The research problems in this study are: (1) how
is the implementation of the text structure mapping
strategy in improving students’ skills in writing
explanation text at elementary school grade V? and
(2) Does the implementation of text structure
mapping strategy improve students’ skills in writing
explanation text at elementary school grade V? The
purpose of this research is to know the learning
process during an effort to improve students’ skills in
writing explanation text through the implementation
of text structure mapping strategy in grade V of
elementary school and to know improvement of skills
in writing explanation text through the
implementation of text structure mapping strategy of
students in grade V of elementary school.
Writing is a communication activity in terms of
delivering written message (information) to others by
using written language as tool or media (Dalman,
2014: 3). Writing is an activity of expressing feelings
in written language in order to entertain, convey,
explain, or tell something to someone. There are
several kinds of text, one of which is explanation text.
Explanation text is a text structured to describe a
process of occurrence of phenomena or events.
Text structure mapping strategy implies the way
in which things are built or arranged. So mapping the
text structure is the adoption a method of studying a
concept proposed by Tony Buzan which is known as
mind mapping. The mind mapping developed by
Tony Buzan in the 1970s is a technique of utilizing
the entire brain by using visual imagery and other
graphical infrastructure to form an impression
(DePorter and Hernacki 2000: 153).
This research is a classroom action research. The
subjects of this research are teachers and students of
grade V in an elementary school of the academic year
2017/2018, with a total of 42 students consisting of
22 males and 20 females. The research is conducted
at SDN (state elementary school) Rangkah VII
Surabaya because the school is very cooperative and
responsive in the effort of upgrading learning
methodology in order to improve student learning
In this research there are done in two cycles,
namely cycle I and cycle II. The procedure of research
in every cycle is done through four stages, namely
planning, implementation, observation, and
reflection. The model and explanation for each stage
will be illustrated in the Figure 1 below.
Figure 1: CAR cycles by Kemmis and Taggart (in Arikunto,
2010: 132).
Based on the research variables, the data are
collected through observation and test. Observation
technique is used to collect data regarding to the
learning process in improving students’ skills in
writing explanation text by using text structure
mapping strategy in grade V of elementary school.
The instrument used is an observation sheet of
learning implementation activity using a text
structure mapping strategy. Furthermore, the test
technique is used to collect data of the improvement
of students’ skills in writing explanation text by using
text structure mapping strategy in grade V of
elementary school. The instrument used is a test
evaluation sheet of writing explanation text learning
Two types of data analysis techniques are used in
this research, namely qualitative and quantitative
techniques. The qualitative data analysis technique is
used to present data from observations and tests in the
form of charts, graphics and essay or in short,
compact and clear sentences. Furthermore, the
quantitative data analysis technique is used to
measure the results of observations and tests by using
The observation data is obtained from observers
who fill out the observation sheet of learning
implementation activity at every meeting in cycle I
and II. Analysis of this observational data is done
using the following formula.
The implementation = the implemented activity:
the total activity x 100% (Indarti, 2008:26)
The percentage of acquired skills compared to the
following criteria of assessment.
100% = Excellence / maximum
76% - 99% = Very good / optimum
The Improvement Writing Explanation Text through the Implementation of Text Structure Mapping Strategy