4.4 Subjective Norm
Subjective norm is the perception of social pressure
are used to behave or not behave that can be
influenced by others. Most of parents (40.90%) rate
subjective norm negatively. Linear regression test
showed that the effect on the subjective norm
influenced parents intention to participate in NHI
program. This is in line with previous study by
Takhti, Rahma and Abedini (2013) which describes
the influence of subjective norm to intention.
4.5 Perceived Behavioural Control
Perceived behavioural control is confidence that
individual will ever on never do, which is then
estimated by his ability to do. In this case, the
student's parents will estimate their ability to receive
the NHI program. Linear regression test showed that
perceived behavioural control affect the parents’
intention to participate in NHI program. This is
contrasts with other study conducted by Melinda, et
al (2016) which states that there is no relationship
between behavioural control (perceived behavioural
control) with the participation interest in BPJS.
4.6 Intention
Intention is an indication of the readiness of
individuals to perform certain behaviours that are
assumed to be direct influence of individual
behaviour. Based on the value of the influence of
variables that affect the intention, subjective norm is
the most powerful influencing variable.
Most of student’s parents have perceived ease of use
perceptions, perceived usefulness, attitude,
subjective norm, and perceived behavioural control
is bad against the National Health Insurance
program (NHI). Results of regression analysis
showed that perceived usefulness and perceived ease
of use influence the attitudes of parents toward NHI
program. Parents Intention becomes participants in
NHI influenced by perceived usefulness, attitude,
subjective norm and perceived behaviour control.
The conclusion showed that to improve parents to
participate in the NHI program, we need to increase
the perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use,
attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioural
control through education about NHI program.
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