Analysis of Age Starting Smoking towards Cigarettes Consumed Per
Day in Tanggungan Village of Bojonegoro District
Achmad Habibullah
Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Airlangga, Mulyorejo street Kampus C Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Smoker, Early age, Cigarette, Price, Health.
Abstract: The number of smokers in Indonesia that is growing increasingly which made increasing the number of
people who are sick because of the smoke. This is due to the factor of age beginning smoking and also
because of the number of cigarettes that factors in use in a day. This research aims to find out the
relationship of early age smoking and amount smoked per day with the issue of the increase in the price of
cigarettes. Type of this research is descriptive data collection technique is interviews and observations. With
a population of 169 people who smoke than the number of citizens as much as 230 residents. The interview
was done to all the residents in the hamlet of dependents. Obtainable right characteristics age of smokers
and also the number of cigarettes that was spent in a day. Many smokers in the hamlet of Dependents
regardless of age ranging from < 15 years until age > 25 years. The amount of smoking in a day spent also
around < 5 rods until > 10 cigarettes per day hanging indent of 2-centimenter.
The tobacco-related tobacco epidemic is one of the
biggest public health threats facing the world today.
Cigarettes become an interesting phenomenon
because in addition to death the rest is the result of
non smokers exposed to smokers (indirect). About
one person dies every six seconds from smoking,
accounting for one in 10 adult deaths (WHO, 2013)
Smoking is an unhealthy, both for the physical
body and for one's economy. Nevertheless, tobacco
consumption increased worldwide (1.3 billion
smokers) and greatly increased in bulk 82% of
smokers in the world (Lian, et al, 2014). world
tobacco consumption data by region, Asia Pacific
has the highest percentage of smokers by 56%. In
ASEAN alone there are 121 million adult smokers,
or 10% of the world's smokers are in ASEAN.
Approximately one billion men in the world are
smoker, with 35% of them comes from developed
countries and 50% comes from developing
countries. There was an average of 435.000 U.S.
populations per year died caused by smoking habit
with 1:5 ratio.
From the research of The Asean Tobacco Control
Report Card data at 2008, 30,1% adult population of
South East Asia are smoker. In Indonesia,
57.563.866 adult population are smoker, places it in
the fifth rank of the highest cigarette-consuming
country worldwide. This condition is compounded
by the number of adolescent smokers in Indonesia,
thus 80% of smoker in Indonesia is still under 19.
Moreover, in East Java, there were 23.9% smokers
under 25.
According to The Tobacco Atlas 5th edition
(Eriksen, et al, 2015), Indonesia ranks 4th in the
world in terms of cigarette consumption. While at
the ASEAN level, Indonesia was ranked first with
the number of smokers 50.68% of total smokers in
ASEAN. Currently, smoking is not only consumed
by adults, but the start of the children have started to
smoke. Based on data from Infodatin in 2013, the
trend of smoking is ranging from 5-9 years. From
the data it is found that the trend of age to start
smoking is aged 15-19 years.
East Java is a province that always ranks first in
the case of cigarette consumption and diseases
caused by cigarettes from 2007 until the year 2013.
The achievement of cigarette case invention is
always increasing every year (Riskesdas, 2013).
Teens are always the target of the tobacco industry.
Reported from the data and information center
(2013) the prevalence of tobacco consumption in the
Habibullah, A.
Analysis of Age Starting Smoking towards Cigarettes Consumed Per Day in Tanggungan Village of Bojonegoro District.
In Proceedings of the 4th Annual Meeting of the Indonesian Health Economics Association (INAHEA 2017), pages 195-198
ISBN: 978-989-758-335-3
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
population over the age of 15 continues to increase,
both men and women. The increase is not only
experienced by men, but also women. However,
men tend to start smoking more at a young age.
Bojonegoro is one of the regencies in eastern
Java with livelihood activity as farmers. One of the
most dominant farms in the district is tobacco
farmers. The existence of tobacco farmers has
existed since the Dutch colonial era. It is known
from the presence of Dutch heritage in the form of
information tobacco in Sumberrejo. This hall was
built by the Dutch colony through cooperation with
Krosok Centre Company at 1938.
Based on the high number of cigarettes smoked
per day and the initial age of starting smoking, the
aim of this research is to analyze the amount of
cigarettes smoked per day and the average initial age
of starting smoking at tanggungan village, ngraho
subdistrict, Bojonegoro.
The increasing price of cigarette from 15.000
rupiah up to 50.000 rupiah is considered as effective
to reduce the number of smoker. This is confirmed
by demography researcher from Universitas
Indonesia, Abdillah Ahsan, through The Jakarta Pos.
The type of this research is descriptive. Data
collection technique is conducted by interview and
observation. Interviews were selected on the basis of
convenience considerations of communication
between researchers and respondents. Because
researchers only observed and no attempt treatment
of the respondents. Based on the time and design of
this research is Cross Sectional study because this
research is done at a certain time to describe a
situation and activity (Susila & Suyatno, 2015). The
population taken in this research is RT 1, 2, 3, 4
members at Tanggungan village and RT 17 Ngori
Village, ngraho subdistrict.
The data collected use population as mentioned
above as data variable. Sampling in this study was
chosen using simple random sampling technique
because the number of population has been known
by the researcher and so that every individual has
equal opportunity to become respondent. Research
subjects were observed once and analyzed to the
independent variables of smoking age towards
dependent variable is the number of cigarettes spent
in a day to describe the condition and and the
phenomenon that occurs in depth. Then the data that
have been obtained will be analyzed by applying
simple logistic regression test analysis. That is
because independent variables and dependent
variables are both ordinal scale.
Table 1: Frequency of cigarette amount per day at
Tanggungan village and Ngori village in 2016
Total cigarette
(per day)
Total (people)
<5 cigarettes
6-10 cigarettes
>10 cigarettes
No smoking
Table 1 shows the amount of cigarettes smoked
per day, which the highest is more than 5 pieces of
cigarettes a day, which is 40%.
Table 2: Frequency of the initial age of starting smoking
in Tanggungan village and Ngori village in 2016
Early Age of Smokers
Total (people)
<15 years old
15-20 years old
20-25 years old
>25 years old
No smoking
Table 2 shows that the highest range of the initial
age of smoking is between 20-25 and 42%
percentage. The initial age of start smoking <15 is
6%, age 15-20 10%, age 20-25 42%, The results of
this research, acquired of age smoker <15 years old
as much 6%, 15-20 years old as much 10%, 20-25
years old as much 42 % and >25 years as much 6%
and who do not smoke as much 36%. In this study
resulted in no effect between the age of smokers and
the number of cigarettes spent per day. That is
because the majority of respondents assume that
they smoke when they have income in order not to
become a burden on the family.
According to observation, they smoke in the age
around 15 to 25 because they have already made
money from their job as a farmer, and also the other
reason is because their parents allow them to smoke
or in other word they are not forbidden to smoke.
Overall, respondents thought that their decision to
smoke was based on the income they had had when
they started smoking. From this research it can be
seen that the number of cigarette smoked per day by
INAHEA 2017 - 4th Annual Meeting of the Indonesian Health Economics Association
smokers is <5 pieces/ day as 40%, 6-20 pieces/day
as 20%, >10 pieces as 4% and no cigarette at all as
From this research, the result shows that the
number of non-smoker (36%) people is lesser than
smoker people (54%). Therefore, even the earlier the
age a person start smoking, there is no correlation
between the initial age of starting smoking and the
cigarette smoked per day. This is because the earlier
a person start smoking, the more cigarette consumed
since he started.
Smoking delivers many effect related to healthcare,
such as wrinkles, stained teeth and halitosis,
polluting environment, respiratory disorders
(asthma, asphyxiate, lung cancer). Furthermore,
smoking can be a bad figure for adolescents. The
government not only stay silent in responding this
smoking case, but also issuing regulations aiming
the reduction of smoker amount and its
consequences. Here are government regulations to
reduce and/or prevent smoking risks: issuing PP
Number 109 Year 2012 about pacification addictive
material due to tobacco product for healthcare,
FCTC (Framework Convention on Tobacco
Control), society protection from cigarette smoke,
support to stop smoking, and society education
about risks of smoking.
There are some government roles to implement
regulations: issuing public policy and legislation
product that pro towards health and wealth of
citizens due to controlling cigarette consumption in
every stage of government administration, applying
and enforce the law and also guarantee its
implementation. Second, in order to educate society,
the government organize KIE to enhance society’s
awareness, especially youth, beginner smokers.
Also, there is also stop smoking program. Third, due
to society protection from cigarette smoke risk, there
is controlling network development of cigarette
consumption impact, and controlling cigarette
consumption impact to district and also the
establishment of KTR in every district. Fourth, due
to stop smoking support, there is integrated effort in
controlling cigarette consumption impact to reduce
non-contagious risk factors.
Finally, the government is expected to realize the
policy-making plan to raise the price of cigarettes
and cigarette tax to reduce the number of smokers in
Indonesia. Particularly in the dependent villages of
the sub district of ngraho where the majority of the
sub-villages are low-income economic categories. It
is expected that stakeholders in this case is the
government not only do educational-based approach
which has been running for so long but the results
obtained tend to stagnate and even decline.
Another innovation is required in the case of
smokers forced both economic categories low.
Changes must be made in an effort to enforce a
government cigarette case. For example, such as
approaching through legally binding regulation with
the aim of ensuring the right of the public to obtain
the highest possible health. Other examples, such as
restricting cigarette advertisements, isolating
cigarettes from sponsorship of events and activities
and raising prices of cigarettes and cigarette taxes. In
the case of cigarettes need support from all
participants, especially the community to succeed
the government plan.
This study concluded that early age smoking has no
effect on the number of cigarettes a day is spent
directly in the Tanggungan Village, ngraho
subdistrict, Bojonegoro. The earlier the age of
smoking then the increase is the number of
cigarettes spent since he smoked. This is because
there are other variables that is the income earned by
the respondent when making the decision to start
smoking. The government has already contributed in
decreasing the number of smoker and passive
smoker along with its risks. However, the
government is expected to focus more on the
problem of cigarettes in the country. In an effort to
guarantee the right of citizens to obtain optimal
health. The government's attention to the problem of
cigarettes can be done with a regulatory approach or
a legal approach that is binding on all elements
involved in production activities and consumption of
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