are many approaches to understanding leadership
depending on what perspectives are used. For
example, the use of authority (Dublin, 1968), the task
of directing (Fiedler, 1967), influences activity
(Stogdil, 1950) and makes meaningful activity
(Pondy, 1978).
Based on observational studies that he did
directly, the role of leaders in the organization is
divided into three, as Luthans (2006, p.39), First:
Interpersonal Functions (The Interpersonal Roles);
This function can be enhanced through the formal
position held by a leader and between leaders and
others. Interpersonal function is divided into 3
namely: as an organization symbol (Figurehead), as
leader, as liaison.
Second, the informational roles. Often leaders
have to spend a lot of time in the affairs of receiving
and disseminating information. This role focuses on
receiving and communicating information, which is
needed to make decisions. The informational roles is
divided into 3 namely: as supervisor (Monitor), as a
spreader (Disseminator) and as spokesperson. Third:
Decision Roles (Decision Roles) There are four
functions of leaders related to decisions: as an
entrepreneur, as a disturbance handler, as a resource
allocator, as negotiator and the organization that
succeeds in achieving its goals and is able to fulfill its
social responsibilities will depend on its managers
With regard to the theory described by Luthans
(2006, p.39), the role and function of kyai in pondok
pesantren is not only focused on the transfer of
scientific knowledge to the Santri, kyai as non-formal
leader in society is also responsible for the socio-
cultural condition around it. Related object of kyai's
leadership in pondok pesantren, as described by
Muflih, Armanu, Jumahir, Solimun (2014, pp. 13):
Age Progress Transformation, Innovation Adaption,
Future Oriented Institutions, Creating Salaf Leader
With, Creating Salaf, Leadership Character, That
Superior and High Quality, Religious Leader ,
Empowerment with Nationality, Adopting DEPAG
Curriculum and Muadalah, Social Contribution.
To make pondok pesantren an ideal educational
institution, of course he must face and solve various
problems that are currently challenging or even
threatening him. It is realized or not that the onslaught
of modernization with all its impacts makes pesantren
somewhat distraught in facing the various problems it
faced (A'la, 2006, p. 20). As explained by Dhofier in
Umiarso and Zazin (2011. 28) that the progress and
decline of pondok pesantren really lies in the kyai's
power in organizing the implementation of education
in pondok pesantren, this is due to the magnitude of
the influence of a kyai and also not only in Pesantren,
but also to the community.
Most pondok pesantren apply a management
pattern oriented to the planting of the soul of
sincerity, sincerity, and volunteering commonly
known by the special term "Lillahi Ta'ala". The
concept of Lillahi Ta'ala animates almost all
activities in Pondok pesantren. It's just that the
concept in the past has many weaknesses, mainly
because it is not balanced with adequate ability and
professionalism, so that the management of pondok
pesantren has not been able to run effectively
(Rodliyah, 2014, pp. 302).
His role as an entrepreneur, kyai responds to this
change without damaging the existing social fabric,
but instead utilizes the social fabrics as an idealized
procedure and mechanism of social change. This
function is in accordance with the current
development of the era where there is a shift in
leadership patterns from religion-paternalistic-
charismatic to be persuasive-participatory. The
process of transformation and the number of
innovations that are shown by the pesantren world,
the community also put great hopes for the emergence
of a more rational leadership style in pesantren that is
why the style of charismatic leadership increasingly
diminished its influence (Soebahar, 2013, pp. 73).
While the implications for caregivers of
Pesantren related to leadership in pondok pesantren
can be learned from the understanding of pesantren
culture: the caregiver should be able to describe and
analyze the typical culture of pesantren, nurse
pesantren should be able to cooperate with other
party in pesantren community to formulate elements
relevant to pesantren culture, the pesantren caregiver
should be smart in viewing global trends, nurse
pesantren should apply various style of leadership,
including technical leadership, humanist and
educative, the pesantren caregiver should be in the
highest awareness that she is the model or role model
of Pesantren (Masyud, 2003, p.28).
In the context of management reform, although
kyai's role remains important, kyai is not placed in a
single policy-setting position. From here work begins
with the division of work units in the order set by the
leadership of the pesantren. This means that kyai's
power has been distributed to others who are
entrusted with the task. The working mechanism also
began to be directed in accordance with the vision and
mission of pesantren. Departing from this, it is
sometimes recognized that Pesantren planning is
generally relatively simple, often short, medium and
long term programs seem overlapping. As a result,
Empowerment Boarding School Institution - Study Fenomenologis Enterpreneurship Role of Kyai in Pondok Pesantren in Indonesia