The Government of Indonesia has instructed on the
policy making of non-smoking areas since the
issuance of UU no. 36 tahun 2009 on the health
mandate to the local government in order to
implement areas without smoking in their respective
regions. Schools are one of the areas that must apply
the area without smoking policy and students have
become one of the targets. Students are expected not
to become new active smokers and to assist in
reducing the smoking rates among adolescents.
Based on the table presented, the proportion of
active smokers among junior high school students
has increased after the implementation of the non-
smoking area policy. This is in contrast to high
school students who showed a 2% decline rate in the
number of active smokers after the implementation
of a non-smoking area policy. The facts show that
junior high school adolescents are an increasingly
widespread target of the tobacco industry. The
tobacco industry proved that it has expanded its
marketing to an early age of only 10-14 years
(Afiati, 2015). In addition, junior high school is also
a vulnerable age group because it is in a critical
period of searching for their identity. Cigarettes are
considered to be a symbol of maturity and coolness
by teenage groups (BNN, 2017).
The proportion of smokers in junior and senior
high school students of the male sex tends to
increase considerably. Junior and senior high school
students of the female gender decreased after the
implementation of the policy of non-smoking areas.
The difference in the proportion of smoking is
because men smoke more than women, which can
be caused by stress factors. How stress is dealt with
in men tends to lead to negative things such as
smoking while women only tend to react with
feelings of anxiety. In addition, cigarettes are also
used as a social tool to forge friendships with other
men around them (Afiati, 2015).
Active smokers in the junior high school student
context in both cities and districts alike has
increased after the adoption of the non-smoking area
policy. High school students who are in the city or
districts have decreased the proportion of active
smokers. The proportion of active smokers in junior
high school students increased as the age of 10-14
years old has become the dominant first age of
starting to smoking (Afiati, 2015). At that age,
teenagers start trying to smoke because they want to
learn due to peer pressure (Rachmat, Thaha and
Syafar, 2013).
Judging from the implementation of the non-
smoking area policy, schools that have been smoke-
free and areas that are without cigarette
advertisements in Indonesia total only 90 (Yayasan
Lentera Anak, 2017). Tens of thousands of other
junior and senior high schools have not implemented
a comprehensive or consistent non-smoking area
policy in the school environment. Factors that
hamper the implementation of a non-smoking area
policy in some schools includes socialisation from
the local government to the school not being
optimal. There is no special team to oversee the
implementation of an area without cigarettes, the
availability of facilities and infrastructure of non-
smoking areas is not sufficient, and the school’s
commitment in the form of sanctions to the
offenders is still low (Argameli, 2017 dan Panjaitan,
2015). The optimal application of cigarette smoking
areas in every school is actually very important for
better growth and development in the younger
generation. This is evidenced by research that
explains that adolescents in schools with non-
smoking areas have a 3.2 times better chance of
having a positive attitude and are 2.6 times more
likely to quit smoking than teenagers in schools that
have not implemented an area without smoking
(Rachmat, Thaha and Syafar, 2013).
The results showed that the proportion of active
smokers in junior and senior high school students
following the enactment of a non-smoking area
policy has increased, mainly in the male students. In
addition, active smokers in relation to the junior high
school students located in districts and cities alike
has also increased in number. The proportion of
smokers of high school student age located in the
districts and cities has tended to decrease.
The increase in the proportion of active smokers
in students following non-smoking area policy was
due to less intensive dissemination of non-smoking
area policy, no special team of non-smoking area
policy, and lack of facilities or supporing
infrastructure. In addition, further research is needed
on the causes of an oncrease in the proportion of
active smokers among adolescents.