development. In an education field, they must have
an opportunity to develop their potency for a
performance achievement. Moreover, it is said that
for a performance achievement, teachers and
administrative staff need to get training for
competency development.
In terms of the second character, it is related to a
sustainable professional competency development
activity or a continuing professional development
(CPD)-based activity. The activity is a solution to
the problem of factual model, i.e. a process of a
Biology teacher’s professional competency
development, including a kind or material of
activities, is not realized structurally and there is no
follow up for unfinished activities.
Regards a sustainable professional development,
Guskey (2000) and Day and Sachs (2004) propose
that teachers’ professional competency must be
developed continuously for anticipating an education
and science and technology development and
advance, in general. Additionally, it is suggested that
continuing professional development is a systemic
process in consideration with changes in a given
period of time. The activities of CPD must meet
individual teachers’ professional need and can
indicate a correlation between teachers’ profession
and school’ development needs. It is line with
Mathis and Jackson (2006) and Jones and Walters
(2008). Guskey (2000) suggests that it is necessary
to develop teachers’ professional competency
continuously. Mathis and Jackson (2006) emphasize
a human resources development of education that
must be relied on an individual teacher’s and
school’s needs. Therefore, an early condition
analysis of teachers’ competency functions as a
base-line and it serves a basis of need analysis of
teachers’ competency in the future as well as a
determinant factor in a kind of activity in the
Guskey (2000) proposes some activities of CPD,
including 1) formal activities, 2) teachers’
attendance for taking a course and training of
learning methods, learning media and facilities, and
instructional materials development, 3) private study
for developing materials relevant to science and
competency or general education, and 4) class action
The third character is concerned with
strengthening a supervision aspect by a superior
(principal) in a process of activity realization.
Strengthening the supervision is a solution to the
problems found in the factual model, i.e. there is a
lack of supervision and even there is no supervision
by the superior. The results of the research show that
the supervision activity does not run well and even
there is no supervision for Biology MGMP.
According to Cicih and Nurdin (2011), an
analysis result of data by National Education Office,
National Planning Board, and World Bank in 1999
indicates that a teacher is a key to improve and
develop an education quality. It is greatly
determined by learning quality. For improving and
developing a learning quality, a teacher is a core
figure in the class. Additionally, he or she must
continuously be supervised and developed by a
principal or other related superiors. It is consistent
with a supervision concept, stating that supervision
is an aid and advice or suggestion for teachers in
instructional field, teaching and learning, and
curriculum for achieving a school’s goal (Neagley
and Dean, 1980).
Bessong and Felix (2009) state that supervision
is one of the effective instruments in a learning
process in the class because it will improve and
develop a learning quality continuously and
systematically, so it will take a positive effect on
improving and developing students’ learning
achievement. Fritz (2003) relates a supervision
activity to a principal’s substantial task. It is
suggested that for advancing a learning field,
supervision is a main option and inevitable for
education improvement and development.
Referring to the concept, education supervision
not only functions to give some aid and advice by a
principal, but also gives some motivation and
stimulant to teachers so that they can develop their
competency maximally as a professional teacher
relevant to a school’s needs. Cicih and Nurdin
(2012) state that supervision is a process, a sequence
of activities that makes teachers develop their
The fourth character is related to evaluation
aspect. In a management of education human
resources, a lack of evaluation process in working
program for developing workers’ performance
achievement is a very great error because each
organizational management must operate all the
activities as planned, so it needs some evaluation to
achieve an organization’s goal (Jones and Walters,
2008). Based on the analysis, implementing a model
needs an evaluation process for developing human
resources comprehensively and structurally to
achieve a standardized education.
In relation to the fifth character, it invites an
expert (lecturer) from Higher Education. Based on
the results of the research, the activities of teachers’
competency development through Biology MGMP
in the post-certification indicate a lack of the experts
Model of Biology Teachers’ Professional Competency Development Based on the Early Competency Test in Surakarta Residency