Development of E-Learning Model to Improve Learning Outcomes
Rusman Rusman and Ronny Mugara
Curriculum Development Study Program, Postgraduate School, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
{rusman821971, ronnymugara.rm}
Keywords: E-learning, Learning Outcomes, Learning.
Abstract: This research is motivated by the low of mechanical engineering learning result of the tenth grade SMK
students. The problem of this study is that whether or not e-learning Model is effective to improve learning
outcomes in the subjects of Mechanical engineering in SMK? The purpose of this study research is to produce
E-learning Model which can improve students' learning outcomes on the subject of Mechanics Engineering
in Building Engineering Skill Program of SMK. This research uses Research and Development (R and D)
method. The steps of model development in this study are: field study, relevant document analysis,
development study, and program validation. The population consists of three vocational schools in Bandung
with the samples are all tenth grade students of Building Engineering Skills Program. The data obtained are
analyzed using quantitative (normalized gain score) and qualitative analysis (downsizing, demonstration, and
data verification). Based on preliminary study of learning outcomes of the tenth grade students of SMK in
Bandung on the subjects of Mechanical Engineering is still low which is 32.3% of 356 students who have not
reached KKM (minimum mastery learning score). Effort to improve the students’ learning outcomes is by
applying the E-learning Model. The results show that E-learning Model is effective to improve student
learning outcomes in the subjects of Mechanical Engineering. The effectiveness is indicated by the increase
of average gain index, SMK 5 Bandung gain index is 0, 50000, SMKN 6 Bandung gain index is 0.722426,
and SMKN PUN Bandung gain index is 0.28120. The increase of the overall gain index is 0.751816. The
phases of E-Learning Model developed are: 1) interactivity; 2) independence; 3) accessibility; 4) enrichment,
and 5) evaluation. Implementation of E-learning Model in learning process includes a limited and broad test.
The teachers and students’ assumption on E-learning Model is that it is very effective to improve learning
outcomes but it needs adequate supporting facilities of computers and Internet networks. It is concluded that
E-learning Model is effective to improve learning outcomes of mechanical engineering of the tenth grade
SMK Students. The implications are for the development of concepts, curriculum, and learning process in
SMK. The recommendations are addressed to principals, teachers, and subsequent research that can be taken
into consideration in determining school policy, provision of facilities and instructional media, and subsequent
research may take into account the limitations of this study.
The learning result by vocational students on
Mechanical Engineering subject as the sample of this
study is still low. The result mentioned is the change
in students’ overall behavior and it is sedentary as the
outcome of learning activities. Djamarah and Zain
(2014, pp. 107) stated that learning outcomes are
what students get after learning activities. This is
evident from the achievement of students' learning
outcomes during the odd semester which shows that
about 50% of the 356 students are able to exceed the
Minimum Mastery Criteria (KKM) and
approximately 17.7% are able to reach the limits of
KKM. So, the students unable yet to achieve KKM
are of 32.3%. These learning outcomes are still far
from expectations, especially in the subjects of
Mechanical Engineering. This fact shows that there is
something not optimal in the learning process.
The phenomenon of unable students to achieve
KKM is the impact of less precisely model, method,
and learning strategy applied. The method applied
tends to be conventional learning model. The
selection of leaning models and methods is a factor
that leads to low learning outcomes. Teachers’
inaccuracy in choosing the models, methods, and
strategies applied in the learning process causes
Rusman, R. and Mugara, R.
Development of E-Learning Model to Improve Learning Outcomes.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences (ICES 2017) - Volume 1, pages 152-157
ISBN: 978-989-758-314-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
learning is not running effectively and efficiently in
achieving goals. This is in line with the opinion of
Developing Team of MKDP Curriculum and
Learning (2011, pp. 141) who suggest that one of the
factors affecting student learning outcomes is the
school environment which in this case includes
teacher competence in teaching and applied learning
Methods application in the learning process is one
of the keys to the success of student learning in
school. The better and effective a method of learning
is applied, the higher the achievement of student
learning outcomes is. This is evidenced by several
research results, such as Fatimah (2011), Setiawan
(2013), and Sulistyo (2013) on the application of
learning models and methods to improve learning
outcomes and they turn to be effective. The
effectiveness is shown by the improvement of student
learning outcomes after the application of methods
and learning models compared to before the
implementation of the learning method. The three
results of this study indicate that teachers’ selection
and application of models, methods and strategies of
learning which are appropriate and relevant to the
materials are determinants of students learning
outcomes achievement.
Students can achieve optimal learning outcomes
by applying appropriate models, methods, and
strategies which completely support their learning
activities and provide technical clarity of the subject
matter they are studying. One of the learning models
considered to support the learning of the material is
E-Learning model that, as explained by Cisco (in
Rusman, 2014, p.347), philosophically: 1) delivers
information, communication, education, and training
via on line; 2) provides a set of tools that can enrich
the value of learning conventionally (conventional
learning model, study of textbooks, CD-ROM, and
computer-based training) so as to respond to the
challenges of the development of globalization; 3)
does not mean replacing the conventional learning
model in the classroom, but reinforces the learning
model through content enrichment and the
development of educational technology; And 4)
harmonizes better alignment between the content and
the conveyor with the learning style, so that the better
students’ capacity in turn give better results.
E-learning is one of learning forms implemented
in digital format through internet technology in order
to carry out student self-learning. This system can be
used in distance conventional education. Therefore,
the development of this model does not merely
present the subject matter into the internet but it needs
logical consideration and holds the principle of
learning. Similarly, the development design is simple,
personal, and fast, and the elements of entertainment
make learners feel comfortable in front of the internet
as they learn in the classroom.
E-learning has complex functions that can
improve student learning outcomes optimally.
According to Siahaan (2002), there are main
functions of electronic learning of classroom
instruction, namely: supplements, complement, and
substitution. This can be achieved because e-learning
model provides systematic, effective, and efficient
learning system. Afaneh (2006, p. 13) asserts that the
design of e-learning model is a systematic process
whereby the designers of learning “…should follow
in order to achieve the creation of efficient and
effective instruction. Or more simply put,
Instructional Design is a framework for learning".
The subject of Mechanical Engineering is
included in productive subjects, which are required to
produce products and services according to market
demands. Mechanical Engineering is a science that
applies the principles of engineering, physics, and
science for mechanical system design, as proposed by
Webster (2014). The scope of this Mechanics
Engineering study requires an understanding of the
basic concepts of mechanics, kinematics,
thermodynamics, materials science, structural
analysis, and electricity in the application of facilities
such as computer equipment to make product
lifecycle management.
Afaneh (2006, p.16) argues that e-learning is
basically a product where "Quality e-learning takes a
significant amount of time and thought to develop."
Thus, it can be understood that the merger between
User-Centered designs (e-learning user-focused
design) with e-learning model design is ensured to be
useful and meaningful to its users, in this case
teachers and students. What exactly is a user-centered
design? In this case, Evans (in Afaneh, 2006, p.16)
explains that it is an experience-creation approach
combined with the needs of one's thinking that
provides the advantages of ease of use and easy to
learn. This design puts users as active participants
where user situations, such as learning, performing
and producing something can be explained as the
totality of experience with a product.
When all the steps of learning mechanical
engineering by utilizing this E-learning design are
already done, the last thing to be concerned about is
the evaluation process. There are several reasons and
advantages of this evaluation process, first and
foremost is that evaluation is part of every form of
instructional design, such as ADDIE (Analysis,
Development of E-Learning Model to Improve Learning Outcomes
Design, Development, Implementation and
The main problem of this research is, "Does the
E-learning Model effectively improve the learning
outcomes in the subjects of Mechanical Engineering
in Vocational High School?" and the main purpose of
this research is to produce E-learning Model that can
improve learning outcomes in the subjects of
Mechanical Engineering in Vocational High School.
This is the underlying need for a research and
development related to E-learning model that can
improve student learning outcomes on learning
Mechanical Engineering.
The approach of study is Research and Development
(R and D) that is a process or step to develop new
products or improve products that already exist which
can be accounted for. The basic consideration of this
approach is the opinion of Borg and Gall (1989)
which state 'a process used to develop and validate
educational product', that effective research and
development strategies are for developing and
validating educational products. Meanwhile, the
method used in this research is Mixed Methods
Design (Creswell, 2008, p.5) that combines or
associates qualitative and quantitative forms.
The steps of research and development of E-
learning model are: field study, relevant document
analysis, development study, and program validation.
These steps are the result of developing views of Borg
and Gall (1989) and Sugiyono (2017). According to
Borg and Gall (1989, pp. 783-795), the Research and
Development (R and D) approach in education
includes ten steps: 1) Preliminary Study; 2) Planning
Research; 3) Design Development; 4) Preliminary
Field Test; 5) Revision of Limited Field Test Results;
6) Main Field Test; 7) Revise of Wider Field Test
Results; 8) Feasibility Test; 9) Final Result Revision
of Feasibility Test; And 10) Dissemination and
Implementation of the Final Product.
The subjects of research are class X of three
vocational schools of expertise in Building
Engineering Program in Bandung, with the total
population of 356 people. The samples as source of
data in this study are taken based on purposive
sampling technique.
The data obtained from the samples are collected
as materials for the effectiveness test of developed
learning model. Data collection techniques used in
this study are: 1) preliminary study; 2) observation;
3) documentation study; 4) interviews, and 5) test of
learning results.
The obtained data are analyzed using two
techniques, namely quantitative and qualitative.
Quantitative analysis technique uses normalized gain
score method. Qualitative analysis uses: data
collection process, data reduction, data display, and
data verification. Test of data validity is done through
four forms of testing, namely credibility,
transferability, dependability, and conformability,
(Sugiyono, 2017).
The results of preliminary study shows that, before
the implementation of E-learning, there are still many
Civil Engineering skills program vocational school
students whose learning outcomes are not yet optimal
at the beginning of Mechanical Engineering learning.
At the beginning of learning the teacher first prepares
the learning tools include: annual program, semester
program, syllabus, lesson plan, worksheet, and
evaluation tool. The selected learning model
developed in RPP is a lecture method that is assisted
by media of infocus (power point), blackboard
(chart), examples of images, the use of props, and
examples of construction around students as well.
Barriers to learning of the three SMKs used as
research samples are: 1) students’ ability to
understand basic mathematics is very diverse, even
most of them have low ability; 2) learning process
does not apply appropriate learning strategy in
accordance with basic competence demands to be
mastered by students; 3) availability of facilities and
instructional media for inadequate mechanical
engineering in schools, and 4) non-optimal utilization
of facilities and instructional media by teachers and
students. These barriers hinder the achievement of
optimal students’ learning outcomes. Learning
outcomes are forms of behavior change that exists in
students’ attitude. Djamarah and Zain (2014, pp. 107)
explain that learning outcomes are what students get
after learning activities. Both opinions imply that
learning achievement is form of person’s behavior
after going through learning process.
Evidence of these barriers leads to the low
learning outcomes based on preliminary studies. The
result of preliminary study in the three SMKs which
become the subject of the research is that the students
in SMKN 6 Bandung City already reached the
minimum mastery criteria as of 71.8%, the students
in SMKN 5 Bandung reached 46.28%, and in SMK
PU Bandung, the students reached 36.36%. So,
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
overall the learning process is not optimal, especially
in the selection of learning models. As a matter of
fact, there should be an effort to overcome these
problems; one of them is by developing a model of
learning. Learning model is an external aspect of
students that influence learning outcomes. In general,
there are two factors that affect the learning outcomes
which are students’ internal side and the environment.
Carl (in Sudjana, 2006, p. 39) states that, "Student
learning outcomes at school are 70% influenced by
students' ability and 30% influenced by the
environment". Learning model is an external aspect
of student self that influences learning outcomes.
The effective and efficient learning model to
overcome the problem is E-learning. Such
effectiveness is supported by a more flexible learning
model between teacher and student interaction,
interaction pattern is more fun, easy, learning
materials are easily accessible to students. The
benefits of E-learning can be seen from two points of
view, i.e. from the point of learners and teachers.
From the point of learners, E-learning activities create
the development of high learning flexibility. Brown
(in Siahaan 2002) points out the benefits of E-
learning learning model, namely: (1) learning process
can be done in small schools in poor areas to follow
certain subjects that his school can not provide, (2)
learning process can be done in home to understand
materials the parents can not teach, such as foreign
languages and computer skills, (3) learners who drop
out of school can continue their education, as well as
learners residing in different regions or even abroad,
and (4) learners who are not accommodated in
conventional schools can also continue their
The benefits of applying E-learning model are not
only obtained by students but also by teachers
because it is easier to develop materials and broader
student insights. Soekartawi (in Siahaan, 2002)
explains some benefits that teachers get, namely: (1)
more easily update materials that are responsible in
accordance with the demands of scientific
development, (2) developing oneself or conducting
research to increase insight because there is more
spare time to use, (3) controlling students’ learning
activities. Teachers can also know when learners
learn, what topics are studied, how many times a topic
is being studied, and how many times a particular
topic is reviewed, (4) checking whether or not
learners already do exercises after studying particular
topics, and (5) Examining the learners' answers and
notifying the results to them.
E-learning model aims to improve students
learning outcomes in Mechanical Engineering
subject. This model is developed by utilizing Internet
media for students' learning needs and the interaction
between them and teachers are more open, especially
in terms of study time which is not limited only to
school hours. This model starts from planning
process, the measurement of early ability of learners,
the formulation of learning objectives, the
determination of strategies or methods and
approaches of learning, and the establishment of
learning evaluation system; followed by the
development of E-learning media, the application of
learning models developed through the learning
process in a limited trial, and ended up with an
analysis of the results of its implementation in a
limited trial process. The stages of E-learning model
are: 1) interactivity; 2) independence; 3) accessibility;
4) enrichment, and 5) evaluation. Rusman (2013, p
292), based on the characteristics of E-learning itself,
distinguishes E-learning model with conventional
learning, namely: Interactivity (interactivity); more
synchronous communication channels, such as chat
or messenger, or asynchronous, Independency,
Accessibility, and Enrichment are available.
Implementation of E-learning model developed in
the subjects of Mechanical Engineering in SMK
covers the limited and broad test. Implementation of
limited test for E-learning model is to improve
student learning outcomes implemented only in one
vocational school. Before the learning process is
implemented, pretest measurements are firstly taken,
with an average of 36.08 outcomes from a maximum
score of 110. The learning phases are implemented,
including preliminary activities, core (exploration
and elaboration), cover, evaluation of learning and
analysis of learning outcomes on a limited scope.
Based on the results of limited test analysis, it is
concluded that there is a need be improved and
developed. Improvement and development of E-
learning model are done by arranging material feature
structure and reinforcing and clarifying presented
images. Newsletter of ODLQC (in Siahaan, 2002)
explain that the terms of electronic learning activities
(E-learning) include: Internet utilization, support of
learning services, tutor services, managers, using
computer wisely, reliable systems, evaluation
systems, and mechanisms feedback.
Implementation of learning in pilot activities with
a broad scope in the development of E-learning model
aims to improve SMK student learning outcomes.
Stages of learning carried out are same with limited
trial process, only in terms of study subjects involving
three state vocational schools in Bandung who have
characteristics of different students' learning ability.
Stages of activities undertaken in this second trial
Development of E-Learning Model to Improve Learning Outcomes
include planning process that consists of curriculum
assessment, implementation, and evaluation of
learning. Extensive test results on the three SMKs that
became the subject of research are as follows.
Table 1: Average increase in student learning outcomes.
Source: Processed from the research data in annex 12,13,
and 14.
Based on the above table 1, overall students’
learning outcomes increase optimally. The increase is
indicated by the overall average increase in student
learning outcomes so the subject of research is the
overall gain index which reached 0.751816. So, E-
learning model developed is feasible enough to be
applied to the learning process of Mechanical
Engineering in SMK. This increase is supported by
the benefits of applying an effective and efficient E-
learning model. Kituyi and Tusubira (2013) argue
that the application of E-learning systems requires
efforts to reconsider its rules, revise its curriculum
changes, and develop its services and learning
methods. So, the development of learning methods
needs to test its validity in order to prove its suitability
in learning.
The validity test of research result and
development of E-learning model in Mechanical
Engineering subjects is done in four forms of
measurement, namely credibility, dependability,
conformability, and transferability (Sugiyono, 2017).
The result of credibility test is done by triangulation
of source, any information obtained from the source
as the subject in this research is described and
analyzed which is then checked by all member of the
source. Dependability testing is done through an audit
system of all evidence of research activities in the
field. Conformability test aims to measure the
objectivity of research conducted simultaneously
with measurement dependability. Efforts to measure
the level of transferability of E-learning model
developed is conducted through a series of tests in
conjunction with first-stage trials and second-stage
trials by measuring and comparing the achievement
of learning objectives of Mechanical Engineering
achieved by students before and after the application
E-learning learning model or using before-after
experimental system. The application of the learning
model in this study is based on the suitability, interest,
and the three levels of implementation.
Teachers and students’ assumption on the
application of E-learning model developed is the
variety of improvements in student learning outcomes
influenced by various factors, both arising from the
individual self of students and from the learning
environment. These factors include motivation,
communication, efficiency, and technology in the
utilization of internet devices (internet devices) as a
supporting medium of learning. This is in accordance
with the views of the Newsletter of ODLQC (in
Siahaan, 2001) and Sembel (2004). Description of the
utilization of internet devices as one of the media
information and communication of modern
technology requires the availability of adequate
facilities so that it can be used optimally.
The results of preliminary study shows that, before
the implementation of E-learning, there are still many
Civil Engineering skills program vocational school
students whose learning outcomes are not yet optimal
at the beginning of Mechanical Engineering learning.
It is shown by the acquisition of students’ evaluation
score as much as 48.52% students of the three SMK
who do not reached the minimum mastery criteria.
E-learning model developed to improve student
learning outcomes of SMK in learning Mechanical
Engineering is done by utilizing the internet media.
This model starts from planning process,
measurement of student's early ability, objective
formulation, strategy setting, method, approach, and
learning evaluation system. Learning stages of the E-
learning model developed are: 1) interactivity; 2)
independence; 3) accessibility; 4) enrichment, and 5)
Implementation of E-learning model developed in
the subjects of Mechanical Engineering in vocational
school covers limited and broad test. The result of the
limited test in one SMK is 36.08 from the maximum
score of 110. The learning stages applied include the
introduction, core (exploration and elaboration),
closing, learning evaluation, and analysis.
Improvement and development of E-learning model
is by arranging material feature structure and
reinforcing and clarifying the presented images.
Extensive test results in three SMKs achieve an
average score of 76.15 from a maximum score of 110.
Totally, average increase in students’ learning
outcomes through the application of E-learning
model is quite high; this is evident from the average
size of the total gain index which reached 0.751816.
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
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enough to be applied to the learning process of
Mechanical Engineering in SMK.
The teachers and students’ assumption on the
application of E-learning model developed is the
variety of improvements in student learning outcomes
influenced by various factors, both arising from the
individual self of students and from the learning
environment. These factors include motivation,
communication, efficiency, and technology in the
utilization of internet devices (internet devices) as a
supporting medium of learning.
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Development of E-Learning Model to Improve Learning Outcomes