Finance number 147 / PMK.010 / 2016. In this new
policy, the increased fare is 13.46% for White
Cigarette Machine Tobacco (SPM) tobacco
products, and the lowest is 0% for Cigarette Tobacco
(Tobacco) with an average increased weight of
10.54%. In addition to the increased fare, the retail
price (HJE) has also increased to an average of
12.26%. The main problem that must be considered
to do with the increases is the control of production,
labour, illegal cigarettes and tax receipts which the
policy have been discussed from various
stakeholders (Directorate General of Customs and
Excise of the Ministry of Finance. 2016).
Cigarette control is done by raising the tax, so that
people in Indonesia can limit their consumption of
cigarettes. It is better to reach 1-3% because there
are a lot of disadvantages in the economic, social,
environmental aspects otherwise. The formal sector
of employment consists of 401,989 people, which is
three quarters of society or 291,824 people, who are
involved in the production of hand-rolled cigarettes,
which is a labour-intensive industry. When added to
the informal sector, the policy impacts 2.3 million
tobacco farmers, 1.5 million clove farmers, 600
thousand tobacco workers, and 1 million retailers’
lives. Based on the data, it can be concluded that the
customs policy has a significant impact on more
than 5.8 million Indonesians’ life.
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