The Implementation of the Policy on Health Promotion in DKT
Gubeng Surabaya Hospital According to Regulation of the Ministry
of Health Republic Indonesia Number 004 Year 2012
Zakiyatu Zunairoh
Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Airlangga, Mulyorejo, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Hospital policy, Health promotion, Hospital management.
Abstract: Hospital Health Promotion is a part of health effort that focuses on hospital patients, hospital clients,
hospital workers, community knowledge and the ability to implement PHBS in handling health problems
and health issues. One of the hospitals that has Health Promotion units in Surabaya is DKT (Dinas
Kesehatan Tentara) Gubeng Surabaya Hospital. This study aims to find the implementation and promotion
of health policies in DKT Gubeng Surabaya Hospital. The methodology in this research is descriptive and
qualitative with observation technique and an interview with a key informant who is one of the workers in
the health promotion unit at DKT Gubeng Surabaya Hospital. Secondary data are obtained through the
hospital profile and print media owned by DKT Gubeng Surabaya Hospital. The results of research
implementation and health promotion policy in this hospital will be adjusted with the Regulation of the
Ministry of Health Republic Indonesia Number 004 Year 2012 about health promotion in the hospital where
in the implementation and health promotion policy is described. DKT Gubeng Surabaya Hospital still has
not cooperated with other sectors in health promotion and some of them have been running quite well and
some have been adopted in accordance with the Regulation of the Ministry of Health Republic Indonesia
Number 004 Year 2012.
Health, according to WHO, is a state of complete
physical, mental and social wellbeing and not
merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Health
systems not only focus on curative and rehabilitative
efforts alone, but must be balanced with promotive
and preventive efforts. Health Promotion enables
people to take control over their own health and can
be rooted in early life when people have a
substantial opportunity to learn, listen and behave
from the basics until they are adopted automatically.
One of the goals of Hospital Health Promotion is for
the public to know how to prevent illness with
dressings and preventing the root of ill health and
applying this in their daily lives (WHO, 2017a).
Health Promotion can be applied to anyone,
anytime, anywhere and it can also be applied in
various institutions, and one such is a hospital.
Society needs health promotion to avoid becoming
sick. One of the most important things for this is
clean and healthy life behavior (PHBS). That is one
of the basics to prevent disease. The focus of
hospital health promotion is that society knows how
to behave in a clean and healthy manner, and
another one is to be able to carry out a clean and
healthy life behavior in handling health problems.
Thus, the duty of hospital health promotion is to
create a healthy, safe and clean hospital environment
(WHO, 2017b).
There are several hospitals that have
implemented health promotion according to the
health ministry's regulation about technical
implementation of health promotion in hospital, one
of them is Bhayangkara Hospital in Semarang. One
of the hospitals in Surabaya that has already applied
hospital health promotion is DKT Gubeng Surabaya
Hospital. DKT Gubeng Surabaya Hospital is the
implementing element of Kasdam (Kepala Staff
Daerah Militer) in carrying out health services and
health support in 084 / BJ korem region with the
duty and obligation to carry out health services to
Zunairoh, Z.
The Implementation of the Policy on Health Promotion in DKT Gubeng Surabaya Hospital According to Regulation of the Ministry of Health Republic Indonesia Number 004 Year 2012.
In Proceedings of the 4th Annual Meeting of the Indonesian Health Economics Association (INAHEA 2017), pages 201-204
ISBN: 978-989-758-335-3
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
improve the health status of soldiers, civil servants
and their families and also the general public. The
implementation of hospital health promotion in DKT
Gubeng Surabaya Hospital has been running since
2016 and involves the participation of various
parties from policymakers and health workers to
patients. The hospital has a lot of health promotion
posters and brochures that stated around the hall and
inside the room and it also has handwashing facility.
To see how far the implementation of hospital health
promotion in DKT Gubeng Surabaya Hospital has
been effective, it is necessary to do a further review
on the conformity of implementation and policy of
Hospital Health Promotion with some indicators in
the Regulation of the Ministry of Health Republic
Indonesia Number 004 Year 2012 on Technical
Guidelines for Hospital Health Promotion. These
elements are management policy, hospital health
promotion media inside the rooms, a safe, clean and
healthy workplace, and partnership (Department of
Health, 2010; Ministry of Health, 2012).
This research was conducted with a descriptive
qualitative method from two data sources, primary
and secondary. Primary data were obtained through
several key informants using observation and
interview methods. Observation was done by
observing health promotion media attached in some
parts of the hospital and public response to this and
the interview was conducted with one of the hospital
employees who also works as a member in the
Hospital Health Promotion team. Secondary data
were obtained through the hospital profiles,
brochures, leaflets, and posters owned by DKT
Gubeng Surabaya Hospital. Analysis was done by
comparing the conformity of implementation and
policy of Hospital Health Promotion in DKT
Gubeng Surabaya Hospital Gubeng Surabaya
according to the Regulation of the Ministry of
Health Republic Indonesia Number 004 Year
2012concerning Technical Guidance of Hospital
Health Promotion.
According to the Regulation of the Ministry of
Health Republic Indonesia Number 004 Year 2012
concerning Technical Guidance of Hospital Health
Promotion, there are four elements observed
management policy, hospital health promotion
media inside the rooms, a safe, clean and healthy
workplace, and partnership. The observation result
showed in Table 1.
Table 1: The observation results of the implementation
and policy of Hospital Health Promotion in DKT Gubeng
Surabaya Hospital
Elements Break Down
Written policy
Work unit / Hospital
Health Promotion
Division or team
Hospital Health
Promotion workforce
Budget funds
Periodic evaluation
Periodic training
inside the
Administration room
Outpatient room
Parking lot
Worship place
Safe, Clean
and Healthy
Maintain facilities and
A ban on littering
Smoking ban sign
Cigarette Counseling
Network with external
Cross-sector programs
Source : The result of observation about hospital health
promotion at DKT Gubeng Surabaya Hospital.
3.1 Management Policy
The function of the hospital is to conduct individual
health efforts as well as public health efforts,
whereby health promotion is one of the service
efforts that must be held (Department of Health,
2011). DKT Gubeng Surabaya Hospital already has
a Hospital Health Promotion unit with membership
consisting of doctors and nurses. The Hospital
Health Promotion Unit obtains activity funds by
submission of activity proposals to the hospital's
internal management. The activity evaluation
process is done once every six months and there is
no routine evaluation after the event is finished.
There is no regular training of the Hospital Health
Promotion unit’s employees in managing the content
of health promotion activities and media.
INAHEA 2017 - 4th Annual Meeting of the Indonesian Health Economics Association
3.2 Hospital Health Promotion Medias
Inside the Room
Hospital Health Promotion media is important
because it contains knowledge about health and how
to prevent disease, but not everywhere inside the
DKT Gubeng Surabaya Hospital building contains
Hospital Health Promotion media. Health promotion
media are available in administration rooms,
outpatient rooms, parking lots, hospital corridors and
places of worship. There is no health promotion
media in the canteen because the hospital does not
have a canteen.
3.3 Safe, Clean and Health Workplace
In this aspect, there is no special employee to
maintain the hospital facilities and infrastructure.
DKT Gubeng Surabaya Hospital is a non-smoking
area, that proofed by the existence of media
promotion contains that smoking is ban and bad to
the body. DKT Gubeng Surabaya Hospital puts a lot
of trash cans in every corner and corridor of hospital
but there is no media which prohibits littering.
3.4 Partnership
DKT Gubeng Surabaya Hospital has not established
cross-sector cooperation related to health promotion
in hospitals and non-governmental organizations
(NGOs). This is proofed by the health promotion
activities that are still within the internal scope of the
hospital alone by utilizing the resources within it.
DKT Gubeng Surabaya Hospital only gained a
Hospital Health Promotion unit in 2016, so the unit
is fairly new, but, in less than a year, the visual
media of health promotion in the hospital has been
considerably established, even though not all places
have health promotion media, such as the laboratory.
The form of audio-visual media of health promotion
at DKT Gubeng Surabaya Hospital is health
counselling, direct education by doctors and poly
nurses to patients who receive treatment from poly
doctors and health training counselling to all
workers in the hospital although the training is not
done routinely.
Health promotion media is not only in the form
of brochures, posters, or leaflets, but a good form of
service is also in the form of health promotion media
in hospitals. DKT Gubeng Surabaya Hospital has
Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) about good
service from workers to patients, visitors, and other
workers. SOP has been performed well by some
employees at DKT Gubeng Surabaya Hospital. In
addition, the hospital also always ensures that
patients and visitors can receive basic information in
the hospital when entering the administration room
with the presence of important information media at
the front, so that they can obtain the information
Regarding facilities and infrastructure, the
hospital has been doing maintenance on the facilities
and infrastructure of the hospital environment and its
completeness, but there are no maintenance workers
to clean and maintain the facilities and
infrastructure. As described in the observation
results, although DKT Gubeng Surabaya Hospital is
a non-smoking area, there are still visitors who
smoke, although not inside the hospital area.
Smokers are smoking around the parking area of the
hospital and in open places.
The three basic principles of equality, according
to the Regulation of the Ministry of Health Republic
Indonesia Number 004 Year 2012, are equality,
openness and mutual benefit. DKT Gubeng
Surabaya Hospital has not established cooperation
with other sectors, so that the health promotion
media of the hospital is not fully complete with the
needs of the community. Establishing cross-sectoral
partnerships has a good purpose, with increased
cross-sectoral networks and familial relationships
among them. In addition to improving relationships
and kinship, partnerships can also benefit each other
with the exchange of knowledge and information
which would be very useful for the advancement of
health promotion in DKT Gubeng Surabaya
Hospital. If the partnership goes well, health
promotion in hospitals can also be improved and the
goal of reducing risk is attained
DKT Gubeng Surabaya Hospital has its own
Hospital Health Promotion unit with its members are
Doctors and Hospital Nurses. The visual media of
Health Promotion already exist in all parts in DKT
Gubeng Surabaya Hospital, either inside or outside
the building that is stated according to the hospital's
technical health promotion guidelines listed in the
Regulation of the Ministry of Health Republic
Indonesia Number 004 Year 2012. Health promotion
unit in DKT Gubeng Surabaya Hospital has not
The Implementation of the Policy on Health Promotion in DKT Gubeng Surabaya Hospital According to Regulation of the Ministry of
Health Republic Indonesia Number 004 Year 2012
undergone partners and work with stakeholders or
any institution in the field of health promotion.
Health promotion in DKT Gubeng Surabaya
Hospital always evaluate its performance every 6
months internally and always make plan of health
promotion media change once in 1 month for
maximum result
Department of Health. 2010, Standard of hospital health
promotion, pp. 7-9.
Department of Health. 2011. Standard of hospital health
promotion, p.1.
Ministry of Health. 2012., Regulation RI Number 004, p.
Purba, A.N.A, Syamsulhuda, and Shaluhiyah Z. 2016. The
Implementation of Hospital Health Promotion in
Bhayangkara II Semarang Hospital. Journal of Public
Health, p.263, Diponegoro University. Semarang.
WHO. 2017a. Definition of Health. [online] Available at: (Accessed: 1
September 2017).
WHO. 2017b., Definition of Health Promotion. [online]
Available at:
promotion/en/ (Accessed: 1
September 2017).
INAHEA 2017 - 4th Annual Meeting of the Indonesian Health Economics Association