but it will transfer the risk of the impact of benzene
exposure from the workers to the insurer. Thus, the
workers are not harmed by the losses borne by the
insurer. According to the Ministry Menpower
Regulation RI No.1 2006 about Insurance for
Manpower in the informal sector who must have
More of the manpower in the informal sector
have no BPJS insurance because the company has
never done any solicitation in the home industry, and
they have no money. Information about BPJS for the
manpower in the informal sector is important to
increase the knowledge about BPJS and to change
the behaviour so then the workforce become
members of BPJS.
Workers in the insecure home shoe industry are not
encountering enough carcinogenic ingredients to
encounter the high consequences of cancer. 100% of
the shoe industry workers do not have insurance so
they do not get protection due to their exposure to
benzene, which is a cause of cancer.
The lowest benzene concentrations were present
at work site 1 of 0.04 mg/m
and the highest
concentration was found at work site 8 of 7.44 mg
For the calculation of the cancer risk rate (ECR),
most workers have an ECR value > 10
, meaning
that at the time of the study, there were workers in
unsafe conditions due to benzene exposure. The safe
limits for the workers are as follows: safe
concentration (C) 0.003 mg/m
, safe travel time (tE)
7.06 hours/day, exposure frequency (fE) 322
days/year and exposure duration (Dt) 3.53 years.
The workers have a high risk of cancer because
the benzene safe exposure time of only 7.06
hours/day and the duration of safe work is only 3.53
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