Economic Value for Being Working Parents: Family Revenue and
Daycare Cost Fulfillment
Ernawaty Ernawaty, Nuzulul Kusuma Putri, Ratna Dwi Wulandari, Dini Aftin Rahmadevi
Kampus C Integrated Daycare, Universitas Airlangga, Mulyorejo, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Young family, Care giver, Children, Economic value, Working parents.
Abstract: Most of young family experiencing about generating child while they are still in the early phase of career. In
this early step, family have to fulfil their living cost and additional cost that appear due to their predicate as
working parents. We analyse the economic value for being working parents to describe the working parents’
preference in the type of child care givers. Voluntary sampling technique was used to determine
sample size to be studied. Data collected by online quessionnaire or survey which given to 42
employees who affiliated with a biggest university in the eastern Indonesia. They were asked about
their total living cost including their cost on child care givers which expensed monthly. Both numbers then
proportionate with their revenue which then generated in a linier regression equation. This study revealed
that baby sitter is the best valued care givers among other. While young family still do not valued child care
givers as the important cost drivers in their expense. Surprisingly, they will consider rising up the children
by their own to avoid the extra expense in total living cost.
It was noted that working parents especially young
families are burdened as the career stepper and also
the early parents. This group of employees are
reluctant to be late and hastily go home just for the
reason of babysitting. The existence of child care
givers in this group becomes more important. The
parents, especially the mother that working who
already has children will have a distraction of
concentration on the job because they have to take
care th child (Anon., 2015). The existence of
daycare becomes one of the support for workers in
college (Gault, et al., 2014). Many study about
young family mostly discussed about how balance
their life and their work, but rarely discussed what
this group experiencing according to their preference
of child care givers.
The Work-Life Balance study show up many
indication of organisation’s ‘work-life balance’
policies assist employees in balancing their work
and life responsibilities (Delina & Raya 2013). The
result of the study will provide any suggestion about
what should be improves in the organisation’s
policies to balancing the work-life of employee.
Rather than to only focus on the organization aspect,
we assume that organization should also analyse
how their employee values the care givers of the
children. By analysing this, organization will be able
to understand why employee retents with reason to
take care by their children.
Moreover, the lack of regular use of quality
measurement at child care givers and the
experiences that children have with their care givers
are very important (Emlen et al. 2000). They will
affect the development of children while parents
work (Bigras et al. 2012). Qualified care givers and
how parents should cost for this care will affect its
cost-effectiveness. It will describe the value of being
working parents.
Urgently overcome this dearth of information,
this study try to measure how young family value
their children care givers. We also analyse the
economic value for being working parents to
describe the working parent’s preference in the type
of child care givers.
This is an exploratory study that conducted among
young family who affiliated in an organization. We
choose a biggest university in the eastern Indonesia
to be the case study. By using university employee
Ernawaty, ., Putri, N., Wulandari, R. and Rahmadevi, D.
Economic Value for Being Working Parents: Family Revenue and Daycare Cost Fulfillment.
In Proceedings of the 4th Annual Meeting of the Indonesian Health Economics Association (INAHEA 2017), pages 367-370
ISBN: 978-989-758-335-3
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