The participation of Childbirth Insurance in
Dawarblandong Districts has been equitable,
especially for all poor people belonging to pregnant
women, maternal mothers, postpartum and babies,
except for people who have other insurance.
Implementation of Childbirth Insurance in
Dawarblandong Districts for health worker have
purpose and desire to strive for Dawarblandong Sub-
district can be maternity with low cost for poor
society safely and comfortably. Based on the
Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945
article 27 paragraph (2) it says "every citizen shall
have decent work and livelihood". Data collection is
done in detail so that all communities can be
registered as Childbirth Insurance participants. This
is done in every village in Dawarblandong Districts.
In Indonesia, various national development efforts
have been made, one of them is health development.
Thus equity in development needs to be revisited.
3.4 Evaluation of Childbirth Insurance
Every year at the Dawarblandong Public Health
Center, an evaluation of the Childbirth Insurance
Program is conducted for a year. The evaluation
meeting was attended by Childbirth Insurance
Program supporters such as Sub district Head, Urban
Village Head, Head of Public Health Center and all
Village Midwives. The purpose of the evaluation is
to know the success of the Childbirth Insurance
Program every year. Success has seen from the
accuracy of the target. This means that with the
Childbirth Insurance, the achievement of the MCH
program has been successful.
3.5 MMR and IMR coverage
MMR and IMR coverage in Dawarblandong
Districts in 2016 decreased, that’s compared to the
previous year. Utilization of Childbirth Insurance of
Dawarblandong was done by participation really
proven. The desire of the implementing team is the
Village Midwife is also one of the supporters of
Childbirth Insurance Program to improve health
status by providing the best service for pregnant
To evaluate the implementation of Childbirth
Insurance using the indicator of the success of
Childbirth Insurance this contained in the Health
Minister Regulation 2011 about Guideline for the
Technical Childbirth Insurance.
Health workers in Dawarblandong Districts have
knowledge and understanding about Childbirth
Insurance. It is in accordance with the Technical
Guideline for Childbirth Insurance, that the
Childbirth Insurance is an effort to ensure and
protect the process of pregnancy, childbirth,
postnatal and family planning. Childbirth Insurance
in Dawarblandong Districts provide services as
written in technical guidance covering Antenatal
Care (ANC), childbirth help, postnatal care and
family planning services, and newborn health
services, including referral preparation service at the
time of complications (pregnancy, childbirth,
bleeding or childbed and infant newborn and family
Childbirth Insurance Financing is an integral part
of Public Health Assurance financing, so its
management in Management Team/Health Office at
Regency/City Level is not done separately for the
first level service/basic service and for the
advanced/referral service. The management of
financing Public Health Assurance in the first level
service/basic service is done by the Health Office.
Claim Childbirth Insurance at Dawarblandong
District conducted by midwives to Public Health
Center. Based on technical guidelines of Childbirth
Insurance, the management claimed by reporting the
completeness of claims covering ID card, photocopy
of service sheet in Mother and Child Health (MCH)
book, pantograph, cohort book, and family planning
note by birth attendant. Public Health Center
reported to Health Office.
Socialization on Childbirth Insurance is done to
all pregnant women especially poor people.
Childbirth Insurance socialization by Public Health
Center aims to provide information about Childbirth
Insurance and benefits of Childbirth Insurance. That
way there is no doubt for the community in
following the Childbirth Insurance Program. Only
the poor people are targeted by the Childbirth
Insurance Program. From the informants are ensured
that all the rightful people at Dawarblandong
Districts become participants of Childbirth Insurance
have entered Childbirth Insurance data.
One of the indicators to improve maternal health
is the achievement of MMR and IMR decline which
in the delivery process is assisted by trained health
personnel. Childbirth workers in Dawarblandong
Districts each Village has one midwife. According
to Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia in
2006 about Village Standby, in Indonesia for the
whole region there is at least one village midwife to