3.3 Final Model Result of Multivariate
Analysis Factors Related with Desire
to Change FKTP on JKN Mandiri
Participants in Denpasar City
Figure 3: Final Model Result
Multivariate test with logistic regression showed
that five variables which be significantly related to
the desire of change FKTP are facility availability (p
= 0,005, 95% CI = 2,05-56,57, Adjusted OR=10,78),
waiting time (p = 0,000, 95% CI = 5,98-233,68,
Adjusted OR=37,38), distance (p = 0,000, 95% CI
=3,66-51,92, Adjusted OR=13,78), moved
residential (p = 0,022, 95% CI = 1,34-43,01,
Adjusted OR=7,60) service of doctor (p=0,005,
95% CI=2,02-55,32, Adjusted OR= 10,56) with the
intention to change FKTP. The waiting time variable
has a chance of 37.38 times higher than the other
variable Adjusted OR = 37,38 (95% CI: 5,98-
233,68). Statistically predictable, waiting time is the
most dominant variable affecting the willingness of
changing FKTP on JKN Mandiri participants in
Denpasar City
4.1 Description Desire to Change FKTP
Based on Socio demography
Result of research indicate as much (37,04%)
respondent want to change FKTP and based on socio
demographic characteristics, respondents who want
to change FKTP more dominantly by respondents
aged 17-37 years (41,67%), high education (≥SMA)
and working participant with percentage respectively
(37,93%) and (39.39%). This is in accordance with
research conducted by Indriyani (2013) which states
adult age (> 40 years) tend to be more loyal in
utilizing health services in a health service.
Conversely, younger people (≤ 40 years old) tend to
be less loyal to utilize health services and want to
seek new health services
(Indryani, 2013).
The results of this study are also in line with
research Khudhori (2012) which states the higher the
client's education, the level of satisfaction and
loyalty in utilizing health services is lower and tend
to want to seek new health services
2012). This is well-founded, because usually a low-
educated client does not have too high expectations
of others. Conversely, a highly educated person
usually has high expectations of others over him.
While in terms of work, clients who are already
working tend to be less loyal to health services
provided and want to seek new health services. This
is because they already have income and they tend to
prefer to seek health services more optimal without
taking into account the cost
(Khudhori, 2012).
4.2 Relationship of Facility Availability
with the Desire to Change FKTP
Research indicate that there is significant correlation
between facility availability in FKTP with the desire
to change FKTP. This research finding in line with
research by Indryani (2013) which states the facility
availability has a relationship with the loyalty of
antenatal care patients at Puri Cinere Hospital
(Indryani, 2013). Incomplete availability of facilities
in a health service, so the fewer people who want to
use health services and have an impact with the
desire to seek other health services.
In JKN era the application of credentialing at
present it is quite difficult, especially in meeting the
requirements indicators as they relate to large
budgets in completing tools and facilities, while the
amount of capitation they will receive is not worth
the cost they spend to provide it complete facilities,
so some FKTP that do not have complete facilities
this makes some respondents prefer to move to
FKTP which has complete facilities (Ulandari &
Indrayathi, 2016).
4.3 Relationship of Doctor's Service with
the Desire to Change FKTP
From result of research indicate there is significant
relation between doctor service at FKTP with desire
to change FKTP. The results of this study are in line
with Hanif's (2011) theories which states that
doctors have a very important role in the process of
health services both treatment, healing, and health
care of patients, so the better the patient's perception
of the doctor, the better the impact on patient health