3.58) likely to be against the installation of a
smoking ban.
The Facilities which had a monitoring team
easier to prevent smoker at that facilities. This study
found that 91% facilities no smoker founded. The
facilities with monitoring team are more than 13
times (p <0.05; OR 13.68) no found smoker than
The ‘No Smoking room’ variable showed that
145 (72.5%) facilities in the control group provide a
smoking room. According to local regulations No. 5
2008 states that public facilities and facilities are
included in the Smoke Restricted Area (SRA)
category. The SRA is still allowed to provide a
smoking. It should be separate with an area declared
as a place for otherwise forbidden smoking,
equipped with exhausts and with adequate
Many smoking rooms were not accordance with
local regulations at the time of observation. The
room was still inside the main building, there were
no exhausts that immediately emitted the tobacco
smoke outdoors and the room’s smoking door was
often open so that the cigarette smoke got in to the
main building and resulted in second hand smoke
The facilities which had monitoring team can
avoid some violation like as Smell cigarette smoke,
Found Astray and Found cigarette butts. This study
showed that three variabel showed significant
difference between facilities had monitoring team or
Other results related to non-smoking compliance
indicated that the relevant variables of cooperation
with the tobacco industry shows the highest
compliance, as all of the monitoring team facilities
do not cooperate with the tobacco industry. Based on
statistical calculations, it shows that facilities with a
monitoring team have a significant influence on the
compliance variable in the form of no cooperation
with the tobacco industry.
Beside that, Facilities with a monitoring team
can decrease shop sell cigarette. This study show
that the facilities with monitoring team no found
seller cigarette 3 times than nor.
The present study showed that facilities that have a
monitoring team have a higher level of compliance
with local regulations. This is influenced by the fact
that the Surabaya city health office has a monitoring
team consisting of the staff of the Surabaya city
health office, professional organisations such as the
Indonesian Public Health Association (IPHA),
Indonesian Pharmacist Association (IPA), Satpol PP
and academics. Job description of monitoring team
is monitoring every month in health facilities that
include Hospitals, Primary Health Care, Apoteks,
Drug Stores, Clinics and General Practitioners
regularly. The role of monitoring has shown
improvement every year. It is like in the previous
study, which stated a decline in the violation in
some of the indicators used to assess implementation
compliance with SRA and SFA from 2012 to 2014
(Artanti et al., 2015).
While the facilities as controls in this study are
facilities that the categories of public places and
workplaces. The public places consist of hotels,
restaurants, malls, markets and parks. In fact all the
facilities in Surabaya have a monitoring team that
has been formed by the mayor in the mayor's decree,
but not all do their job well.
This has led to violations, especially in facilities
that monitoring team has not been well served. This
is like other studies in Greece and Bulgaria showing
that daily Greek smokers reported that they
systematically violated the existing smoking
restrictions at work, compared to the Bulgarian
employees (Lazuras et al., 2012). Nevertheless
smoking should not be allowed anywhere in public
places (Li, J., & Newcombe, 2013).
Many suggest that the implementation of local
regulations on SRA and SFA is not optimal, due to
the absence of strict sanctions on violations that
have been committed. Another study conducted by
Borland et al declared that current cigarette smokers
would support smoking bans associated with living
in a place where the law prohibits smoking. Smokers
adjust, and both accept and comply with smoke-free
laws(Borland et al., 2006).Therefore the role of the
monitoring team needs to function optimally
because it consists of Prevention, Monitoring,
Action, Evaluation and Reporting(Walikota
Surabaya, 2017).
The monitoring team is very important to increase
the effectiveness of compliance implementation.
There is a need to revitalise the function of the
monitoring teams coordinated by local government