expand the participation of JKN so that access
equity can be immediately achieved according to the
main purpose of JKN.
This study proved that after 1 year have
implemented, JKN program able to give positive
impact on access of inpatient service in hospital by
115.8% (2.1poin) in the sample of the research with
age ≥40 years old.
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change in utilization of inpatient services after the
JKN program runs 1 year. The impact of the JKN
program on inpatient care access was 115.8% of
samples aged ≥ 40 years. This study also proves that
the JKN program is able to narrow the gap of
inpatient service access in hospitals in all income
groups. Researchers recommend suggesting
accelerated coverage of hospital coverage and
availability of hospitals within adequate geographic
coverage for equity improvement.
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