Accessibility of learning system; and 4) critical
success factors for program continuity. The
explanations related to the scope of each evaluation
are as follows:
1. Effectiveness of distance education programs
The implementation of the PJJ program is
expected to be an effective way of overcoming
the problems of quality human resources in
Indonesia today. The concept of effectiveness in
learning in the PJJ program includes several
things. Among them is that the implementation
of the delivery method of education is done
flexibly, with good teaching materials and a
powerful module that can enable self-learning.
Learning by this method makes face-to-face
meetings a support process only when the
students have difficulty understanding the
modules or teaching. This is done on the
initiative of the students. This is because the
weight of distance learning is independent
learning 50%, 30% face to face and online 20%.
The face-to-face learning methods undertaken
by the tutor may include lectures, discussions
and formative evaluations. Online learning is
done in two ways: 1) teleconference and 2)
email. Effectiveness in this program is an
important point in order to achieve the program
2. Process Quality and Its Impact on Health
Services (Learning Applications)
The program’s implementation requires the
students to have higher motivation and initiative
compared to other students. High motivation
and initiative in completing the learning will
make the students better able to complete the
evaluations and exam module. Associated with
the impact of the implementation of the
program is a variety of behavioural changes due
to the program such as the initiative to form a
learning group based on geographical
proximity. This allows them to discuss
concepts, complete joint tasks and to exchange
information. In fact, this was often not only
done with fellow students who are involved in
the program but also their colleagues and
doctors in the workplace. Another observed
effect is the improvement in their
communication skills with the patient. The
additional knowledge gained during the
program is considered to be a helpful source of
information in answering the patient’s
questions. The evaluation process related to
motivation and initiative and the process and
impact of the subsequent behavioural changes
should be a concern.
3. Online Learning Accessibility
The beginning of the learning program begins
with an introduction to and training in
information technology as a learning medium
that is accompanied by a guide book. In the
training process, there is a phase of adjustment
by the students. They assume that the use of the
technology is more confusing, unfriendly or
complicated. In addition, another access
problem is bad internet access. This affects the
ability to access websites, video conferences
and other online learning materials. Skills in
using online media and online systems need to
be provided not only for the students but also
lecturers and committees. Some students
complain of difficulty in understanding the
practical material presented using animations,
videos and power point. This shows that the
technique of delivering the material has not
been mastered properly by the tutors and
lecturers, and also the limited availability of
learning media materials. Therefore, quality
improvement is not only given to the students
but also to tutors or lecturers who should get
intensive training and repair the poor internet
4. Determinants of Success and Prerequisites for
The PJJ Program is a solution for health
workers to be able to continue working while
studying. Therefore in order for the learning
system to run consistently, there are several
areas that need to be improved in terms of:
a. Program management; the different levels of
experience between the tutors and students
can actually be used to combine theory and
practice during the classroom discussions.
The tutors should have the skills to facilitate
classes in adult education settings and make
use of student experiences to strengthen the
learning experience.
Lecturers and educational staff; improving the
academic standards of tutors through
continuous training is required.
c. Curriculum; some general subjects can be
modified into one independent study subject
that does not take a semester, and in which
the evaluation can be given independently
online when students have completed a
module. The conversion system into a number