smoking. The result of logistic regression analysis
shows that the variable that influences the attitude is
the variable of allowance. It can be seen from the
result of significance, which is 0.028, which is
smaller than α (0.05). The variable of length of
cigarette consumption has no effect on attitude and
behavior control. This can be seen from the results
of significance greater than α (0.05). From the result
of logistic regression analysis there is influence of
attitude variable to the intention to stop smoking and
there is no influence between the behavior control
variable with the intention to stop smoking. It can be
seen that the significance value of attitude variable is
smaller than α (0.05). These variables are further
influenced in the possibility of respondents who
have the intention to stop smoking. Variables that
have no effect on the intention to stop smoking are
behavior control variables. These variables have a
significance value greater than α (0.05). Regression
model was obtained based on the calculation of
probability value of behavior to quit smoking among
the respondents who have good attitude of 0.676
rather than respondents who have bad attitude
This study states that the allowances earned by the
respondents are in enough categories to meet the
needs for one month, including the need to buy
cigarettes. In accordance with research conducted by
Maharani (2014)
that there is a strong relationship
between the amount of allowance to smoking
behavior. The relationship shows the direction of the
positive relationship. This states that the higher the
amount of allowance, the greater the increase in the
smoking behavior in adolescents. Respondents who
smoked felt that they were still able to buy
This suggests that the allowance variable can
show a well-behaved behavior. Cigarette
consumption does not affect the attitude and
behavior control. The variable of length of cigarette
consumption is the time from the respondent first
consuming cigarettes until now. Most of the
respondents in this study had consumed cigarettes
for more than four years. This suggests that the
variables of length of cigarette consumption have
not been able to determine the extent of the ability to
control attitude and behavior control to intend to quit
The analysis was conducted to determine the
effect of attitudes and the behavior control on the
intention to stop smoking. The results showed that
not all variables have an effect on the intention to
stop smoking. The result shows that attitude variable
significantly influences intention to stop smoking.
The B value for the attitude variable is 1.426, and
states the probability of behavior to quit smoking in
the respondents who possess it. Amounting to 1,426,
this shows a probability of behavior to quit smoking
in respondents who have a good attitude of 0.676 as
opposed to respondents who have a bad attitude.
Attitudes towards behavior are considered as major
factors that can affect a person's behavior. Attitude is
determined by individual beliefs about the
consequences of a behavior.
This result is different from the research
conducted by Prof Habullah Thabrany. In the results
of his research, he mentioned that 72.3% of smokers
agreed that the price of cigarettes at Rp50.000 / pack
or more would make smokers quit smoking. In this
study, the majority of respondents said that if the
price of cigarettes increased they would still not stop
smoking. This is because the respondents felt that
they were addicted to smoking behavior. In this
case, the respondents also said that they preferred to
reduce the number of cigarettes they consumed than
to stop smoking. Almost all respondents stated that
they preferred not to eat rather than not having to
smoke for a day. Raising the prices of cigarettes is
not considered a matter that needs to be regretted for
cigarette consumers. Respondents said that no matter
how expensive their cigarettes were, they could still
afford them. This can be seen from the low price of
cigarettes in Indonesia where the average price per
pack is Rp11.000
The respondents consisted of 110 active smokers
among students of Airlangga University
Management Program. Most of the respondents
came from the students of 2013. The majority of the
respondents’ allowance was between Rp500.000-
Rp1.000.000 each month. The majority of
respondents had been consuming cigarettes for more
than four years. The increase of cigarette prices will
not affect the intention to stop smoking among the
respondents in the Airlangga University
Management Program. The allowance affects
attitudes, but the variables of length of cigarette
consumption do not affect attitude and behavior
control. The attitude variable influences the
respondents’ intention to stop smoking. Behavior
control variables do not affect the intention of
quitting smoking
The Higher Price of Cigarettes and Students’ Intention to Stop Smoking