An evaluation is an activity that contains the
consideration of the value of a phenomenon. Public
policy evaluations are divided into two; namely the
outcomes of public policy implementation that refer
to the policy objectives and the process of public
policy implementation (Mustopadidjaya, 2002). The
process of public policy implementation refers to an
evaluation based on implementation and technical
guidelines. According to Team for the Acceleration
of Poverty Reduction (2015), the government of
Indonesia launched National Health Insurance (NHI)
or known as Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN) in
Indonesia, which aims to protect the Indonesian
public from the shock of sudden health crises.
NHI/JKN is being implemented in stages, intending
to provide universal health coverage to the
population by 2019.
The health insurance system in Indonesia needs
to be evaluated to overcome the existing barriers and
to increase the effectiveness of the program.
National Health Insurance (NHI) can be used for
using health services in health care facilities. In
accordance with the research that had been
conducted by Marisah (2016), participants of BPJS
could choose first level health care facilities that are
in cooperation with BPJS Health. In the
implementation of National Health
Insurance/Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (NHI/JKN),
there are many obstacles that have arisen. Besides
that, a rresearch that had ben conducted by Putra
(2014) mentioned the obstacles that existed during
the implementation of NHI/JKN including the
delayed disbursement of claims, the difference in the
value of service tariffs, information technology that
often experiences disturbance and a lack of human
resources. This is in line with the research that had
been conducted by Andita (2016), where the factor
of delay in claims was a health insurance barrier.
An application system called e-Hope will be
made to evaluate the national health insurance
policy. The design of this application innovation
idea is based on the Ripley and Franklin Theory
which includes three aspects. There were some
research that using Ripley and Franklin Theory. The
research that had been conducted by Putra (2014)
stated the successfullness of NHI/JKN policy
implementation using Ripley and Franklin Theory.
Another research that using that theory is a research
that had been conducted by Subadi (2013). The
successfull of a policy will be easier if there is an
application that provide measurement of policy
evaluation. So, this application aims to measure the
success of a policy from three aspects. Those are
degree compliance, smoothness/lack of disruption
and impact.
In spite of evaluating policy, this application can
also support the National Health Information System
in the future. It needs both human resources and the
facilities to support it. It also includes a procedure to
run the application. A research that had been
conducted by Isnawati et.al (2016) stated that there
were many challenges about Health Information
System from the input such as procedure and form;
the process needed a dependable human resources
and the good quality data as an output. The better
input and process of health infornation system, the
better outcome would be seen.
This application will need human resources,
facilities to support it and a procedure to run the
application. The internet will be used to access the
application. Because of its function, it will make this
application can be accessed or connected by
thousands of computer networks worldwide. Besides
that, this application system contains forums to
share, monitor and evaluate that can be accessed by
health experts or the leaders of the health care
facilities in Indonesia. They have to fill in three
aspects of the application.
The first aspect to be filled in is the degree of
compliance. The fulfilment of the requirements
becomes the first indicator to be seen in this aspect.
This indicator looks at whether the health care
facilities already have an MoU with BPJS so that it
can manage both parties. The MoU itself refers to
the Regulation of Indonesia Health Ministry No 28
2014 on Guidelines for Implementation of the
National Health Insurance Program (Peraturan
Menteri Kesehatan RI No 28 Tahun 2014 tentang
Pedoman Pelaksanaan Program Jaminan Kesehatan
Nasional). The MoU must contain health services,
health care facilities that organise people, the
benefits guaranteed in JKN and the procedures for
obtaining health services in Advanced Healthcare
Referral Facilities.
The second indicator in
compliance is claims reporting. The submitted
claims must be verified by the BPJS as a verifier in
order to verify the admittance of service
responsibility. The health experts have to fill in the
indicators by way of a checklist which has been
made previously.
The second aspect is smoothness/lack of
disruption. The current implementation of the
routine functions can be seen from within the
existing processes of the health services. The speed
of the health services provided to the health care
patients shall be made in accordance with MSS and