as a whole because the Regulation of No
Smoking Area is not evenly distributed in Indonesia
and there is less community for existing regulations.