participants continues to decline over time.
Especially in the community included in the non-
civil wage recipient worker group (PPU non-PNS),
the membership rate is still quite low. That is due to
the lack of trust of the business entity towards the
services provided by BPJS. In this case, the business
entities usually have other insurance that is
considered to provide a maximum service which
they feel is better than BPJS.
In addition, the lack of socialisation of the BPJS
employees also becomes one of the factors that
affects why many people have not registered
themselves as JKN participants. It will also relate to
people's ignorance of what the benefits of JKN are,
and what the sanctions are if they do not register, so
therefore they will feel no need to register as
participants. Residents who tend to be healthy or
rarely ill will feel that they have no interest in the
membership and that they would not benefit if they
had it. Communities can also be influenced by the
surrounding environment that may have a counter to
the JKN system. This kind of mind-set should be
able to be straightened by BPJS officers by
conducting deep socialisation within the community.
Another factor is that many residents have not
registered with JKN because they do not have a
social number (NIK), which is the main requirement
of JKN registration. Every citizen has a NIK listed
on the family card, so this should not be a problem.
In fact, many residents do not have a resident
registration number due to various factors, one of
which is that the population does not have a family
card because it has not been updated, has been lost,
and so on, or because it has been hampered by
administrative processes in connection to difficult
government agencies. The solution of this problem
is the need for easier access for the public to obtain
public administration services.
Finally, the factor inhibiting the community to
become a member of JKN is the number of people
unable to pay the JKN premium. The payment of
premiums that each month must be done by the
community based on their respective class is still a
barrier. Some people still object to paying the
premium every month according to the tariff that is
pre-determined. To overcome this, the government
has implemented a policy of beneficiaries of
contributions for people who cannot afford the JKN
premiums. Seeing the existence of underprivileged
people who have not been covered in the
membership of beneficiaries of contributions, it can
be a correction for the government to further
improve their performance in relation to equity,
especially for the middle to lower classes in society.
1. The implementation of JKN still has a lot of
comprehensive problems, including the
participants, health facilities, government, and
BPJS itself. In the terms of participation, the
data has proven that the trend in the number of
JKN participation continues to decline over
2. There are many factors that affect the lack of
participation, such as that business entities
cannot believe in the services provided by
BPJS, they have another insurance that is better
than BPJS, the lack of socialisation from the
BPJS side, and so on.
3. Another factor is that many residents have not
registered with JKN because they do not have a
social number (NIK) which is the main
requirement of JKN registration. One of cause is
that the population segment does not have a
family card because it has not been updated, has
been lost, and so on, or because it has been
hampered by administrative processes in
connection with difficult government agencies.
4. The factors that also inhibiting the community
to become a member of JKN are that some
people still object to paying the premium every
month according to the tariff of the premium
pre-determined by their class.
5. In order to resolve the problems above, the
government has given some solutions, such as
implementing a policy of beneficiaries of
contributions for people who cannot afford JKN
6. The achievement of the JKN membership
targets has a high level of importance in order to
see in the success of the JKN program.
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Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia RI. 2013.
Buku Pegangan Sosialisasi Jaminan Kesehatan
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Undang-Undang No. 24 Tahun 2011 Tentang Badan
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