challenges to prepare learners. Higher education is
the highest level in the education system in Indonesia,
therefore universities are expected to be a place to
prepare quality resources, achievement and oriented
into the future. Higher Education can be a formal
container in the process of preparing students' careers
in realizing their ideals. High university is expected
to produce graduates who can implement science with
the maximum, so as to create relevance between the
knowledge learned with the application in the
community, reflected from the work occupied after
graduation from college. Integration between science
and work by college graduates should be prepared
through the process of career choice by individuals
since still a student.
This is because the student's important indicator is
to develop personality according to his potential and
able to plan the future according to his / her situation.
They are expected to be able to reach their own
potential early. One of the measurable successes of
college graduates is the success of students in career
preparation, which can enter the workforce in
accordance with the field of expertise. Therefore, the
mind-set of students is directed to be more mature in
solving problems, including job problems. In
addition, students are also expected to develop the
attitude of fostering science for the betterment of the
nation by developing personality according to their
potential and able to plan the future in accordance
with his condition (Komalasari, 2012).
In facilitating, directing and finding their careers
is not easy, a set of media, systems and programs are
needed to support the realization of student
preparation in choosing their careers. Facts in the
field are only a few universities that provide career
guidance programs, including workshops and
seminars preparing the world of work. Through
career guidance students are expected to be able to
make decisions about a career or a major job affecting
their lives in the future. One of the efforts taken to
meet the challenge and reduce the problem of
unpreparedness of college graduates in determining
the beginning of career selection is to innovate by
improving the quality of teaching and learning
process in Universities, such as improving the skills
of lecturers and learning methodologies.
In the learning methodology, there are two quite
prominent aspects of learning media and learning
model. Learning media has a role in helping lecturers
achieve learning objectives. Media is anything that
can be used to channel messages from the sender to
the recipient so as to stimulate the thoughts, feelings
and interests of students leading to the learning
process. The learning model is the way, an example
or pattern that broadly deliver compelling messages
to the informant students should know, understand,
and be understood is by making a pattern or example
with ingredients selected by educators in accordance
with the material provided and the conditions in class.
In connection with the learning models are in
college, as well as in organizational models of career
coaching is an activity aimed at improving the
performance of individuals. Coaching has proved
able to increase employee productivity. In the
transitional period of the millennium, coaching began
to reach a wider audience, including from prominent
figures such as Andre Agassi, Nelson Mandela,
Mikhail Gorbacev, Margaret Thatcher, Francois and
Bill Clinton have felt the benefits of coaching success
(Wilson, 2011).
Coaching is a term often used within the
organization. Wilson (2011) defines coaching as an
activity that helps individuals or organizations to
achieve optimum performance, overcome obstacles
and barriers to growth to achieve specific goals and
challenges as a means of fulfillment, personal
development and professional, the balance of life and
work (Hamalik 2008). Coaching becomes an
important tool in the process of developing one's
personality and professional. Many empirical studies
agree on this point and consider coaching to be
effective because it offers employees an intense way
of learning that is suited to their individual needs and
thus leads to greater career satisfaction (Colomo and
Casado, 2006; Rowold and Schilling, 2006; Sherman
and Freas, 2004; Zaleska and De Menezes, 2007).
The objectives of each coaching session are to
increase self-awareness, build self-learning, improve
self-efficacy, build influence and confidence, and
build resilience and wisdom. Brockbank and Ian
McGill (2006) posit that the one purpose of coaching
is: “the learning and development of an individual, a
process that involves change”. Brockbank and Ian
McGill (2006), says: "Coaching is a simple yet
effective form of personal development where the
Client and Coach create an alliance that promotes and
sustains the Client's personal growth and competence.
This powerful relationship enables the Client to give
up who they are for who they want to become."
One thing that most definitions of coaching
already have in common is that it recognizes the
person as a whole, believing that the client is in
possession of all the qualities and resources required
for development. It is the coach’s job to find and
release that potential in the client (Brockbank, 2006).
Coaching is considered as one of the key elements of
success in all major competitive fields ranging from
sports to business and personal life. That is why
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences