Empowerment Boarding School Institution
Study Fenomenologis Enterpreneurship Role of Kyai in Pondok Pesantren in
Dedy Achmad Kurniady and Zaini Hafidh
Postgraduate, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, West Java, Indonesia
dedy_achmad@upi.edu, zaynihafidz.13@student.upi.edu
Keywords: Empowerment Pesantren, Enterpreneurship Roles of Kyai.
Abstract: This research is based on the role of teachers or in Islamic religious education institution (pesantren) that is
usually called Kyaias a leader who has full authority over the institution he leads. The figure of kyai or
teacher as the leader of pesantren with its role of enterpreneurship is adequate to make Pondok pesantren
known not only as a boarding islamic school that teaches religious scholarship but which is engaged in
business and economic development of the ummah. The purpose of this study is to analyze the related
empowerment of pesantren and the role of Kyai in boarding islamic school (Pesantren) with the independence
of Pesantren and ummah empowerment. This research used research method of phenomenologist study with
qualitative approach. The location that became the object of this research was in Pondok pesantren Ar Risalah
Cijantung IV, Ciamis, West Java. The results achieved from this research, Kyai is able to run the role of
enterpreneurship that seen from the business that is run, such as mining business, agriculture, plantation, farm,
and distributor to plastic processing. Pesantren is part of the economic development of the ummah, because
more than 4200 people are involved in the business as part of the process of empowering economy.
Pesantren is the oldest system of education today
when compared with educational institutions that
have appeared in Indonesia and has long been
considered an indigenous Indonesian cultural
products (typical character). Pesantren is a typical
area whose characteristics are not owned by other
areas. Therefore it is not excessive if Abdurrahman
wahid mention as a sub-culture of its own. The
elements contained in the traditional pesantren
education system that makes it unique are Kiai,
Santri, Masjid, Pondok and the teaching of books
(Dhofier, 2011: 44-60).
The existence of Pondok pesantren in the society
has a very strategic role in education. The existence
of pesantren as a religious education institution that
from, by and for society raises the spirit of society to
achieve progress and a more prosperous life. At the
beginning pesantren only carry out religious and
missionary missions, and furthermore pesantren is
often also considered as the center of life that chooses
to ignore material needs of the world. Yet what they
actually do in pesantren is the process of building
simplicity in living the life of the world and preparing
as much as possible to live life in the hereafter.
Kyai is the central figure of every pondok
pesantren. Central figure kyai not only because of his
knowledge, but also because it is the founder, owner,
and owner of the waqf of the pesantren itself. The
struggle he does is not limited to science, energy,
time, but also land and other material is given for the
advancement of Shiva Islam (Suharto, 2011: 84).
Kyai is a charismatic figure who is believed to have
extensive religious knowledge as both leader and
owner (Muthohar, 2007, pp. 103).
Kyai is a non-formal leader as well as a spiritual
leader, and his position is very close to the lower-
level community groups in the villages. As a
community leader, kyai has a community
congregation and society that is bound by a very close
relationship of genie and paternalistic cultural bond
(Qomar, tt, p 29).
Pondok pesantren leadership of course has a
unique and distinctive characteristics. (Masyud 2003,
p. 24) that leadership in pesantren is identical with the
gestalt phenomenon, considering beyond the visible
from the outside there is another unseen uniqueness.
From a number of expert views, it appears that there
Kurniady, D. and Hafidh, Z.
Empowerment Boarding School Institution - Study Fenomenologis Enterpreneurship Role of Kyai in Pondok Pesantren in Indonesia.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences (ICES 2017) - Volume 1, pages 158-165
ISBN: 978-989-758-314-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
are many approaches to understanding leadership
depending on what perspectives are used. For
example, the use of authority (Dublin, 1968), the task
of directing (Fiedler, 1967), influences activity
(Stogdil, 1950) and makes meaningful activity
(Pondy, 1978).
Based on observational studies that he did
directly, the role of leaders in the organization is
divided into three, as Luthans (2006, p.39), First:
Interpersonal Functions (The Interpersonal Roles);
This function can be enhanced through the formal
position held by a leader and between leaders and
others. Interpersonal function is divided into 3
namely: as an organization symbol (Figurehead), as
leader, as liaison.
Second, the informational roles. Often leaders
have to spend a lot of time in the affairs of receiving
and disseminating information. This role focuses on
receiving and communicating information, which is
needed to make decisions. The informational roles is
divided into 3 namely: as supervisor (Monitor), as a
spreader (Disseminator) and as spokesperson. Third:
Decision Roles (Decision Roles) There are four
functions of leaders related to decisions: as an
entrepreneur, as a disturbance handler, as a resource
allocator, as negotiator and the organization that
succeeds in achieving its goals and is able to fulfill its
social responsibilities will depend on its managers
With regard to the theory described by Luthans
(2006, p.39), the role and function of kyai in pondok
pesantren is not only focused on the transfer of
scientific knowledge to the Santri, kyai as non-formal
leader in society is also responsible for the socio-
cultural condition around it. Related object of kyai's
leadership in pondok pesantren, as described by
Muflih, Armanu, Jumahir, Solimun (2014, pp. 13):
Age Progress Transformation, Innovation Adaption,
Future Oriented Institutions, Creating Salaf Leader
With, Creating Salaf, Leadership Character, That
Superior and High Quality, Religious Leader ,
Empowerment with Nationality, Adopting DEPAG
Curriculum and Muadalah, Social Contribution.
To make pondok pesantren an ideal educational
institution, of course he must face and solve various
problems that are currently challenging or even
threatening him. It is realized or not that the onslaught
of modernization with all its impacts makes pesantren
somewhat distraught in facing the various problems it
faced (A'la, 2006, p. 20). As explained by Dhofier in
Umiarso and Zazin (2011. 28) that the progress and
decline of pondok pesantren really lies in the kyai's
power in organizing the implementation of education
in pondok pesantren, this is due to the magnitude of
the influence of a kyai and also not only in Pesantren,
but also to the community.
Most pondok pesantren apply a management
pattern oriented to the planting of the soul of
sincerity, sincerity, and volunteering commonly
known by the special term "Lillahi Ta'ala". The
concept of Lillahi Ta'ala animates almost all
activities in Pondok pesantren. It's just that the
concept in the past has many weaknesses, mainly
because it is not balanced with adequate ability and
professionalism, so that the management of pondok
pesantren has not been able to run effectively
(Rodliyah, 2014, pp. 302).
His role as an entrepreneur, kyai responds to this
change without damaging the existing social fabric,
but instead utilizes the social fabrics as an idealized
procedure and mechanism of social change. This
function is in accordance with the current
development of the era where there is a shift in
leadership patterns from religion-paternalistic-
charismatic to be persuasive-participatory. The
process of transformation and the number of
innovations that are shown by the pesantren world,
the community also put great hopes for the emergence
of a more rational leadership style in pesantren that is
why the style of charismatic leadership increasingly
diminished its influence (Soebahar, 2013, pp. 73).
While the implications for caregivers of
Pesantren related to leadership in pondok pesantren
can be learned from the understanding of pesantren
culture: the caregiver should be able to describe and
analyze the typical culture of pesantren, nurse
pesantren should be able to cooperate with other
party in pesantren community to formulate elements
relevant to pesantren culture, the pesantren caregiver
should be smart in viewing global trends, nurse
pesantren should apply various style of leadership,
including technical leadership, humanist and
educative, the pesantren caregiver should be in the
highest awareness that she is the model or role model
of Pesantren (Masyud, 2003, p.28).
In the context of management reform, although
kyai's role remains important, kyai is not placed in a
single policy-setting position. From here work begins
with the division of work units in the order set by the
leadership of the pesantren. This means that kyai's
power has been distributed to others who are
entrusted with the task. The working mechanism also
began to be directed in accordance with the vision and
mission of pesantren. Departing from this, it is
sometimes recognized that Pesantren planning is
generally relatively simple, often short, medium and
long term programs seem overlapping. As a result,
Empowerment Boarding School Institution - Study Fenomenologis Enterpreneurship Role of Kyai in Pondok Pesantren in Indonesia
such programs have difficulty measuring their level
of achievement (Nahrawi, 2008, p.23).
Pondok pesantren today is required to be more
independent in the process of development. pesantren
funding that usually comes from the ummah
sometimes experience a difficult phase, so pesantren
through kyai as a leader should be able to build an
independent business pesantren as a way to keep
pesantren from economic downturn that often
threatens pondok pesantren. If kyai can do that then it
is certain that pesantren is not only a place to deepen
the science of Islamic religion but become an
institution of economic empowerment of the ummah.
Kartasasmita (1996) expresses efforts to empower
people divided into three kinds of efforts namely:
First, Enabling. Namely the process of creating an
atmosphere or climate that allows the potential of
developing societies. In this process the starting point
is that every human being or ummah has potential that
can be developed. The existing potential seeks to be
built, driven and motivated and awakened to the
awareness of their potential. Second, Empowering.
Namely strengthening the potential or power that is
owned by the community. Reinforcement involves
concrete steps and involves providing input and
opening access to opportunities that will make people
more empowered. Third, Protecting. Namely to
prevent unfair competition and strong exploitation of
the weak.
Based on the background and some theories and
opinions of experts who have disclosed, then the
study or research related to the empowerment of
pondok pesantren and the role of kyai with economic
independence pondok pesantren and the
empowerment of the ummah needs to be done. It is
expected to obtain actual information related to the
role of kyai as an entrepreneur who can make pondok
pesantren not only as an educational institution that
teaches religious scholarship but who is able to
engage in business and economic development of the
ummah, with more visionary in facing challenges for
the progress of pesantren Along with the elements
that exist within the pesantren.
The discussion or content of this study attempts to
describe in general terms relating to: Existing
Condition of Pondok pesantren Ar-Risalah Cijantung
IV, which became the object of research, as well as
an example taken in this study. Existing condition of
existence of assets, business and financing in Pondok
pesantren Ar-Risalah Cijantung IV. Empowerment
Analysis and Independence of Pesantren Economy.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the related
empowerment of Pesantren and the role of kyai in
Pondok pesantren with economic independence
Pondok Pesatren and empowerment of the ummah.
As a systematic step to discuss about "The Role of
Enterpreneurship Kyai at Pondok pesantren", the
researcher used research method of
phenomenological study, with qualitative approach.
This study was conducted in order to try to find the
meaning of the experience of a cycle of incident role
of Kyai as the leader of Islamic boarding school
(Pondok pesantren), thus finding the meaning of the
basic things. And it was desirable to obtain an
interpretation of the subject of the phenomenon which
appears in kyai's leadership as entrepreneur.
The type of data used in this study was qualitative
data, namely descriptive data in the form of written
words or the meaning of people and behavior that can
be observed, which relates to the natural setting and
the role of leadership kyai in Islamic Boarding School
of Ar-Risalah, Cijantung IV, at Jalan Raya Banjar
Km. 3,5. Desa Pamalayan, Kecamatan Cijeunjing,
Ciamis City. Relatively there were also quantitative
data’s related to research subject data and facilities as
complementary data. Besides the research location,
this data source also included Key Informant which
was expected to give information about the situation
and condition of Ar-Risalah Islamic Boarding School
accurately by interviewing the Leader of Pesantren as
Key Informant. Ustadz / Ustadzah, Santri, Alumnus,
and Society in Islamic boarding school environment,
or can be called as snow boll process.
3.1 Existing Condition of Ar-Risalah
Islamic Boarding School
Ar-Risalah boarding school was established in 1997
AD by KH. Drs. Asep Saefulmilah with wife Hj. Dra.
Ai Siti Masitoh Saefulmillah and registered to the
notary in 1999 numbered 02. May 29, 1999. Ar-
Risalah was founded as the development of Pondok
pesantren Al-Qur'an Cijantung Ciamis that was
established by KH. Mohammad Siradj (1997 1997).
By designing on the basis of a constructive and
anticipatory local foundation for global social change,
Pondok pesantren developing and developed in the
direction of religious studies that can provide a
spiritual and spiritual enlightenment, and is enriched
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
with studies of science and humanities that can
provide a foundation for Santri to be educated as a
superior person and prepared to be the heirs of the
earth, with a balanced scientific ability between
religious knowledge and understanding of science.
Since it was first established, pondok pesantren
was other than as an Islamic educational institution
was also known as pondok pesantren of agribusiness.
The owner of this pondok pesantren built pesantren
agribusiness as an important part of the process of
developing pesantren and empowering the economy
of the ummah.
As a new boarding school established within 17
years, currently Ar-Risalah already has a
conferencing educational institutions ranging from
Auladi Elementary School Model, Integrated Ar-
Risalah Secondary School, Integrated Ar-Risalah
Senior High School and High School of Islamic
Economics Ar-Risalah. Establishment of a formal
educational institution under pesantren, as part of the
process of implementation of kyai's vision and
mission in Ar-Risalah boarding school in printing
Muslim intellectuals as earth heirs.
Location pondok pesantren more located in rural
area makes pondok pesantren has a strategic position
in agribusiness development efforts. Moreover,
pondok pesantren has a close relationship with the
society and supported by kyai figure who has an
important role in the surrounding society. This
relationship pattern is sustained by a charismatic
leadership. Very possible pondok pesantren role as
agent of development in its region. The huge
opportunity of Pondok pesantren to play as agent of
development in order to bridge and solve the socio-
economic problems of rural communities is
welcomed with seriousness by the leaders of pondok
pesantren, because pondok pesantren was expected
not only as an educational institution but further to
take part in The process of empowering the economy
of the ummah.
3.2 Condition Existing Assets,
Businesses and Financings at Ar-
Risalah Islamic Boarding School
Here is an overview of the condition of assets owned
by pondok pesantren which became the object of
research (see in Table 1).
Table 1: Assets Ar-Risalah Islamic Boarding School.
Mosque for
Mosque for
Junior High
Senior High
Dormitory for
Dormitory for
Dormitory for
Empty Land
Source: Profile of Ar-Risalah Islamic Boarding School,
Cijantung IV.
Since the first establishment of this pondok
pesantren, its development so rapidly. 17 years of its
founding, pesantren already has assets and facilities
in such a way, the development of assets and facilities
of this pesantren apart from Santri / Santriwati funds
is also a profit from business and entrepreneurship
spirit that run by kyai as leader of this pesantren.
The assets and facilities built and developed by
pesantren are aimed at improving the quality of
pondok pesantren and supporting the activities of
pesantren and school. All this is built apart from
derived from Santri / Santriwati, also derived from
independent businesses that was developed by
Islamic Boarding School of Ar-Risalah. Here is
described business data that has been done by Ar-
Risalah Islamic Boarding School (see in Table 2).
Table 2: Businesses Data of Pondok pesantren.
Cooperate with Fishery
Region Departement
Cooperate with Ministry of
Marine Affairs
Large of land fishery
approximately 1,5 Hectare
Empowerment Boarding School Institution - Study Fenomenologis Enterpreneurship Role of Kyai in Pondok Pesantren in Indonesia
Employee in this bussines
are 30 persons.
Profit approximately Rp.
Cooperate with Contractor
and Project Development
Employee in this bussines
are 60 persons
Profit approximately Rp.
Cattle Fodder Suplyer PT.
Large of agriculture in
Panumbangan (200
Hectar), Cisaga (2 Hectar),
Pamarican (1 Hectar)
Workers keep reaching 50
Employee in this bussines
are 60 persons
Profit approximately Rp.
Profit approximately Rp.,
Profit approximately
Served more than 2.500
outlet in ciamis, banjar dan
Employee in this bussines
are 30 persons
Profit approximately Rp. year
achievement from PT KAO
as a best national distributor
in micro class category
Source: Profile of Ar-Risalah Islamic Boarding School /
Business Data of Ar-Risalah Islamic Boarding School and
Interview with Chairman of Agribusiness Development of
Ar-Risalah Islamic Boarding School.
All kyai’s businesses and businesses run by
Pesantren are all dedicated and oriented to
institutional development in various aspects, whether
in infrastructure or Human Resources. This pesantren
can also be a role model for the development of
independent pesantren, businesses or efforts
undertaken by this kyai can make pesantren can be
financially and managed independently. The role of
enterpreneurship, and thanks to this business, kyai can
develop his pesantren and then pesantren voluntarily
by kyai make it a waqf for the ummah, so that the
ummat can take part and participate in the
development of pondok pesantren although not from
the kyai family. Through pesantren business people
around pesantren also affected positively from the
economic point of view, the orientation of pesantren
is not only related to ukhrawi but also the center of
empowerment of the economy of the ummah.
The economy developed by pesantren would have
an impact for pesantren itself, because through this
economic independence, Pesantren will not be much
constrained in funding problems. And the positive
impact is also felt by the society who is involved and
get profit from this Pesantren business.
The spread of financing funds in pesantren is so
open and the funding flow coming from the pay of
Santri (the term is called Syahriyah) spreads very
clearly in accordance with the post and the need of the
Santri itself, the needs of the Santri not only move on
the needs of consumption but the funding need of
their education operations in pesantren, the fund
management is explained by BMT management staff
and also the financial part of Wakaf Ar-Risalah
Foundation (see in Table 3).
Table 3: Details of Funding of Santri / Santriwati Ar-
Risalah Islamic Boarding School.
Level of
Junior High
- Rp. 600.000 for
comsumtion and
- Rp. 75.000 for
- Rp. 75.000 for
collague grant
Senior High
- Rp. 600.000 for
comsumtion and
- Rp. 75.000 for
- Rp.100.000 for
collague grant
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
Source: Wakaf Ar-Risalah Foundation Document and
interview with Finance Department of Waqaf Ar-Risalah
The funding of education funding in pesantren is
run very transparently. Fund from the Santri is
managed very well in accordance with their
allocation. The process of allocating education fund
in pondok pesantren is divided into the interest of
allocating fund in relation to education cost, such as
direct cost and indirect cost, as well as social cost and
private cost.
The most important thing of the management
process of pondok pesantren is the management of
pesantren financing. Financing at pondok pesantren
is easier and less complicated, because pesantren is
an independent educational institution in terms of
funding. However, transparency needs to be done so
that public confidence in the management of
pesantren fund is maintained.
Pesantren financing apart from the fund of the
ummah and Santri, also comes from the pesantren
business which run by the leader of pesantren. Profit
from business which run by pesantren is dedicated to
fund the development of pesantren and Santri /
Santriwati. Pesantren economic independence
becomes a positive value and should be imitated by
other pesantren, so that future pesantren can more
freely develop itself without fear of funding problems
on the way because of lack of funding from the
ummah. Most cases of closed pesantren even
disappear from circulation not only because of the
absence of kyai's regeneration figure but also
problems in financing, when pesantren is not
independent and only relies on the ummah fund,
moment when the pesantren is abandoned by ummah,
the pesantren will close and even disappear From
The initiative and optimization of the business run
by pesantren and the role of kyai's enterpreneurship
are expected to encourage pesantren in financial
independence. Pesantren dependence on Ummah and
Santri donations makes pesantren a little difficult to
develop and could lose its funding source on the way.
3.3 Empowerment Analysis and
Independence of Pesantren
The independence of the Ar-Risalah boarding school
reached through a long process involving the role of
enterpreneursip kyai's does not make kyai stop
contributing to the ummah. Through this role, pondok
pesantren in all its business activities always involves
the ummah as an important part of the process of
business success which run. Through this process of
engagement, the resident around the positive impact
of business run pesantren and encourage people
around Pesantren at the point of prosperity in the
The existence of pondok pesantren is expected to
contribute in answering social and religious issues of
society. Caring and partaking of moral responsibility
born of his religious awareness and understanding.
The role of pondok pesantren as a social institution
makes pesantren should be sensitive and solutive to
the problems faced by the ummah.
In this role the institution of pondok pesantren is
obliged to play its function, as well as to guide the
community around pesantren in stepping the life
process towards a better life order. Achieving the
process of empowering pesantren is something
strategic to accelerate the economic recovery of
society. Empowerment activity for the ummah
outside pondok pesantren becomes an important
agenda that is done after the education process in
pondok pesantren is done.
Duties and obligations as agent of change and
development agent and empowerment ummat
realized by Ar-Risalah boarding school should begin
with the creation of independence for the pesantren
itself. Independence covers governance especially in
term of meeting the operational need of Pesantren.
Predicate of pondok pesantren is one of them can be
reflected from the fulfillment of financial needs for
the funding of pesantren education and formal
education institution under it as well as fund for the
development of pesantren education infrastructure.
The management of pesantren is also determined
to be independent in the economic aspect of
pesantren. They try not to depend on other people
(donors) or the government. But pesantren should be
independent and do not let their hands always in
down, other times their hands must be on top, giving
in addition to the life of pesantren itself also for the
welfare of others. Profit business run by Pesantren
through initiative role entrepreneurship leader, all
dedication for pesantren and ummah, so that in
process of developing pesantren. Pesantren can be
more independent without any dependence of funding
on one side.
Thanks to the independence achieved, under the
leadership of kyai who had been the Chairman of the
Forum of Pesantren Based on Agribusiness (FKPBA)
Indonesia and the Head of the Santri Environmental
Practices (SARALI) West Java, pesantren continues
to grow. Educational facilities and supporters are also
available. Starting from the construction of Jami
Mosque, dormitory Santri (male / female) school
building SMP and SMA, STEI to college student
Empowerment Boarding School Institution - Study Fenomenologis Enterpreneurship Role of Kyai in Pondok Pesantren in Indonesia
Kyai's openness, accommodative attitude and
adaptive make this pesantren is on the path of a
visionary pondok pesantren in developing itself and
the ummah by staying on the path of religion as the
main reference. The adaptive and accommodative
capabilities of kyai and pondok pesantren have a
positive impact, because with this attitude Pesantren
can show its superior role in society and ready to fight
the challenges of an increasingly complex era.
The step taken by the leadership of pondok
pesantren through businesses as well as optimization
of other pesantren, encourage pondok pesantren in an
economic independence. Through this independence
pesantren is expected to cover the shortage in
financing problems. Not infrequently, there are
students (Santri) who are not in time to pay the cost
of living in pondok pesantren. This has a significant
impact related to the operational costs of pondok
pesantren. At such a time, kyai as the leader of
Pesantren get around this condition through
businesses developed Pesantren which certainly
involve ummah as an important part of the process.
Business and Economic undertakings run by kyai,
in addition to positive impact for the economy of the
ummah, certainly has a positive impact also for
students who study at Ar-Risalah islamic boarding
school. Not all who study in Pesantren will become
kyai later. Through a process of providing skills for
students, later santri when finished studying at
Pondok pesantren can survive and independent when
plunged in the community.
In addition to the pesantren education process and
learning in formal institutions under the auspices of
pondok pesantren, on the sidelines of the educational
process every Santri is introduced and equipped with
special skills related to fish farming, farming and
waste management. So that Pesantren will not only
print the Muslim scholars, but also print the
businessmen and the superior Muslim entrepreneurs
which in the future can inherit the spirit of the leader
of Ar-Risalah Islamic Boarding School.
Pondok pesantren as an institution that is deeply
rooted and an important part of the community, has
an important responsibility and role in the creation of
a religious socio-cultural condition and also
responsible for directing its people to a better process
of life.
Kyai's role as leader, owner and manager plays an
important role in the process of realizing the central
role of pondok pesantren in the community. Through
his entepreneuship role, kyai is expected to bring
pesantren at a point of financial independence
through business and enterprise run by pesantren and
also become part of prosperity prosperity process of
ummah. Kyai’s open, adaptive and accommodative
attitude has a positive impact on kyai and Pesantren,
because with that attitude will show the role of
pesantren in the community.
Through businesses that run by pesantren such as
fisheries, plantations, mining and waste management,
this institution can realize independence in terms of
pesantren economy. Thus, Ar-Risalah Islamic
Boarding School can develop itself more freely,
because there are many sources of funds that support
in every process of the developer. This independence
aims to make pesantren not only rely on financial aid
from the government or ummah. A lot of pesantren
are closed and even disappear from circulation is not
just a matter of leadership cadre but furthermore is
related to economic problems.
The step taken by kyai to be the object of research,
implemented through the optimization of all business
potential and business pesantren existing has brought
independence, especially to meet the existing
operational cost. Achieving independence is very
important, considering the income that coming from
Santri not in line with expectations. This kind of
situation was addressed by the caregiver seeked to
cover the lack of operational costs through various
types of businesses and enterprise that run by
The role of kyai's visionary enterpreneurship
makes pesantren independent, both in terms of its
economy and a part of the community empowerment
process of pesantren. The business run by pesantren
has a positive impact on the people directly or
indirectly involved in this pesantren business. In
addition, independence has also becomes the
mainstream of the caregivers of pesantren in running
the existing institutions. Pesantren Party is very open
in receiving the intervention of government and
business world through the empowerment program of
santri and development of economic sector. This is
very important considering that pesantren is not
always dependent on government assistance or
donations from the parents of santri and the
surrounding community.
A’la, A. 2006. Pembaharuan Pesantren. Yogyakarta:
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Leadership Evolution of Salafiyah Boarding School
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