Compliance Determinants of Mothers in Full Child Immunisation
in Bangkalan District
Djazuly Chalidyanto
, Diah Indriani
, Fahmi Ashar
and Nurhasmadiar Nandini
Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Airlangga, Mulyorejo, Surabaya, Indonesia
District Health Office of Bangkalan, Bangkalan, Indonesia
Keywords: Compliance, Immunisation, Mother’s Characteristic, Health Service.
Abstract: Child immunisation is one of the cost-effective interventions in response to health problems and it provides
protection against a variety of health problems for children. Universal Child Immunisation (UCI)’s
achievement is a projection of the coverage of complete child immunisation. Child immunisation coverage
in Bangkalan in 2011 had a gap compared to the target. The study aims to analyse the factors that influence
mothers’ compliance with child immunisation based on maternal characteristics, community support, and
health workers in Bangkalan district. This research used a cross-sectional design and the populations were
all mothers of children aged 12-24 months. The analysis was then continued using Path Analysis. The data
was collected using a multi-stage sampling method. The samples included 360 respondents selected by the
snowball technique. The results reveal that 37.3% of infants had been fully immunised on schedule and this
indicates the mothers’ compliance with child immunisation. The Path Analysis Model is able to predict
immunisation compliance. The predictive factors are Community Support, Mother’s Characteristics, Health
worker, Service, and the Mother’s Factors. Result showed that mother’s characteristics and the health
service directly affected the mother’s compliance of child immunisation. Community support, health
manpower and the mother’s factors only have indirect effects.
Child immunisation is one of the most effective
health interventions in terms of cost. Budiman
(2011) in Kompasiana (2012) said that in 1974,
since the launch of the Expanded Program on
Immunization (EPI) that included immunisation
against seven diseases, immunisation has saved
more than 20 million in two decades. UNICEF in the
Report Card on Immunisation (2005) stated that
vaccines have saved millions of children in the last
three decades. Immunisation has becomes one of the
programs for decreasing the child death rate in
MDGs and programs of health development in
What Universal Child Immunisation (UCI) has
achieved is a projection of the coverage of complete
immunisation towards a group of infants. If UCI’s
coverage is put into a certain area, we can see the
level of people or infants’ immunity (herd
immunity) against disease contagions that can be
anticipated by immunisation (PD3I).
In the past few years, some mothers refused to
bring their children to health care services for
immunization even though it’s free and provided by
the government. The low mother’s compliance to
giving their children immunization caused by
several factors such as mother’s characteristics (age,
education, income, attitude, etc), family support,
poverty, lack of information about immunization,
and other socio-economic factors (Ramayani, 2007;
Falagas, 2008; Goofman & Frerichs, 2000;
Octaviani, 2015).
The UCI of Ministry of Health’s target was 80%
in 2008, and the UCI of East Java’s target pursuant
to the Minimum Standard of Service (SPM) up until
2015 was 95%, and the UCI of Bangkalan
District’s target amounted to 90% in 2011.
Table 1: Coverage of Immunisation in Bangkalan District
for the January - December 2011 period.
Immunization Target Coverage
HB0 90% 69.5% 20.5%
Chalidyanto, D., Indriani, D., Ashar, F. and Nandini, N.
Compliance Determinants of Mothers in Full Child Immunisation in Bangkalan District.
In Proceedings of the 4th Annual Meeting of the Indonesian Health Economics Association (INAHEA 2017), pages 360-366
ISBN: 978-989-758-335-3
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Immunization Target Coverage
BCG 95% 76.2% 18.8%
POLIO 1 95% 77.3% 17.7%
POLIO 2 90% 76.0% 14.0%
POLIO 3 90% 74.3% 15.7%
POLIO 4 90% 72.9% 17.1%
DPT-HB1 95% 76.1% 18.9%
DPT-HB 2 90% 73.8% 16.2%
DPT-HB 3 90% 73.2% 16.8%
MEASLES 90% 73.2% 16.8%
Source : Report of PSE Division of Bangkalan District
Health Office 2011 (2012)
According to Table 1, there is a gap between
immunisation coverage in Bangkalan District and
the target. Therefore, there is a need to do a study
that analyses the mothers’ compliance determinants
in giving children immunisation based on the
mother’s characteristics, community support, and the
role of health workers in Bangkalan District.
2.1 Immunisation
In accordance with the Verdict of the Minister of
Health of the Republic of Indonesia No.
1059/MENKES/SK/IX/2004 on Guidelines of
Immunisation Implementation, immunisation is one
of the preventive actions against diseases through
the administration of immunity to the body.
Administering immunity should be done regularly,
completely, and in compliance with the set standards
to provide health protection and to stop disease
As one of the government’s policies,
immunisation is the most effective measure to
prevent infectious diseases. It is considered as an
investment since in the long run, immunisation is
able to decrease morbidity and the child death rate in
several countries. For the children, immunisation
aims to provide immunity for infants and toddlers
against diseases and against the deaths caused by the
infection of such illnesses.
Immunisation through certain vaccine provisions
will also protect children from particular diseases.
Despite the available facilities in the society, not all
infants have complete immunisation. The paper size
must be set to A4 (210x297 mm). The document
margins must be the following:
2.2 Compliance
Kyngas, et al. (2000) believed that the low level of
compliance will contribute to the decrease of
effectiveness and medication benefits as well as the
increase of treatment cost as a result of off-standard
implementation. Lack of compliance also influences
the health of the surrounding society; for example,
TBC patients who do not obey the treatment
conditions will contaminate others.
Kyngas (1999) found that motivation, health
services, normal feelings and adequate energy as
well as the willingness to reach the goals in the
context of the health services are the factors that
increase compliance. Motivation could be improved
by support and affirmation from parents, and it also
influences the individual energy and willingness to
reach the goal of the health services.
According to Haynes (1979) in Evangelista
(1999), compliance in the health sector is the
increase of someone’s behaviour (taking medicine,
going on a diet, or changing their lifestyle) in
implementing the health workers’ advice. The
definition was also stated by Flatcher (1989) in
Evangelista (1999) that compliance is how patients
do what the health professionals want them to do.
2.2.1 Compliance with Immunization
Ramayani, et al. (2007) conducted a study on several
factors related to the lateness of giving immunisation
in Health Centres in urban and suburban area. The
results show that late immunisation is related to
social-economic factors including poverty,
vaccination cost, and late first immunisation. A lack
of information about immunisation for parents and
health workers and also health practices in private
institutions where the schedule of the practice and
immunisation do not often meet which also
contributes to the lateness. Other factors include the
lack of reminder system for immunisation times and
difficulties in implementation in accordance with
Another study conducted by Falagas (2008)
stated the factors that influence incomplete
immunisation such as under-age mothers (under 20
years old) which most commonly leads to a lack of
knowledge. Goodman & Frerichs (2000) who did a
research study on compliance with immunisation in
Kern Country, California, found that the main
factors of immunisation disobedience are ill
condition, postponement, and a lack of access to
information and services. Several other factors
related to lack of compliance are demographic
Compliance Determinants of Mothers in Full Child Immunisation in Bangkalan District
characteristics such as the mother’s age, race,
income, education, and also the father’s education
level. Information on the purpose of immunisation
for parents from health workers is also considered to
be significant in increasing compliance with
An analysis study by Waluyanti (2009) in Depok
City that aimed to learn the causes and analysis
factors influencing the low coverage rate of
complete immunisation for infants that led to
vulnerability from PD3I diseases found that health
insurance and the response towards immunisation
has a meaningful relationship with compliance with
2.3 The Interaction Model of Client Health
The theories used to understand, predict, and
improve the level of compliance are among other’s
theory of Health belief model, the theory of Planned
Behaviour, and the Transtheoritical Model. Pender
(2004) stated that there is a model theory, namely
The Interaction Model of Client Health
Behaviour/IMCHB proposed by Cox (1984).
Health behaviour can be predicted more easily by
understanding the client’s social-economic status,
the influence of social or community values on the
patient’s health, as well as finance and health
accessibility. The background variables are
considered relatively static ones both in terms of
influence and influencing dynamic variables.
Dynamic variables tend to be more active than the
background variables that include intrinsic
motivation, cognitive assessment, and affectionate
response. The interaction between the client and
health workers involves four factors, namely
information, affectionate support, control of
decision, and skill.
This is a cross-sectional design research. The
population were all mothers with children in the
susceptible age range of 12-24 months in Bangkalan
District, while the research subject were mothers
registered in UCI and non-UCI Health Centres.
The sampling technique used was Multi-stage
Sampling where Stage 1: Selecting Health Centres
(8 UCI Health Centres and 4 non-UCI Health
Centres); Stage 2: Categorising Health Centres into
3 village groups with 3 categories of UCI coverage
namely A (Good, 80-100%), B (Fair, 70-79.9%),
and C (Poor, <69.9%); and Stage 3: Selecting
villages through Stage 2 that resulted to 36 villages
from 12 Health Centres with 10 respondents each
Centre, which made it 360 respondents in total. The
respondents were determined by using the Snowball
technique and the data analysis used univariate,
bivariate, and multivariate analyses.
The influence of the various variables on the
mother’s compliance with complete child
immunisation was identified through Path Analysis,
which was executed after each variable was analysed
by using a computerised program.
The data results of all 360 respondents show that
351 of them (97.5%) take their child for
immunisation and 9 of them (2.5%) do not take their
child for immunisation. The coverage of Child
Immunisation based on the type of vaccine
implemented on schedule is: BCG at 53%, Hepatitis
B0 at 49.6%, Hepatitis B1 at 63.0%, Hepatitis B2 at
47.6%, and Hepatitis B3 amounts to 54.1%.
Meanwhile, coverage of DPT1 is at 49.3%, DPT2 at
58.1%, DPT3 at 47.0% and Measles amounts to
51.3%. Polio1’s coverage amounts to 66.4%, Polio2
at 47.3%, Polio3 at 63.0% and Polio4 is at 56.4%.
Approximately 37.3% of infants have been given
complete immunisation per vaccine type (antigen)
on schedule (compliant). The coverage of complete
immunisation given to infants off schedule or
incomplete immunisation amounts to 62.7%. The
result of immunisation completeness in accordance
with the schedule is basic for the mother’s
compliance level in taking their child for
4.1 Mother’s Characteristics
The mother’s individual aspects being studied in this
paper include motivation, knowledge on
immunisation, and response towards the
immunisation knowledge. The result shows that the
mother’s motivation to take their child for
immunisation is derived from the self-factor
(intrinsic) at 52% and non-self-factor (extrinsic) at
48%. Extrinsic factors included as the source of the
mother’s motivation are family, neighbour, health
worker, and health cadre. The mother’s self-
motivation becomes the determinant factor for them
to take their child for immunisation.
INAHEA 2017 - 4th Annual Meeting of the Indonesian Health Economics Association
The result of the mother’s characteristics is based
on aspects of knowledge and responses as shown in
Table 2.
Table 2: Distribution of the Mother’s Characteristics
Based on Knowledge and Response Category
Fair Good
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
7.9 65.2 21.0 5.9 100
23.2 33.3 25.0 18.5 100
The mother’s knowledge on immunisation and its
schedule, as the result shows, shows that 65% of
mothers are in the inadequate category. The
mother’s insight on immunisation is needed to
develop their willingness to take their child for
immunisation on time. Inadequate knowledge on the
importance of on time immunisation will have an
impact on the mother’s obedience in relation to
taking their child for full immunisation. Octaviani
(2015) and Falagas (2008) stated that mother’s
knowledge have significant influence on mother’s
compliance to take their children for immunization.
The mother’s responses towards their insights
determine how much they comply with the
obligation to give full immunisation to their child.
Good response is when mothers take their child for
immunisation in accordance with the schedule. The
study result shows that among the mothers taking
their child for immunisation, 33% of them shows
negative response. These negative responses cause
the off-schedule implementation of immunisation.
4.2 Community Support
The role of the community in successfully
implementing immunisation is in their support of
mothers taking their children for immunisation on
time. Elements of community that supports the
mother’s compliance includes public figure,
neighbours, health cadre, as well as local religious
figures as the connector or due to the affirmation of
information on the importance of immunisation.
Community support based on the mother’s
compliance result shows that most mothers (49%) do
not have sufficient community support.
Approximately 4.3% of mothers receive good
community support, 41% of them gain fair support,
and the other 5.75% have poor support. Inadequate
support from the community will encourage the
mother’s to not taking their child for full and on
schedule immunisation. Research showed that
support especially from family affected in mother’s
compliance to take their children for immunization
(Octaviani, 2015).
4.3 Health Workers Support
The health worker factor in this study includes
affectionate support of health workers, information
on health, control of decision, and the health
worker’s skill. The distribution of the health
worker’s support based on the category of support is
shown in Table 3.
Table 3: Distribution of Health Workers Support Based on Category of Support
Health Workers Support
Category of Support
Poor Inadequate Fair Good Total
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
Affectionate Support of Health
5.8 22.2 16.8 55.2 100
Information on Health
25.2 34.7 24.5 15.6 100
Control of Decision
38.0 33.9 7.9 20.2 100
Health Workers’ Skill
5.6 15.9 36.7 41.8 100
The result shows that 55.2% of health workers
have been given affectionate support for mothers to
take their child for immunisation properly. Support
from health workers is able to give comfort to
mothers in taking their child for immunisation. The
support could be in a form of care and suggestions
that boosts the mother’s trust in the health workers.
Effective support can also convince mothers that
immunisation for their child is important.
Inadequate information about health becomes the
most determining factor (34.7%) of the mother’s
compliance with child immunisation. This result
consistent with research by Goodman & Frerichs
(2000) which stated that lack of access to
Compliance Determinants of Mothers in Full Child Immunisation in Bangkalan District
information affected the mother’s compliance of
immunization. The availability of health information
is significant in giving more insights and reinforcing
the mother’s adherence to full child immunisation.
Health workers who actively share information to
mothers could be working as a reminder for mothers
on the importance of on time and full immunisation.
Poor control of decision from the health workers
(at 38%) indicates that the lack of health worker’s
role in persuading mothers to take proper action and
reducing their anxiety about child immunisation.
Health workers could have control over the mothers’
decision to have child immunisation. The mother’s
decision in taking immunisation for their child
determines their adherence to full and on time
The standard of competence for health workers is
closely related to their skill in their service and
practices. Health workers with good skill can give
mothers a secure feeling and trust in taking their
child for immunisation, particularly related to after-
immunisation effects. The study result shows that
the health workers’ skill is categorised as good at
approximately 41.8%.
4.4 Health Services
The health service facility has a significant role in
child immunisation implementation. Various kinds
of health service available in the residential area are
options for having immunisation arranged. The
choice of immunisation venue is also related to
stronger community support. Table 4 shows the
choices of health service venue available based on
community support.
Table 4: Distribution of Health Service Venue
Venue of Health Service
n %
Regional Hospital 16 4.5
Health Center 88 25.0
Village Health Clinic/Branch
Health Center
Polindes/ Pustu
25 7.1
Integrated Health Service
17 4.8
Private Hospital 26 7.4
Health Clinic 23 6.5
Private Doctor Practice 20 5.6
Private Midwife Practice 136 38.7
Total 351 100
The most utilised health service facility is the
private midwife practice at approximately 38.7%.
The choice of venue for immunisation arrangements
was most likely related to the location of childbirth.
The more flexible open hours of the midwife
practice might probably be the reason of mothers’
choice for immunisation venue.
4.5 Analysis
The various factors of the mother’s compliance with
full and on time child immunisation has been further
analysed to learn the influence of each factor. The
analysis was conducted by using Path Analysis to
learn the cause-effect relationship or the
direct/indirect effects of the factors. Factors of the
mother’s characteristics, community support, and
health workers are analysed with the mother’s
compliance, mother’s factors or the health service
factor. The analysis result of each factor is shown in
Figure 1.
Figure 1: Result of Path Analysis
Community support, the mother’s characteristics,
and health workers are independent variables while
services, compliance, and mother factor are the
dependent variables. The calculation of the
relationship between the factors uses computerised
calculations. The red numbers show that the
variables do not have a correlation or relationship.
On the analysis of community support on
compliance and the mother factor, the assessment
result shows that the aforementioned does not
influence the mother factor (motivation, knowledge,
and response) as it is shown by the low number
(1.44) while community support does influence the
compliance variable (7.60). The mother factor shows
a low score (0.01) in the services factor, thus the
mother factor does not correlate with services.
INAHEA 2017 - 4th Annual Meeting of the Indonesian Health Economics Association
Factors that have a relationship or that correlate to
each other include: community support with service
and compliance, health worker with compliance and
the mother factor, as well as the services factor with
In light of the relationship between the
independent and dependent variables, further
analysis is needed to learn if there is effect and
whether it is direct or indirect, which can be seen in
Figure 2.
Figure 2: Direct and Indirect Effect
The total of effect influencing the dependent
variables is determined by adding up the direct and
indirect effect. Direct effect is a variable that directly
influences the variable of compliance. Indirect effect
is a variable that indirectly influences the
compliance variable.
Variable of community support influences
variable of compliance with immunisation with a
total of 0.09 effect composed only by direct effect.
Variable of mother’s characteristics has a total of
0.72 effect (0.28 of indirect effect and 0.44 of direct
Variable of health worker has an influence on the
variable of compliance in a total of 0.20 (0,006 of
indirect effect and 0.2 of indirect effect). The
services variable influences compliance at a total of
0.52 entirely from direct effect. The mother factor
variable has a total of 0.03 effect on compliance, all
coming from direct effect.
In accordance with the scores of the 5 indicators
of Good Fit Index (P-value Chi Square, P-value
RMSEA, RMSEA, GFI, NFI), 4 out of 5 indicators
(except P-Value Chi Square), it shows that the effect
assessment result using Path Analysis has met the
requirements, thus this model can be used in
predicting compliance with immunisation.
Approximately 37.3% of infants have received
complete and on schedule immunisation. The
mother’s compliance with child immunisation is
identified through the use of a Path Analysis model
from various variables that include community
support, the mother’s characteristics, health workers,
health services, and the mother factor. There is no
relationship between the community support
variable and mother factor variable as well as
between the mother factor variable and health
According to the assessment result, it can be
concluded that the variables which have greatest
influence on compliance with immunisation is the
mother’s characteristics variable (0.72) and services
variable (0.52). The high score of compliance
suggests that the variable of the mother’s
characteristics and health services directly influences
the mother’s compliance with full child
immunisation. Meanwhile, the variables of
community support, health workers, and mother
factor have an indirect influence on the mother’s
compliance with full child immunisation.
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INAHEA 2017 - 4th Annual Meeting of the Indonesian Health Economics Association