The presence of drug supplies that stagnate in the
hospital has caused losses for the hospital that
relates to purchasing costs, ordering costs and
holding cost (Hadidah, 2016). Drug supplies that
stagnate can also cause costs for the hospital due to
patent medicines that have been damaged in storage.
Other than that, drugs can also expire because of
being kept too long in storage. Drug supplies that
stagnate and have become damaged and expired also
cause the cost of drug elimination in the hospital.
The management system is said to be ineffective
if the drugs often have stock out and stagnate. The
more often and the longer a service unit has stock
out and stagnation, the more ineffective its
management (Quick, 1997). Excessive investment in
the pharmacy will increase the holding cost which
may also increase the opportunity cost (Rangkuti,
2004). The holding cost increases because the drugs
that should be sold are still in pharmacy storage. The
holding cost of the patent medicines that stagnate is
obtained from the embedded capital cost f the drugs
that should be sold, and the electricity cost that
should be incurred.
Pharmacy supplies which have been in storage
too long will increase the risk of the drug being
damaged and expiring. Patent medicines that
stagnated and were in the storage of the Pharmacy
Unit of the Islamic Hospital of Surabaya on October
2016 to March 2017 also had expired. The slow
moving drugs amounted to 3 items and caused losses
because of the drugs not being sold and needing to
be eliminated. The losses caused by the patent
medicines that stagnate may occur due to the
holding cost. Drugs that stagnate also come with an
ordering cost (Mellen & Pudjirahardjo, 2016). Patent
medicines that stagnated caused losses to do with the
ordering costs amounting to IDR 24.315 which was
obtained from the administration costs and phone
charges. If too many drugs are ordered and less are
used, it will cause the drugs to stagnate (Kumalasari,
Based on the interview with the Head of the
Pharmacy Unit of the Islamic Hospital of Surabaya,
they know that drug planning is done manually and
visually by calculating the amount of drug supplies
and not seeing the pattern of drug consumption that
cause an occurrence of stagnation by the actions of
the officers of the pharmacy unit. The pattern of
drug consumption according to the differences in
disease trend can cause the occurrence of drug
stagnation because the drugs used will be different
every month, and the drug that is required does not
always match with the drugs that had been planned
before (Ratnasari, 2017). Based on the interview, it
has known that there is no specific method used in
the controlling of the drugs supplies at the Pharmacy
Unit in the Islamic Hospital of Surabaya. Other than
that, the Hospital Management Information System
(HMIS) at the Islamic Hospital of Surabaya cannot
show the data of the drugs thoroughly and they
cannot be processed directly in order to see the
pattern of drug consumption. Slow access to HMIS
in the collection of data will prevent the officers
from processing the data to do with the drug supplies
and the data of the drugs being used.
Based on the problems that are known to cause
the occurrence of drug stagnation, it has been
indicated that drug management has not been
effective and efficient. Below are the given
recommendations for improving drug management:
1. Improving the Hospital Management Information
System (HMIS). Improving the HMIS can be
done with coordination between the Pharmacy
Unit and the HMIS Unit to design the content of
the HMIS that will enable the officers to access
the data of the drug supplies easily and
automatically. The whole data can then be
accessed quickly and accurately at any time
required. Other than that, it is possible to design
an analysis to display drug use trends. The
advantage of improving HMIS is the easy access
to the data of the drug supplies completely and
thoroughly which will facilitate the officers in
the analysis of the drug used. The disadvantages
are that the process of the re-design difficult and
2. Make reporting the drugs used adjusted to the
trend of the disease, so then it can be known that
the drug priority is different in every month to
adjust from the precious trend of the disease. The
analysis of the trend of the disease and the drugs
used is also done with coordination between the
pharmacy and the doctor.
3. Improving drug planning by considering the
drugs used or drug consumption that is adjusted
with the trend of the diseases at the Islamic
Hospital of Surabaya. In accordance with the
previous research on the Islamic Hospital of
Surabaya, one of the planning methods that can
be done is by using the Minimum - Maximum
Stock Level (MMSL) method. The MMSL
method is a method for scheduled purchasing
with an interval ordering setting. In this method,
each item of drug in the maximum-minimum
stock level is determined to be sufficient and not