Table 2: Shared Revenue Share of Madura Tobacco Products Year 2010-2012 (Rupiah)
Sampang Pamekasan Sumenep
2010 6.437.724.381 18.939.623.381 13.634.522.381
2011 6.318.031.578 23.828.852.235 13.009.313.588
2012 8.302.956.321 26.552.667.916 18.027.736.926
Source: Peraturan menteri keuangan (PMK) No:66/PMK.07/2010, PMK No.96/PMK.07/2011, PMK No.46/PKM.07/2012
Tobacco farming accounts for approximately 60-
80% of the penance income in Madura
2007). For the government, tobacco commodities
contribute to the region's revenue through the return
of cigarette excise tax from the central government.
Therefore, tobacco is used as a prime commodity,
especially in the Pamekasan and Sumenep districts.
This can happen because Madura’s tobacco plays an
important role in the tobacco industry, due to its role
in giving aroma and flavour with distinctive
chemical characteristics such as moderate nicotine
content, high sugar content, and being aromatic
(Murdiyati, et al, 2009).
However, based on data from BPS (2016) on the
results of large plantation production based on the
type of plant, it was known that the tobacco
production of the last five years has decreased. It
proves that from the production obtained, the
income will decrease and will affect the welfare of
the citizens in fulfilling the needs. So, there needs to
be subsidy of alternative commodity farming to keep
the tobacco farmers business continuity.
Through the "Lahanku Penghidupanku" program
farmers form a strong community organisational
structure and create cadres delegated into work
groups to optimise the agricultural institutions.
"Lahanku Penghidupanku" was carried out within a
year; the process went through counselling all the
way through to termination, as well as requiring
outside support and cooperation. The vision that was
carried was ‘Prosperous Farmers with Improved
Health Quality’. The mission was 1) to mobilise the
economic and social productivity of citizens based
on empowerment and independence and 2) to create
a healthy work environment.
Steps that must be done so that the vision and
mission can be achieved that is by conducting
activities in sustainability. Starting from the
potential analysis of the local area; organizing
accompanied by partnership, sponsorship and CSR
processes to support the implementation of the
program; capacity building provided with modules
or guidelines for citizens in developing land-
processing designs with new crop types (other than
tobacco); the implementation of the program that has
been designed previously run with the assistance
until the citizens are really able to run the program
independently; and evaluation conducted at each
stage in order to support the maximum program run.
Here is a great concept that is done towards
"Lahanku Penghidupanku".
Figure 1: Toward a Prosperous Farmer with Improved
Health Quality
In the concept can be seen that each stage is
related to each other. If the first stage can be done
properly, the next stage can be done more easily.
Each stage also has one common goal that is the
welfare of tobacco farmers through improving the
quality of health.
Substituting tobacco is not an easy task. Rahmat
al (2009), identified several factors that constrain
tobacco substitution, namely a) technically, tobacco
plants have the advantage of cultivating on dry land
and in corresponding climates; b) economically,
tobacco commodities have relatively high farm
income levels and few other commodities match the
level of income despite the high degree of risk; and
c) socially in certain areas, the tobacco commodity is
a commodity that has become hereditary and has
become part of the culture to do the patterns of