and their families (BPJS, 2015). Home visit
activities are conducted when new participants are
registered, absent for three consecutive times,
physical examination is not good, and post-
hospitalization (BPJS, 2015).
From the BPJS, especially the primary service
management department, there has been no
publication on the Internet related to the monitoring
and evaluation of the PROLANIS program, so not
everyone knows the effectiveness of the PROLANIS
program. However, in the several scientific journals
discussing the effectiveness of the PROLANIS
program, it is considered that the PROLANIS
program has not been run properly. This is evident
in the lack of some activities, such as the formation
of clubs for education and other group activities
(Assupina, Misnaniarti and Rahmiwati, 2013). In
addition, the rapidly increasing membership of
PROLANIS programs is not followed by the
continuity of participants in following the activities
of the PROLANIS program
(Idris, 2014).
According to research by Swastini, D.A, Putri
S.A, Rudiarta N.M, Wiryanthini I.A.D (2016),
patient with hypertension which using JKN, diastolic
blood pressure decreased significantly. The patient
do outpatient treatment in hospital around six month
with the help of JKN. Another literature study by
Della P.S, Mirtha T.L (2016), noted there’s
connection between the successes of blood pressure
control with health insurance participation. Patient
who don’t have health insurance increase the risk of
uncontrolled blood pressure. With health insurance
which one of them are JKN, patient can get
treatment to control their blood pressure and prevent
complication without worried about high cost.
Of the various problems, the BPJS, especially
the primary service management department, should
make efforts of continuity so that participants who
have signed up always follow the activities on the
PROLANIS program. Such endeavours are not
necessarily by devising new endeavours, but can
also utilize old efforts through reminders. In addition
to SMS, reminders may also be done through social
media on the Internet owned by participants. In this
modern era, people have started to become Internet
literate and utilize it effectively. Social media on the
Internet that may be used include the LINE
application, WhatsApp, etc. Another possible effort
is to add facilities and facilities for optimizing
activities. As with educational activities, it is
possible for participants to be given a snack so that
participants are happy and interested to participate,
or to also provide games or role-play so that
participants do not get bored with the education
provided. Maintaining the continuity of participants
in following the various activities in PROLANIS
program, especially related to controlling patient
with type 2 diabetes mellitus, will impact on
improving the quality of the program.
PROLANIS is an effort undertaken by BPJS to
control chronic diseases, which, in this case, is type
2 diabetes mellitus. There is no publication by BPJS
on the Internet related to the monitoring and
evaluation of the PROLANIS program. However,
there are several scientific journals that have
examined the effectiveness of PROLANIS
programs. From these journals, it was found out that
the PROLANIS program is able to improve health
examination to be better, but it is not balanced with
the continuity of activities and low participated on
the PROLANIS program. It is necessary to keep
participants in the activities of PROLANIS
programs, such as by reminding through social
media on the Internet or add some facilities such as
snacks or games and doing role-play so that
participants are interested to continue to follow the
activities in PROLANIS program, especially related
to diabetes mellitus type 2.
Assupina, M. Misnaniarti and Rahmiwati, A. 2013.
Analisis Implementasi Program Pengelolaan Penyakit
Kronis (PROLANIS) pada Dokter Keluarga PT
ASKES di Kota Palembang Tahun. Jurnal Imu
Kesehatan Masyarakat, 4(3), pp. 256-258. [online]
Available from:
wFile/293/pdf (Accessed: Sep 03 2017)
Badan Penyelenggaran Jaminan Sosial (BPJS). 2015.
Panduan Praktis PROLANIS (Program Pengelolaan
Penyakit Kronis) SlideShare.18 p. [online] Available
panduan-praktis-bpjs-kesehatan-prolanis (Accessed:
Sep 03 2017).
Della P.S, and Mirtha T.L. 2016. Pengaruh Keikutsertaan
Pasien pada Program Jaminan Kesehatan terhadap
Keberhasilan Kontrol Tekanan Darah pada Penderita
Hipertensi. Jurnal eJKI, 4(2), pp. 125-129. [online]
Available from:
Idris, F. 2014. Pengintegrasian Program Preventif
Penyakit Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2 PT. Askes (Persero)
ke Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial Kesehatan
(BPJS Kesehatan). Jurnal Indonesia Medical
Association, 64(3), pp. 117-118. [online] Available
INAHEA 2017 - 4th Annual Meeting of the Indonesian Health Economics Association