Developing Peace Culture Based on Al-Quran Values in Indonesian
Uman Suherman and
Nurhudaya Nurhudaya
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Peace Education, Peace Culture, Peace Based On Al-Quran Values.
Abstract: Lately, there are schools that are successfully establish a climate of peace, respect, compassion, fair, ethical
and mutual respect. Violence varieties which are done by teachers and students have been already very
alarming even in the category of emergency. Peace education is an effort to develop a culture of peace schools
reinforced with religious values, that education has the capacity and the responsibility to lift humanitarian
issues, about how people live side by side with others, and have concern for other human beings. This is
indeed the true crisis in education. The main purpose of this research is to produce a model of school peace
culture based on Al Qur'an values . Specific research target are (1) determine the structural components and
manual models of the school peace culture based on Al Qur'an values, (2) implement activities to develop
teachers' capacity to implement a culture the school peace culture based on Al Qur'an values, (3) implement
test limited try school peace culture models, and (4) obtain final model school peace culture based on Al
Qur'an values. The study was conducted within two years of the first year, the formulation of a model of
school peace culture based on Al Qur'an values, rational validation of the model by experts. In the second
year of implementation of the model is limited to one high school in Bandung, evaluating weakness and
strength, testing the model at some intermediate schools in West Java and socializing, disseminating model
to stakeholders through scientific publications and seminars or workshops.
This study is part of a series and follow-up research
of research on service models pedagogical as well as
counseling and guidance for the development of the
mindset of the culture of peace in 2013, and
international studies conducted by TEAM UPI and
University Tampere Finland in 2014 concerning
Meta-Analysis of Content of Local Rating In
Pedagogic development Peace: Assessing Top
Etnopedagogic Study in Perspective Indonesia-
Finland "and" Exploration Values Mindset
development of Peace in Education and Counseling:
Lesson Learned Indonesia-Finland. The study's
findings indicate that local values in Indonesia,
particularly the Sundanese culture potential as a basis
for the development of pedagogy of peace whereas
teachers do not have a unified framework in the
development of a peace mindset.
The importance of the culture of peace in schools
proposed by Castro and Galace (2010) describes the
"essence of a new humanity" that represent the culture
of peace will build the mindset, governance thought,
and developmental approach towards peace (Galtung,
J, 1967). In the context of the development of the
mindset of the culture of peace, the results
Kartadinata, S, et al (2013) found that the demands on
the development of the higher peace culture mindset,
even education has not responded strategically and
systematically. Even more emphatic Kartadinata, S.
et al (2014) found in Indonesia (West Java) teachers
do not have a unified framework in the development
of a mindset of peace. It must be built to change
teachers to have competence achievement as a teacher
reached identity, so it will go in the mindset of peace
and inner peace. Identity is built upon the
understanding and internalization of the value system
of the normativity of interest, the educational content
and pillars of the learning process (Kartadinata,
2017). Indonesian educational value system that must
be internalized in oneself includes understanding of
human nature, humanity, power and authority as well
as the kewiyataan (places to get knowledge’s).
Schools as an educational institution should
ideally provide a climate that is filled with nuances of
life of peace, respect, compassion, fair, ethical and
mutual respect. Admittedly not a few schools were
successful in establishing climate of life. But lately in
Suherman, U. and Nurhudaya, N.
Developing Peace Culture Based on Al-Quran Values in Indonesian.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences (ICES 2017) - Volume 1, pages 81-86
ISBN: 978-989-758-314-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
school contradictory phenomenon sticking to the
surface. Varieties of violence which are done by
teachers and students have been very alarming even
in the category of emergency. Based on the data
received by the violence of the National Commission
for Child Protection in 2011-2016 indicate the year
2011 as many as 1,381, in 2012 as many as 2,249, in
2013 as many as 2,284, in 2014 as many as 3225,
2015, 2511 and 2016 as many as 1452 (Venny. A,
2016), the data was obtained only from those who
reported, but because of various limitations, it is
believed that there much more violence go unreported
and therefore has not identified the type and number.
Based on statistics of Polis Diraja Malaysia
(PDRM), in 2012 there were 3,700 students
committing acts of violence, even in 2013 the
increase is recorded as many as 7816 students commit
acts of violence and acts of violence occur because of
adolescent’s weak character and morals (Ershad,
2015). UNICEP Data shows that one in three girls and
one in four boys in Indonesia, have experienced
violence (Dona, L, 2016).
The efforts to transform the culture of peace is
through peace education (Castro and Galace 2010;
Yousuf, I. M et al, 2010). Peace education is not
focused on problem solving / conflict, peace
education focus on building mindset, and governance
think teachers, students and school stakeholders to
create a culture of peace (Sharma, V, 2012). One of
the values that should be strengthened in peace
education that religious values. Their religious values
represent the picture of consistency between belief in
the religion as a cognitive element, a feeling of
religion as an element of an effective and religion as
an element of psychomotor behavior. Furthermore,
integrated complex of knowledge, feelings and
religious action in a person.
Peace education based on religious values aims to
develop learning that support social cohesion, justice,
and the preservation of the environment (Salomon
and Nevo, 2002, Wenden, 2004, in Carter and
Vandeyar, 2009: 248; Anand, S, 2014). Social
cohesion and mutual understanding between citizens
involved in a dispute can be achieved through the
provision of education that focuses a) Survival Skills
(listening, following directions, avoiding conflict,
using words that are good and interesting or talk
openly, and respect themselves); b) interpersonal
Skills (sharing, ask permission, to join in an activity,
accepting others); c) Problem-Solving Skills (asking
for help, asking for forgiveness, accept the
consequences, deciding what to do); and d) Conflict
Resolution Skills (kink in dealing with teasing,
failure, accusations, unappreciated, and pressure)
(Suherman, U, 2016; 2011).
The position of peace education in religious
teachings, including the holy book of Al Qur’an
shows that human behavior is based on the values of
religious teachings can bring peace. Besides, peace
can be viewed from two perspectives: the perspective
of humanity (hablumminannaas) and the perspective
of divinity (hablumminallah). They represent that
peace is essentially derived from Allah SWT, because
one of the names of the properties of Allah SWT is
Assalaam that means almighty give safety and well-
being (Quraish Shihab, M, 2005; Suherman, U.
Indeed, education has the capacity and the
responsibility to raise humanitarian issues, about how
people live side by side with others, and have concern
to other human beings. This is indeed the true crisis
in education.
The most significant way to develop a culture of
peace based on Qur'an values is through peace
education. Peace education is an education that is
reinforced with humanitarian values, culture and
religion. As part of religious values, Al Qur'an values
are forms of knowledge, belief, understanding,
insight and ethical demands of human behavior in
ecological communities.
The values of Al Qur'an is an entity that is not only
seen from the aspect of the life of the world with ease
and challenges, but should be thoroughly since man
was created, turned, gave birth, switched off until a
moment revived from death and happy world and the
hereafter. Peace is reflected through the surah Al-
Baqarah, verse 201:
"And among them there are those who say:" Our
Lord, grant us good in this world and good in the
Hereafter and save us from the torment of hell".
In building a culture of peace effectively,
competition and improved quality of behavior are
needed to be done when individuals perceive and
realize that the culture of peace must be done
throughout life. There are three aspects that must be
considered every individual in the life that is
knowledge-based society (knowledge base learning)
as a community of learning (learning society) that
require education and training in a lifelong learning
system. This means that the learning process will
always be attached to each individual life that takes
place in the context of an ever-changing environment.
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
Learning to live together is expected to combat the
prejudices that may lead to disputes. Allah was
advised by letter Ali Imran, verse 105:
"And do not be like those who split apart and fight
before they get a clear explanation (al-bayyinat)".
Based on these considerations, the research
problem is whether the culture of peace based on the
values of Al Qur'an can develop students’ mindset
and teachers’ inner peace. In general, this study aims
to develop a model of peace culture based school
values of the Qur'an.
Overall, this study is designed for two years (2017-
2018) and each year has eight months minimum. First
year research begins in April and ends in November
2017. The first phase of research will be conducted at
the University of Malaysia Pendidikan Sultan Idris
(UPSI) for meta-analysis of the research culture of
peace based on Al Qur'an values , the basic
consideration to choose the location because of the
majority of the Muslim religion, so the need for a
culture of peace based on the values of Al Qur’an will
come to a comprehensive phase, in addition to the
basic philosophy of having an election is that UPSI’s
strong values of faith, science, culture, civilization,
humanity, society and state, will strengthen the
process of peace culture. High school in the city of
Bandung to explore the identity of the teacher and the
learning process. Second phase research for the
limited test will be conducted on one of the secondary
schools in the city of Bandung, while more extensive
testing done on some high schools in the District-
Cities in West Java.
2.1 Research Method
This study uses qualitative and quantitative
approaches. A quantitative approach is used to test the
effectiveness of school peace culture based on Al
Qur'an values. A qualitative approach is used in the
exploration of identity peace and rational teacher
learning and validation of models. The method used
is a model of research and development (R and D) of
Creswell, W. J. (2008; 2009; 2012) is modified into
three phases within a period of two years.
2.2 Research Subject
The subjects are UPSI peace education experts with
the object of study is the results related to the research
peace culture based on Al Qur'an values. The next
research subject are teachers of high school with a
focus on identity and peace culture based on Al
Qur'an values. Peace education experts are the subject
of a study to determine assessment of theoretical
school peace culture based on Al Qur'an values.
Recently the research subjects are high school
students to determine the impact of the
implementation of peace culture based on Al Qur'an
2.3 Data Instrument Collectors
The data’s which are required in this study are
collected through interviews, discussions focused,
expert judgment, observation and documentation
study guidelines. Interview guidelines used to explore
peace teacher identity, focused discussion and expert
judgment is made to formulate a model. Observation
guide is used to capture the models intervention
process. And documentation study is used to collect
research results related to the culture of peace based
school values of the Qur'an.
2.4 Research Design
Implementation of this research is to follow Creswell,
W. J. (2009) model of research and development
which is modified into three phases within a period of
two years following.
The first phase, The Planning: the activities
undertaken is a review of theoretical literature,
programs, regulations, empirical studies teacher
learning process in the perspective of identity and the
development model of school peace culture based on
Al Qur'an values.
The second phase, Models Development:
activities include: validation of rational models by
experts and practitioners, and development for
teachers to implement peace culture based on Al
Qur'an values.
The third phase, testing the Model: the activities
include: testing the effectiveness of school peace
culture based on Al Qur'an values more widely in the
field, the preparation of the final stage models,
reporting and dissemination through journals models.
Developing Peace Culture Based on Al-Quran Values in Indonesian
The Research outcome of this study is the formulation
of the School Peace Culture Based on Al Qur'an
Values Development Model which is rationally and
empirically validated. Intervention strategies that
resulted from this research are packed into a
Handbook containing instruments of school peace
culture based on Al Qur'an values and the guidelines
for the implementation of the school- peace culture
model based on AlQur'an values.
Peace is the basis and the teachings of every
religion. The values and teachings are included in the
scriptures show that human behavior is based on the
values of religious teachings can lead to peace
(Blumberg, Herbert H, et al, 2006; Hassan, Ul. MS,
Azhar, T., Hassan, T, 2014). Peace in the religious
teachings of Islam can be seen from two perspectives:
the humanitarian perspective (hablumminannaas) and
the perspective of divinity (hablumminallah). Source
of peace is essentially derived from Allah SWT,
because one of the names of Allah SWT is Assalaam
properties that has meaning almighty give safety and
The needs of individual learning fulfillment
(learning needs) as personal and social beings implies
that learning is not only focus on four issues, namely
learning to know, learning to do, learning to live
together and learning to be, as a pillar of education
are packed body of education and culture of the
United Nations (UNESCO, 1996), but individuals are
also required to learn how to learn to do (learning how
to learn). In the latter context it (learning how to
learn), ethical values and morals as the foundation of
life is expected to give a positive color for studying
the behavior and life in general.
Direct form to develop a school culture of peace
based on Al Qur'an values, which is the first mutual
restraint and forgiveness as described in Surah Al-
Baqarah verse 109 "then forgive and let them so that
the gods bring in orders. Indeed Allah, over all things
all-powerful "; The second man needs to have a gentle
attitude towards each other, forgive each other and
consulted in completing an errand (Oemar Bakry,
1984: 133; in Suherman, U, 2016), as mentioned in
the Qur'an Surah Ali Imran, verse 159, namely: "it is
by the grace of God, you be gentle with them. If you
(O Muhammad) to be rude, rough hearts, they will get
away from you. So pardon them, forgiveness and
consult them in affairs (war, economic and other
affairs of the world). When've established your
determination, tawakallah to God (in running it
without hesitation). Indeed, Allah loves those who
trust; The third communicate wisely, representing
advising and argue that constructive and
argumentative, in addition to the values of the Qur'an
provides guidance that an individual should have the
principle of wisdom (Al-Hikmah), good advice (Al-
mawizah, al-hasanah), and debate the best method, as
mentioned in the Quran (Surah Al-Nahl / 16: 125);
and fourth encourage the establishment of peace
(Islah), as mentioned in Al-Quran Al-Hujarat 49: 9,
which is: "And if there are two classes of those who
believe that war be reconciled them both."
Several studies have been conducted to determine
the impact of peace education to develop peace
culture based on Al Qur’an values. Studies
Supriyanto Sand (2013) found the education-based
conflict resolution values of the Qur'an can improve
communication skills, creative thinking and
analytical, conflict prevention, conflict management
and conflict resolution. Research Thompson (1999; in
ilfiandra 2009) found that conflict resolution can
improve students' skills in problem solving, critical
thinking, decision making, and improve social skills,
such as respect for diversity, empathy, cooperation,
explore and express feelings. Other findings from the
study of Thomson is students can develop an
understanding of the concept of conflict, adjust skills
to meet personal ability, improve interpersonal and
leadership skills, and using the conflict resolution
process "win-win" in their lives.
The results of the study Afrida Aryani (2009)
regarding the Education Model of Peace and Human
Rights (PD-HAM) To Prevent Violence in Schools
shows that the model of PD-HAM developed has
accuracy (accuracy), utility (utility), and decent
(feasibility) to used. Research Ilfiandra (2009, 2010,
2011) shows that the model of conflict resolution
counseling set of comprehensive guidance is effective
for improving the competence of the students live in
peace and harmony. Recommendations from various
research results are one of them is the need for a
systematic and comprehensive effort to develop a
school culture of peace in creating peace in students’
mindset and teachers’ inner peace.
3.1 Preliminary Study
Maftuh Research (2009; in ilfiandra 2009) on conflict
resolution education showed consistent results need a
peace education in schools. One of recommendations
from various research results is the need for
systematic and comprehensive effort to develop
peace through formal education. Several other studies
related to the proposed research is Sunaryo
Kartadinata, et al (2013) about the service model
pedagogical as well as counseling and guidance for
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
the development of the mindset of the culture of peace
find things as follows: (1) the demand for the
development of the mindset of the culture of peace is
getting higher , But the world of education has not
responded strategically-systematic; (2) pedagogy of
peace is not only-and not only limited in conflict
resolution education, but includes the arrangement of
the mind (mindset) and literacy thought (mind sight)
about how must be resolved and disagreements
should so as not social commotion; (3) pedagogical
services as well as counseling and guidance contains
a number of competencies life placed as a destination
at the same way (means and an end) through capacity
development in dimensions: (1) to live in peace; (2)
human rights; (3) democracy; (4) science,
technology, and communications; and (5) sustainable
Research Sunaryo Kartadinata, et al (2014)
entitled "Meta-Analysis in the Development of Local
Content Value Pedagogic Peace: Assessing Top
Etnopedagogic Study in Perspective Indonesia-
Finland" and "Exploration Values Mindset
Development of Peace in Education and Counseling:
Lesson Learned Indonesia- Finnish "also reinforces
previous research results will need to develop peace
pedagogy. The preliminary findings of research
showed that local values in Indonesia, particularly the
Sundanese culture potential as a basis for the
development of pedagogy of peace, as well as the
values espoused Finnish society. In the case of
Indonesia (West Java) teachers do not have a unified
framework in the development of a mindset of peace,
while the teachers in Finland showed elements of
respect and understanding became the basis for
development peaceable classroom.
Peace education refers to the religious teachings of
Islam is that peace has the capacity and the
responsibility to humanitarian issues, about how
people live side by side with others, and have concern
for other human beings. The values in the holy book
of Al Qur’an that peace is a form of learning to live
together, which has a meaning capable of combating
prejudices which may lead to disputes. For that Allah
SWT as described in the Al Maa-'Idah, verse 14:
"And among those who say:" We are the Christians ",
we have taken their covenant, but they were
(deliberately) forgotten most of the messages have
been warned to them, then we caused enmity and
hatred among them till the Judgment day".
Furthermore, Allah was advised by letter Ali
Imran, verse 105:
"And do not be like those who split apart and fight
before they get a clear explanation (al-bayyinat)".
If we look at both words of Allah SWT, He
suggests that the process of developing a culture of
peace must take two sides are complementary, on the
one hand the culture of peace in doing the learning
process that should improve understanding of the
individual against another person, on the subsequent
culture of peace carried out in the learning process
which should facilitate individual experiences in
working and relating with others toward a common
goal throughout life. This learning process is the right
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