Group Counseling with Pictorial Riddle Media for Incresing
Achieving Motivation in Early Childhood
Richma Hidayati, Indah Lestari, Sunardi Sunardi and Nur Mahardika
Guidance and Counseling Departement, Muria Kudus University, Indonesia
Keywords: Group Counseling, Pictorial Riddle, Achieving Motivation.
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to develop group guidance with pictorial ladder media to increase achievement
motivation of early child. The method of this research is counseling guidance action research. It is one of the
strategic ways for counseling teachers to improve education services that should be organized in the context
of classroom services and improving the quality of overall school programs. Counseling group with Pictorial
Riddle media in an effort to improve achievement motivation early child is done in 4 stages namely: stage of
formation, intermediate stage, activity stage and cover. Pictorial Riddle media entrance at the core stage of
the activity stage. Based on result of post-test 1st cycle and result of observation that have been done, obtained
result that as many as 10 student (83,3%) in enough category and 2 student (16,7%) in low category, After
the second cycle of counseling service group with Pictorial Riddle media gained significant improvement
results. Based on the data analysis, there were 5 students (41,7%) in very high category, and 7 students
(58,3%) in High category. And it can be concluded that group guidance with Pictorial Riddle media can
improve achievement motivation early childhood.
Education is essentially a man in movement which
means that the movement in educational activity is
not merely part of the human body but is a
manifestation of physical psychological process of
man as a whole (totality), because somehow humans
consist of soul and body in a unique and mutual
arrangement influence. In the development of
education can be seen that the role of psychological
factors in achieving such great achievements. It
cannot be denied that a student's learning
achievement is also influenced by the personality of
the student itself. There are many aspects of
personality that indeed greatly affect the student's
attitude in dealing with a thing, such as his character,
his thoughts, his motives, his feelings, and others.
When a student has a strong personality then he or she
will have a positive mind on the outcome of learning,
not afraid of defeat, have a strong drive to do better
than before, and believe in their potential, so that
students do not experience the anxieties that can
disturb him in learning.
In early childhood, education becomes very
important and important. Education became one of
the foundations in the formation of personalities and
the character of early childhood. Early on the
potential of the child also becomes the main focus.
Education that is collaborated with the potential and
ability of children will make children develop
according to the stage of its development. In the
achievement, since early child must also have high
motivation, especially in achievement so that the
ability and potential is not in vain. With the
motivation, the child has the spirit to do the best
possible to do what he is capable and able to develop
and maximize his potential.
Every human being does something by
encouragement by a certain motivation. Motivation is
the impulse that exists within the human being that
causes it to do something and besides that motivation
is also the desire, the desire, and the driving force that
comes within the human being to do something.
Achievement motivation as a power associated with
the achievement of some standard of excellence or
intelligence, which is an impulse within a person so
that he seeks in all activities as high (Heckhausen
1967: 45). Achievement motivation as a driving
Hidayati, R., Lestari, I., Sunardi, S. and Mahardika, N.
Group Counseling with Pictorial Riddle Media for Incresing Achieving Motivation in Early Childhood.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences (ICES 2017) - Volume 1, pages 198-204
ISBN: 978-989-758-314-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
condition in an individual that plays an important role
in some situations to maintain or create high
standards of appearance or superiority (Lawrence
1978: 78).
McClelland (1986: 65) suggests that there are
three kinds of motivation that affect humans are:
motivation affiliation, motivation in power, and
achievement motivation. Affiliate motivation equals
the need to get along. If a person has a high level of
affiliate motivation, then he always tries to maintain
good relationships with others. In addition, people
usually want to have many friends, friendly, and
happy to meet new people. The power of motivation
is the desire of a person to organize a particular person
or institution. The third and most influential
motivation on human performance is achievement
motivation or need for achievement. Someone who
has a high need for achievement tend to have high
achievement. This can make the person is considered
great by the people around him because they have a
strong will to move forward and be the best. There are
two kinds of need for achievement, namely the need
for achievement that brings positive and negative
consequences. Need for achievement can be positive
if someone can make that failure as a reference for
planning in the future. Need for achievement can be
negative if one cannot adjust to the need or high desire
with his condition, especially when followed by
coping (how to cope with stress) is bad. (Setyawati,
Kompas, Friday, March 19, 2004).
Student’s achievement are always related to
achievement motivation because the motive is the
driving force and the human being act and do
something. According to some personality studies,
one of the characteristics that determine the students'
success is the high demand for achievement (Cox
1995: 44). This need is known as achievement
motivation. The orientation of this theory is based on
success based on student perception. According to
Heckhausen (1967: 58) the achievement motive
always contains two contradictory things, namely
"hope for success" and "fear of failure". If the
expectation for success is strong while the fear will
fail weakly, then the student will feel steady not
experience stress or psychological disturbances,
otherwise if the fear will fail stronger than hope for
success, then students will experience stress and
confidence will be shaky. This level of self-
confidence owned by students is another
psychological aspect that can affect student
achievement. Each time a student will be challenged
to be the best in the school from both academic and
other achievements. For it is absolute for a student to
have high confidence. Confidence or self-confidence
is the primary capital of a student to progress, for the
achievement of high achievement itself must begin by
believing that it can and can surpass the achievements
it has ever achieved (Singer, 1986: 33). Without
having full confidence, a student will not be able to
achieve high achievement. The ability to complete a
task on a student is influenced by the level of self-
confidence that is one of the personality traits of a
person. This personality trait is not a congenital
factor, but is derived from life experiences, taught and
implanted by others closest to or from the immediate
environment. Human behavior is heavily controlled
by attitudes, opinions and people living in society,
coupled with years of experience. These all shape
personal traits and influence one's thoughts and
behavior (Rini, 2002: 44). Based on the results of the
study, Davidson (2004: 65) explains that confidence
can help a person to overcome the problem or task
faced by eliminating the doubts in his heart.
Individuals who have confidence know what is
needed in their lives and can more easily take
appropriate steps to solve problems with confidence.
Confidence helped him to accomplish the task he was
facing well. According to Archer (2004: 32) in his
research mentioned that one's own confidence can
increase expectations for success including
improving the ability to complete the task and achieve
the highest achievement. With the trust high self
grows high self-esteem as well. Almost every student
has experienced a crisis of confidence throughout the
learning process. Loss of confidence becomes
something that is very disturbing, especially when
faced with new challenges or situations. Individuals
who have good self-esteem will be more appreciative
of themselves with higher when compared with
individuals who have low self-esteem (Locke, 2005:
Achievement motivation in early childhood
should be adjusted to the stage and task of its
development. Supported by guidance and counseling
teachers who understand the development and
developmental tasks of early childhood physically
and psychologically will help children can grow in
accordance with their potential. Therefore, group
counseling services can be one service that can be
given to early childhood to be able to increase student
achievement motivation. Based on the age and stage
of development of children who still love the game,
then the ladder snake media serve as one of the media
in group counseling services to help improve the
achievement motivation of early childhood.
Group Counseling with Pictorial Riddle Media for Incresing Achieving Motivation in Early Childhood
The method of this research is counseling guidance
action research. It is one of the strategic ways for
counseling teachers to improve education services
that should be organized in the context of classroom
services and improving the quality of overall school
programs (Sukiman, 2011: 84). Guidance Counseling
Action research uses two types of data to replace the
changes that occur, namely qualitative and
quantitative. Qualitative data are documentation,
observation and interview techniques to determine
the condition of students in each cycle. While the
quantitative data. Sukiman (2011: 138) describes the
procedures that must be passed in the implementation
of PTK and PTK BK, and the characteristics of PTK
/ PTK BK are cyclical.
The problems in this research are the low score of
student’s self-adjustment skill and the
implementation of content mastery service with
Pictorial Riddle media to improve the achieving
motivation of elementary school students.
2.1 Approaches
This research uses mixed sequence design methods
because the quantitative and qualitative approaches
are used in an integrated and mutually supportive
manner. Quantitative methods are used to assess self-
transient students. Meanwhile, qualitative approaches
are used to provide an overview of the application of
content mastery services to Pictorial Riddle media to
improve students' self-adaptation skills through
descriptive. Research guidance and counseling action
is done through 2 cycles, with stages:
Planning phase (planning)
Implementation phase of action
Observation (Observation)
In the last stage of the first cycle is reflection.
Reflection is done to find out what can be done and
implemented in a way that can not be done with the
media of Pictorial Riddle, as well as a way to know
the shortcomings in the actions of services that have
been implemented. By knowing the shortcomings in
cycle I, it can choose the renewal / improvement in
the implementation of cycle II.
In the second procession that is reviewed with the
stages of activities such as cycle I i.e. action
(planning), the implementation of the action,
observation (observation) and reflection (reflection),
will join this cycle II the researchers have various
improvements from the action on cycle I in order to
improve the barriers and difficulties found in cycle I.
2.2 Research Objects
Arikunto (2006: 118) argues that a study is what
concerns a study. The object of this research is 10
early childhood (kindergarten grade B students) who
have low achievement motivation based on pretest
result and also input from classroom teacher in
interview process to teacher class.
2.3 Data Analysis
To obtain valid data in this study, the researchers
used several methods as follows:
Observation Method
The method of observation is the data technique
in the proper way of certain behavior. Methods
of observation can be made to groups and to
individual students. The observed activities are
some self-mental indicators, student activities in
learning observed with observation sheet
Interview Method
Interview method is done to know the condition
of beginning and end
Documentation Method
Documentation method are used about student's
name, situation and condition of student in
2.4 Data Validity
Data validity technique commonly used in qualitative
research that is triangulation technique. (Sugiyono,
2009: 330) states there are four kinds of triangulation
techniques, namely (1) triangulation data, (2)
triangulation of researchers, (3) methodological
triangulation, and (4) theoretical triangulation.
From similar triangulation, the used triangulation
of data. Triangulation of data in this research is used
through the source (human) who vary his position and
from the records associated with the research data.
According Sutopo (2006: 93) data triangulation is a
way that directs suggestions in order to collect data, it
is required to use a variety of different data sources
2.5 Data Analysis Technique
Data analysis technique is done through three stages,
namely data reduction, data presentation, and
inferences based on data description. Data reduction
is a form of analysis that sharpens, classifies, directs,
discards the unnecessary and organizes in such a way
that it can be deduced. The results of the reduction are
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
then described with sentences and categorized, i.e.
separated by category obtained or presented with a
neat and systematic arrangement. Furthermore, the
categorization results are described and interpreted in
such a way as to form the presentation of research
Data analysis is a way to analyze data obtained
during the researcher conducting research so that will
be known the truth of a problem (Arikunto, 2006:
Descriptive analysis of achievement motivation
toward group guidance service with Pictorial Riddle
media by using observation sheet. Analysis related to
achievement motivation early child use formula as
The presentation classification of values is as
00% ≤ N ≤ 25.00% : Very Low
25.00% ≤ N ≤ 43.75% : Low
43.75% < N ≤ 62.50% : Enough
62.50% < N ≤ 81.25% : High
81.25% < N ≤ 100% : very high
3.1 Results
Based on result of posttest of cycle I and result of
observation that have been done, obtained result that
as many as 10 student (83,3%) in enough category
and 2 student (16,7%) in low category (see in Figure
Figure 1: Increased achievement motivation cycle.
After the second cycle of group guidance services
with Pictorial Riddle media obtained significant
improvement results. Based on the data analysis,
there were 5 students (41,7%) in very high category,
and 7 students (58,3%) in High category (SEE IN
Figure 2).
Figure 2: Improving cycle achievement motivation II.
Based on the figure above can be seen the results
of achievement motivation early child has a
significant improvement and guidance service group
with media Pictorial Riddle can improve motivation
of achievement of early child.
3.2 Discussion
Gazda (1984), Shertzer and Stone (1980) (in Mungin
Edi Wibowo, 2005) put forward the notion of group
counseling: "group counseling is an interpersonal
process centered on conscious thought and behavior.
According to prayitno (2012) The process of group
counseling contains therapeutic features such as
expression of thoughts and feelings freely, orientation
to reality, self-disclosure of deep feelings
experienced, mutual trust, mutual attention, mutual
understanding, and mutual support.
According to Prayitno (2004), the general
purpose of group counseling is to develop students'
personalities to develop social, communication,
confidence, personality, and problem-solving skills
based on science and religion. Sadiman et al. (2008:
75) states that games are every contest between
players who interact with each other by following
certain rules to achieve certain goals. According to
Sadiman (2008: 76) states that every game must have
four main components, namely: 1. The presence of
players, usually more than two people, 2. The
Group Counseling with Pictorial Riddle Media for Incresing Achieving Motivation in Early Childhood
existence of the environment where the pe-play
interact, 3. The existence of rules of the game, and 4.
The existence of certain goals to be achieved.
The explanation of Atkinson and Raynor (1974,
in Santrock, 2008) that achievement motivation is a
motive to accomplish something, to attain a standard
of success, and to do business with the aim of doing a
success. A person with high achievement motivation
has hope for greater success than fear of failure. And
diligent in every effort when faced with the task or the
increasingly difficult situation. Meanwhile, according
to Keith and Nastron (1989, in Rumiani, 2006),
defines achievement motivation as a motivation
owned by someone to overcome obstacles in
achieving goals, so that individuals who have high
achievement motivation show greater and tenacious
Mc Cleland (1975) explains that, achievement-
oriented people have the following characteristics,
favoring situations that demand personal
responsibility for problem solving, tend to take risks
that are or are comparable to those of low or high risk,
and always expect can feedback in the form of
suggestions and criticism of the performance that has
been done. According Hawadi (2001) achievement
motivation is the driving force in students to achieve
achievement in accordance with that set by the
individual itself. A person who has high achievement
motivation will display different behavior with
people who have low achievement motivation.
According to McClelland (1975), there are
several important elements in achievement
The need for achievement: shows a person's
desire to achieve a success or superiority by
setting a standard or a goal.
Responsibility: demonstrates the ability of the
individual to be responsible for the tasks
Fear of failure: shows the individual's ability to
anticipate failure or frustration (despair).
Ability to overcome obstacles: shows the efforts
made by individuals in overcoming obstacles
that come from outside and from within, in an
effort to achieve achievement.
In early childhood, education becomes very
important and important. Education becomes one of
the foundations in the formation of personalities and
character of early childhood apda. Early on, the
potential of the child also becomes the main focus.
Education that is collaborated with the potential and
ability of the child will make the child develop
according to the stage of development. In the
achievement, since early child must also have high
motivation, especially in achievement so that the
ability and potential is not in vain. With the
motivation, the child has the spirit to do the best
possible to do what he is capable and able to develop
and maximize his potential. Research that has been
done in early childhood (in grade B kindergarten
school) found findings about low student's pioneering
motivation. Achievement motivation is very
important for grade B kindergarten children because
it will enter the elementary school because it enters
the new level of education with different education
atmosphere. And psychologically, early childhood
needs to be well prepared, especially on the
motivation of prestige so that children have the
passion to learn and compete in learning with their
Table 1: Achievement motivation results early childhood.
of Kids
Very High
Very Low
Based on the Table 1, motivation of early
childhood achievement during initial condition
before given group guidance action, observation
result based on observed aspects showed 2 students in
very low category and 10 students in low category
Based on student observation result before given
counseling service group of student have not have
desire to achievement, have not been able to fulfill
their responsibilities, are afraid to fail and can not
solve their own problems. The phenomenon is an
input for researchers in preparing the implementation
of group guidance with Pictorial Riddle media to
improve motivation of student’s achievement.
Pictorial Riddle into a medium used to help young
children in improving the motivation. Each number
listed on the landing snake media has each question
adapted to the theme that will be taught in early
childhood education. Snake media in early childhood
snakes do not use snakes for the down direction
because it will affect their psychological. The leader
are still used to give more appreciation to the child.
When children get stairs and bonuses to jump over the
numbers obtained from throwing dice, then the child
gets rewards in addition to the question according to
the theme also get a prize in the form of something
that matches the theme, for example: fruit theme, then
the child will get a reward in the form of fruit. The
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
results achieved can be observed both when the action
takes place and after the implementation of the action.
After going through 2 cycles, the child is able to fulfill
his responsibilities, has a desire to excel, not afraid to
fail and able to solve problems in learning.
The researcher designs a group guidance service
in cycle one then in reflection using an observational
instrument on the achievement motivation of the
child. The implementation of group guidance services
through several stages, including planning,
preparation, implementation, evaluation, and follow-
up. The implementation of content mastery services
also through the following stages:
Planning, including (a) assigning students to be
served, (b) assigning and preparing content to be
studied, (c) establishing service processes and
measures; (d) establishing and preparing service
facilities; (e) administration.
Implementation, including (a) carrying out group
counseling services, (b) implementing high
touch and high tech in the group guidance
Evaluation, including (a) establishing evaluation
materials, b) establishing evaluation procedures,
(c) preparing evaluation instruments, (d)
applying evaluation instruments, and (e)
processing instrument results.
Analysis of evaluation results, including (a)
setting evaluation standards, (b) conducting
analysis, (c) interpreting the evaluation results.
Follow-up, including (a) establishing the type
and direction of follow-up, i.e. implementing the
second cycle of group guidance services with
Pictorial Riddle media (b) communicating the
follow-up plan to early childhood and other
relevant parties; and (c) implement the follow-up
After the results are known, in the second cycle,
the use of snake media put into the guidance service
group Stages in group counseling services with
pictorial riddle are as follows:
Planning, including (a) assigning students to be
served, (b) assigning and preparing content to be
studied, (c) establishing service processes and
measures; (d) establishing and preparing service
facilities; (e) administration.
Implementation carried out in the form of
groups with stages: a) initial stage, b) transition,
c) activities using Pictorial Riddle media, d)
cover. The core / activity stage is done in the
following way:
This stage is the actual stage of group
counseling, if at the stage of formation and
transition goes well then at this stage the group
is expected to walk by itself in achieving the
desired goals, but the role of group leader
remains important in directing the course of
activities. At the stage of activity in group
guidance, group leaders have made a pictorial
riddle media, where the boxes and numbers
containing the ladder to rise up are given ritual
questions about how to learn how to learn and
how to improve their achievement.
Cecilia (2014) said that the effect of pictorial
reading strategy on the learning of proverbs and
riddles with view to elucidating the need to
uphold making children to be well. The
questions that appear in each card in essence is
for children to improve the motivation of
achievement and what steps will be done when
experiencing barriers and problems learning
according to his age:
At first the students discuss the topic.
Take turns playing the Pictorial Riddle
game that has been provided by guidance
and counseling teachers.
Draw to determine who plays first
When meeting the stairs the child is given
the opportunity to find his own answer
from the question that appear from the card
before it can jump the number because it
has found the ladder.
This card is about what will be taken to
improve motivation.
Evaluation, after the implementation of content
mastery services with the media of a ladder
snake with observation instrumentation
Analysis of evaluation results
Follow up.
Reports, including (a) preparing reports on the
implementation of content mastery services, (b)
submitting reports to related parties, (c)
documenting service reports.
Achievement motivation in early childhood should be
adjusted with the stage and task of its development.
Supported by guidance and counseling teachers who
understand the development and developmental tasks
of early childhood physically and psychologically
will help children can grow in accordance with their
potential. Therefore, group counseling services can
be one of the services that can be given to early
childhood to be able to improve student achievement
motivation. Based on the age and stage of
development of children who still love the game, then
the pictorial riddle media serve as one of the media in
group counseling services to help improve the
achievement motivation of early childhood.
Counseling group with Pictorial Riddle media in an
Group Counseling with Pictorial Riddle Media for Incresing Achieving Motivation in Early Childhood
effort to improve achievement motivation early child
is done in 4 stages namely: stage of formation,
intermediate stage, activity stage and cover. Pictorial
Riddle media entrance at the core stage of the activity
stage. At the stage of group counseling activities, the
group leader has created a ladder snake media, where
the boxes and numbers containing the ladder to rise
up are given ritual questions about how to learn and
how to improve their achievements. The questions
that appear in each card at its core is for children to
improve their achievement motivation and what steps
will be done according to their age of development.
Based on result of posttest 1st cycle and result of
observation that have been done, obtained result that
as many as 10 student (83,3%) in enough category
and 2 student (16,7%) in low category, After done
second cycle of counseling service group with media
Pictorial Riddle gained significant improvement
results. Based on the data analysis, there were 5
students (41,7%) in very high category, and 7
students (58,3%) in High category. And it can be
concluded that group guidance with Pictorial Riddle
media can improve achievement motivation early
Cecilia Omobola Odejobi, H. O. Ajayi, C. F. Olokunlade.
2014. “Pictorial Reading Strategy and the Learning of
Proverbs and Riddles among Primary School Pupils,”
International Journal of Innovation and Applied
Studies, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 15891593.
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ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences