It could be seen from Table 3 that there was a
relationship between costs affordability and the level
of adherence by the score of p: 0.010 and correlation
coefficient of 0.327*. This meant that the
relationship was positive and significant, where the
more affordable health costs were, the higher the
patients’ adherence level was.
BPJS is an institution that organizes Nastional
Health Insurance in Indonesia. Universal coverage
providing a specified package of benefits to all
members of a society with the end goal of providing
financial risk protection, improved access to health
services, and improved health outcomes. From the
result of this research, data which showed that the
respondents preferred to make a personal expense
rather than making use of their BPJS membership
(31.7%) were acquired. The reason behind this was
the respondents would rather spend a small amount
of money, that was <Rp 25,000, or Rp 15,000 to be
exact, than undergoing a tiered referral process
every month for a lifetime. The expense of Rp
15,000 was considered affordable by the
However, basically service costs affordability
was not only related with one’s income, other costs
were also added to the list, for example
transportation costs, retribution payment, and the
loss costs when one paid a visit to the hospital.
Included in the loss costs were the cost of being
absent from work or the embarrassment one has to
endure for visiting the hospital every month. The
costs affordability in this research was the sum of
the underwriter’s expense, whether it is BPJS,
private or company or personal insurance and the
amount of costs one needed to pay when they made
payment by personal expense. As discussed before,
most of the patients made personal expense to get a
treatment although they had BPJS. In their opinion,
BPJS utilization was considered to be complicated
because they had to go to the health facilities of first
tier, second tier, then finally the third tier, which is
Dr. Soetomo General Hospital. Fees charged to the
patients to pay for the hospital retribution was Rp
15,000 and no charge for the ARV medicine. This is
because the declaration of a government program
about ARV medication. However, the patients
sometimes came to the hospital along with a relative
who was also infected by HIV, so that the fees paid
exceeded Rp 15,000. This situation was in fact what
burdened the patients because besides the fees there
were also transportation and consumption costs
which in total could be up to Rp 100,000. The other
research mentioned that one of the factors which
hindered the adherence in taking ARV was the costs
of treatment. High-cost and not affordable
treatments would make the patients feel reluctant to
visit the health facilities, and the other way around
applied (WHO,2015; Sugiharti et al, 2014).
When related to the patients’ adherence to take
ARV medicine, costs affordability showed a positive
and significant relationship by the score of p: 0.010
and correlation coefficient of 0.327. Medication
adherence of patients with chronic condition is
highly important so that the factors which support
patients’ adherence must be optimized. Beside of
cost affordability, incorporating a behavioural
component to adherence interventions may increase
potential efficacy of ARV (Dean et al, 2014). The
purpose of ARV medication is to stop HIV virus
from multiplying thus the immune system will
improve. Eventually the viral load (the amount of a
virus in the bloodstream) will decrease even to the
level of undetectable and the other way around, CD4
cell will increase.
HIV/AIDS patients are obliged to go for a
general medical check-up at least once every six
months. The check-up includes complete blood test
and CD4, as well as viral load once a year. As
discussed before, there were patients who did not go
alone when paying a visit to the hospital, but also
along with some relatives which made the costs not
affordable so that they needed BPJS. On the
contrary, most of the respondents claimed that BPJS
utilization was considered too complicated and
demanding because there were tiers to benefit from
it which needed to be got through every month.
Therefore, an innovative health financing program,
especially HIV/AIDS, which is one of the targets of
SDGs. With this innovative program, universal
coverage could be achieved effectively and
efficiently. It is expected that a particular policy on
tiered service will be applied to patients with a
chronic disease, such as HIV/AIDS, who are obliged
to visit the hospital once a month for a lifetime. One
of the possible applicable policies is giving a longer
time period on the referral letter from the first tier
health facility so that HIV/AIDS patients do not
need to get the letter every month. This becomes a
mental burden for the patients because up to now
HIV/AIDS disease carries its own social issue
regarding stigma and discrimination (Schwartlander
et al, 2011).