percents of teachers participating in UKG obtain
score below 44. Out of 42 percents, 831 are teachers
at Vocational Middle School (SMK) level. Thus, the
teachers obtaining score below standard will attend
education and training as the follow-up; it means that
831 SMK teachers in Central Java, either private or
public, have not been qualified to be professional
teachers yet.
(Suyidno and Yamin, 2013) in their study showed
that the factors causing the low score of UKG are
among others: poor mastery of computer skill, poor
material mastery inadequate preparation/
socialization, limited examination time, unclear
question editorial, low learning willingness and
science updating. Considering the preliminary study
conducted by author, most teachers obtaining low
score of UKG are senior ones or the almost-retired
ones. Those teachers conduct self-development and
scholarship development rarely in daily chores,
thereby leading the teachers to perform less optimally
in learning activity and there is no improvement of
teacher competency.
Considering the reality that many teachers of
Vocational Middle Schools in Central Java Province,
either public or private, unqualified to be professional
teachers, the objectives of research were: 1) to
analyze the problems the Teacher of Office
Administration Specialty of Vocational Middle
School face in Central Java province, 2) to analyze
the need for Sustainable Professionalism
Development activity for Teacher of Office
Administration Specialty of Vocational Middle
School in Central Java Province.
The research method is needed to collect and to
analyze data in order to achieve the objective of
research. This research employed a qualitative
research with case study approach. The qualitative
research method was selected because the author aims
to explore the data of research subject really and
based on the problem they encounter. (Creswell,
2012) suggests, a qualitative research is the methods
exploring and understanding meaning by a number of
individuals or a group of individuals considered as
coming from social or humanity problems.
Case study approach was selected because this
research departs from the problems occurring about
the low competency of Vocational Middle Schools
teachers for Office Administration specialty in
Central Java province as reflected on the low gain of
UKG score. The background is in line with the
essence of case study approach. (Creswell, 2012)
states that case study is a research strategy in which
the author investigates precisely a program, event,
activity, process, or a group of individuals.
The data of case study research is usually broad
and represents much information in limited system
(Creswell, 2012). The data of current research was
limited to the teachers of Office Administration
Specialty of Vocational Middle School’s need for
Sustainable Professionalism Development as the
attempt of improving competency.
This research was conducted in Central Java
province with the teachers of Office Administration
Specialty of Vocational Middle School in Central
Java Province being the population of research. The
sampling technique used was purposive sampling
one. Sugiyono (2012: 126) explains that purposive
sampling technique is the sampling technique with
certain consideration. The sample of research
consisted of Chairperson of Subject Teacher
Discussion (thereafter called MGMP) for Office
Administration Specialty of Vocational Middle
Schools in Central Java Province, 2 (two)
representatives of MGMP for Office Administration
Specialty of Vocational Middle Schools from Cilacap
Regency, 2 (two) from Karanganyar Regency, 1 (one)
from Surakarta City, 2 (two) from Klaten, 2 (two)
from Blora, 2 (two) from Boyolali, 2 (two) from
Grobogan Regency and 1 (one) lecturer of Office
Administration Education and practitioner of
Sustainable Professionalism Development all at
Techniques of collecting data used were in-depth
interview, Focus Group Discussions (FGD), and
document study. Semi-structured interview was
conducted with each subject of research to explore the
necessary data corresponding to the subject’s
perspective. FGD was conducted to give discussion
room to the subject of research thereby will combine
the necessary data from various perspectives.
Document study was conducted by conducting
relevant theoretical study, previous studies, and
relevant legislation source study. Data validation was
carried out using source and method triangulations.