Problems in Poor Paediatric Pneumonia Case Findings in Sumenep
Andi Susilo, Nyoman Anita Damayanti, Ernawaty Ernawaty, Nuzulul Kusuma Putri
Faculty of Public Health UniversitasAirlangga, Mulyorejo, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Paediatric pneumonia, Case finding, Remote islands.
Sumenep is one of the districts in Indonesia with various geographical features. This district not only has a
mainland, but also remote archipelago. The number of paediatric pneumonia cases is high in Sumenep,
while new case findingsare still low. The remote conditions between regions mean that the healthcare
workers are limited when it comes to actively finding new cases of pneumonia which will lead to delayed
treatment. This study has analysed the factors that inhibit health workers in remote areas when it comes to
performing pneumonia case finding. This is an observational analytic research study with a cross-sectional
design. The samples in this study are 21 Puskesmas (public health centres) across Sumenep located in 18
mainland sub-districts and 9 island sub-districts. This study shows that a lack of knowledge is the only
responsible factor that affects the health workers’ performance in finding new cases of pneumonia (p=0,029;
ß=0,148). Surprisingly, limited upgrading skills for health workers and the high workload is that often
complained about does not significantly influence performance.
The World Health Organization denoted that there
are at least 151.8 million incidents of pneumonia in
individuals under five in developing countries as
well as 4 million cases in developed countries every
year. Almost 10% are severe pneumonia that needs
hospitalisation. This forgotten killer of children has
increased in Indonesia. Even though prompt
treatment is a success when it comes to combating
the disease, it cannot always be done due to the low
number of new case findings. In order to improve
prompt treatment, the Indonesian Ministry of Health
has forced primary healthcare workers to actively
find new cases of paediatric pneumonia. Through
this active method of case finding, health workers
will sweep every corner of their coverage area to
identified suspected children. Geographical
problems then existed that obstruct the active case
East Java, as the province with largest
population in Indonesia, is also haunted by high
paediatric pneumonia. There is only one district in
East Java that has successfully reached the target of
paediatric pneumonia case finding. Moreover, with
the various geographical features, Sumenep faces
challenges in finding new cases across its remote
archipelago region. The coverage of the new case
finding method of paediatric pneumonia was only
7.59% in 2015.
Sumenep and other remote areas in Indonesia
have an experienced health worker shortage. There
is enough evidence that geographic location is
related to the high retention of health workers in
remote areas (Russell et al., 2013). Other studies by
Gross et al. (2012) have also explained that health
workers in remote areas tend to experience weak
health infrastructure and health system failures. This
condition refers to the high work load. Moreover, a
study by Mkoka et al. (2015) showed that health
workers in remote areas potentially have low
motivation to work because they feel abandoned and
lost within the unsupportive system that they serve,
and the difficult working and living environments.
The difficult access to the coverage area and the
high risk of poor employee retention makes it
possible to decrease the Puskesmas’ performance
not only in relation to paediatric pneumonia case
finding but also other Puskesmas tasks. This study
analyses how knowledge, upgrading skill
experience, motivation and workload will impact the
Puskesmas performance in the context of paediatric
pneumonia case finding.
Susilo, A., Damayanti, N., Ernawaty, . and Putri, N.
Problems in Poor Paediatric Pneumonia Case Findings in Sumenep.
In Proceedings of the 4th Annual Meeting of the Indonesian Health Economics Association (INAHEA 2017), pages 350-354
ISBN: 978-989-758-335-3
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
This is an observational analytic study with a cross
sectional design. The data collection was conducted
from July to August 2016. The population in this
research study were Puskesmas (Primary healthcare
facility in sub district level) in Sumenep, which
amounted to 30 Puskesmas. The sample population
of this study was selected based on a stratified
random sampling technique resulting in 24
Puskesmas. The sample was proportionally based on
the criteria of the geographical condition of
thePuskesmas. It selected 17 Puskesmas located in
the mainland, 3 Puskesmas in remote islands, and 4
Puskesmas in the highly remote islands.
Unfortunately, 1 Puskesmas in remote areas and 2
Puskesmas in very remote areas were excluded from
the research sample due to high storms causing the
researcher to not be able to safely reach the location
of the Puskesmas.
The respondents consist of 5 peoplel each
Puskesmas have a job as a pneumonia program
manager. The technical officers consist of doctor,
midwife, nurse, and health promotion officer at the
Puskesmas. The knowledge, upgrading of skills and
experience, work motivation, and workload were
calculated on average to represent the condition of
the Puskesmas.A multiple linear regression test was
used to find the influence between the independent
variables with the achievement of the Puskesmas’
performance in relation to new case finding.
The Sumenep region consists of not only land, but
also islands. The land area is approximately as large
as 1.146.93 square kilometres (54.79%) consisting
of 17 districts. Although called ‘the land’ overall,
there is still a small island in this region. The
archipelago of Sumenep covers 946.53 square
kilometres (45.21%) which includes 126 inhabited
and uninhabited islands in 9 districts. Many islands
in Sumenep are still anonymous.
The access to health services in Sumenep is
highly correlated with the provision of health
facilities. Sumenep already has hospitals, Puskesmas
and private clinics as well as several other health
facilities. Puskesmas are the primary healthcare
facility managed by the District Health Office to
ensure that every person even in the more remote
areas of Sumenep will be able to access qualified
primary healthcare. The development of Puskesmas
in each sub-district is expected to improve the health
status of people not only through curative but also
through preventative actions.
Unfortunately, the availability of health workers
at the Puskesmas in Sumenep is still very limited.
With a large and difficult to reach area, there are
only 43 general practitioners (GPs) available with
ratio of 4.29 GPs per 100,000 populations. This ratio
is still far below the ideal ratio of 40 GPs per
100,000 populations. The ratio of nurses also only
reaches 38.43 per 100.000 populations, below the
ideal ratio of 117.5 nurses per 100,000 populations.
The midwife ratio also reaches only 51.04 per
100,000 populations, which means that it is still
under the ideal 100 per 100,000 population.
3.1 Factors of new case finding
The Puskesmas performance in relation to the new
finding of cases of paediatric pneumonia is still low.
The majority of Puskesmas only can reach new case
findings no more than 30% per month. The low
achievement of new case discovery finding means
that prompt treatment for patients cannot be done
earlier. Many cases that should be able to be treated
precisely in the earlier phases are instead found in
the later stages. The Puskesmas performance in
paediatric pneumonia case finding is the result of
teamwork specially formed to tackle the paediatric
pneumonia in Sumenep. The team consists of 5
health workers who have their respective duties
according to their scientific fields. The team consists
of a program manager, doctor, midwife, nurse, and
health promotion officer.
This study shows that the majority of the team’s
knowledge about pneumonia and its prevention is
still low. Only 8 teams in Puskesmas have good
knowledge about pneumonia case finding activities.
The low knowledge of the Puskesmas officer in
performing the task potentially ruins the
performance of the case finding task. Knowledge is
fundamental and important, and must be owned by
someone before doing a certain job. Moreover, the
lack of knowledge is on what is meant by infant
pneumonia (47.6%). Most health workers are also
unable to answer correctly about how to calculate
the estimated cases of paediatric pneumonia
(81.0%). Table 1 shows the tendency of this low
knowledge in the Puskesmas performance.
Problems in Poor Paediatric Pneumonia Case Findings in Sumenep
Table 1: Puskesmas factors of new case finding
Case Finding
Knowledge n % n % n %
1 100 0 0 1 100
Moderate 12 100 0 0 12 100
6 75 2 25 8 100
Never 10 90.9 1 9.1 11 100
Less 7 100 0 0 7 100
h 2 66.7 1 33.3 3 100
Low 10 83.3 2 16.7 12 100
Moderate 7 100 0 0 7 100
h 2 100 0 0 2 100
High 12 92.3 1 7.7 13 100
4 80 1 20 5 100
Low 3 100 0 0 3 100
Upgrading the skills in the case finding of
paediatric pneumonia is assumed to improve the
Puskesmas performance. The majority of officers on
all of the existing teams in the Puskesmas revealed
that there are only limited upgrading skills related to
paediatric pneumonia case finding that are available.
Supposedly if an officer has attended the training,
then the officer is more skilled at executing their
tasks in relation to case finding. The intensity of the
upgrading of the skills given to officers is still low.
Almost all of the team members at each Puskesmas
in Sumenep have not participated in training related
to the activities associated with paediatric
pneumonia case finding. This situation may prevent
the Puskesmas from achieving the established
performance targets.
In addition to the knowledge and skills of the
team of Puskesmas in performing their duties, team
performance can also be influenced by the
motivation of the officers to find new cases of
paediatric pneumonia. Most of the teams (12 teams)
have low motivation to do with finding new cases of
paediatric pneumonia. More than half of the
Puskesmas are not performing well due to the low
motivation of the team members in making new case
This study also analysed how the workloads of
the team members was related to carrying out the
task of finding cases of paediatric pneumonia. The
limited number of health personnel in Sumenep has
caused many health workers to have multiple tasks
associated with their other jobs in the Puskesmas.
Team members not only do their job of finding the
cases of pneumonia, but also keep doing their other
duties in Puskesmas. The low motivation of the
health officers makes sense according to this high
workload. They could be thinking that by identifying
new cases, it will multiply their workload.
The results showed that the workload owned by
the team tends to be high (13 Puskesmas). The
majority of the team members (85.7%) have
duplicate tasks within the organisation. This can
disrupt the officers' concentration on the new case
finding. The health workers (76.2%) stated that the
additional tasks prevented them from finding new
cases of paediatric pneumonia. Unclear task
distribution is also a problem for 61.9% of
Puskesmas. This is also exacerbated by the large
number of Puskemas whose team members have
tasks to do that do not fit their role.
3.2 The main problem
The result of multiple linear regression between
knowledge, upgrading skills, motivation and the
workload of Puskesmas with the performance of
pediatric pneumonia case finding in Sumenep
showed that only knowledge significantly influences
the data (p = 0,029; ß = 0,148). The better the health
officers’ knowledge is, the more it will improve the
officers’ performance on peadiatric pneumonia case
finding. Upgrading skills, motivation and workload
does not significantly influence the performance.
Table 2: Multiple linier regression result
e 0,029 0,148
Skills upgrading 0,569 0,071
Motivation 0,393 0,890
0,880 0,041
Teams in Puskesmas consist of various health
workers with different professional backgrounds.
Sun et al. (2017) explained that a team with diverse
members will trigger different skills and knowledge
needed for optimal individual and team learning. It
will improve the innovations at both individual and
team levels. ThereforePuskesmas should have a
better chance to perform innovative case finding.
Our results show that while both knowledge and the
opportunity for upgrading skill are poor in Sumenep,
it creates no leverage to enhance team diversity to
generate more innovative performance.
This study show that knowledge is the entry
point of upgrading skills to influence the Puskesmas
performance. Due to the poor knowledge of the
INAHEA 2017 - 4th Annual Meeting of the Indonesian Health Economics Association
health workers, even intensive upgrading skill
cannot improve performance. It means that the
health workers should be provided good knowledge
first, thus influencing their performance. Health
workers could feel that the limited opportunities for
them to participate in upgrading their skills will
worsen their motivation to do case finding actively.
Careful consideration should be given to risk
reduction strategies, enhanced vaccination coverage,
improved management of hypoxaemia and antibiotic
stewardship (Nguyen et al. 2017).
The low motivation of health workers in
performing case finding does not significantly affect
the Puskesmas performance. Working in difficult
mountainous and rural environments with limited
resources coupled with little opportunity to practice
in order to maintain and develop professional
competencies with poor supervision will demotivate
health workers when it comes to doing and showing
their best performance (Thi Hoai Thu et al., 2015).
This has happened in Sumenep. The various
geographical features of Sumenep hinders the health
workers when it comes to case finding. Limited
resources related to performing case finding worsen
the situation as well. The possibility of why
motivation not significantly influencedby
performance is due to the fact that health workers
could be already adapting to the bad work
On the other hand, Jaskiewicz & Tulenko (2012)
revealed that the productivity of health workers is
determined by where they work. The work
environment should be managed well to enable the
health workers to perform their tasks. Their study
also explained that a manageable workload, clear
organised tasks, reasonable geographic distance to
cover, supplies and equipment, supportive
supervisor, and community acceptance can allow
them to function better, leading to better
performance. Workload in this study also does not
significantly influence the case finding performance.
In the other hand, government collaboration with
the community agencies should be evaluated. Ortiz
(2011) mentioned that rates of well-child services
and preventive care improve with collaborative
efforts among government and community agencies
and physician offices. These findings imply that
intervention should include how to manage this
collaboration effectively.
The performance of the Puskesmas when it comes to
finding new cases of paediatric pneumonia in
Sumenep is influenced by the knowledge of its
health care workers. Poor knowledge of health
workers in Sumenep worsen by the limited
upgrading skills that is available. Health workers,
through the limited opportunity for experiencing
training to upgrade their skills, seems to experience
an erosion of their professional competencies and
development. It is also coupled with the difficult
geography of their respective coverage area.
We would like to express our appreciation to the
Master’s Program of Health Policy and the
Administration Faculty of Public Health at the
Universitas Airlangga for the support they have
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Problems in Poor Paediatric Pneumonia Case Findings in Sumenep
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INAHEA 2017 - 4th Annual Meeting of the Indonesian Health Economics Association