so that human can improve their life (Botte et al.,
Unfortunately, the meaning of education today
has been undermined. Education is defined as a
process that only takes place in schools. Parents send
their children to schools with the pragmatic
expectations that their children can get better job.
The education the parents understand here is only
about formal education; in fact, the education in
schools is limited to certain subjects that dictate the
children to “read texts”. Even though the curriculum
in Indonesia is designed to form individuals with
good personalities, the implementation of this
curriculum still needs improvement. In the real
world, the children are pushed to be able to survive
while the education in schools still focuses only on
basic knowledge.
Children as the asset have right to be treated very
well. To draw an analogy of how precious children
are, there are many terms that have been used,
starting from “bak kertas putih yang bersih, tinggal
menunggu pena menorehkan corak diatasnya”
(children are analogous to blank white paper in
which people can write down something on it to
form what the paper will be. The other term
describing children is “seperti tanah lempung yang
siap dibentuk oleh seniman” (children are analogous
as clay that an artist is ready to shape. There are
many terms which are used, however, what people
should understand here is that parents are the ones
who will playing a role as the pen or artist.
Why should be the parents? This is a rhetorical
question. A child is born to a father and mother
which in turn these people will be called as parents.
From the pre-conception phase, conception phase, to
the baby comes into the world, parents will be the
closet people to the child. The possibility for parents
to influence their child is quite big. As an Indonesian
proverb says, “buah jatuh tidak jauh dari
pohonnya” (connately meaning that children will
probably receive what their parents have, e.g. talent).
The proverb emphasises the importance of parents to
guide the children.
Unfortunately, there are still many parents who
do not understand that they themselves are the most
important one in the child developmental phase.
Many parents think that education is the most
important and responsible one in the child
developmental phase, especially formal education.
This notion has been held by parents for long time.
Thus, when their children make mistakes, the
parents will blame the school. Indeed, with its
capacity, it would be impossible for the school to
pay attention to the child developmental phase fully
because there are many children who need to be
taken care of.
Education, basically, is something that people,
without considering age or socioeconomic status,
must and can receive (Yunus, 2005). However, in
the real world, for some certain reasons the society
ignores education. This case results from the
society’s view where they still put the other aspects,
other than education, first. The society often
consider education as school. Indeed, if the
definition of education is studied deeper, education
is defined as a process to improve knowledge, skills,
and attitudes using approaches, methods, and certain
ways. On the other hand, school is defined as an
institution where the educational process takes
places. This definition confirms that education and
school are not the same.
The view forms the society’s paradigm that
school is an institution who bears responsibility for
the process of forming children behavior and
attitude. Thus, when children make mistake, the
society tends to construct stigma related to the
school. School is of course the institution which
bears responsibility for the educational process, but
it has limitations in terms of time and space. Indeed,
if we are thinking of how the educational process
goes, school is only a formal institution while
society, especially family is the informal educational
institution which provides more times for children to
Many references show that parents are the main
actors who are involved in the educational process
of their children (Lareau, 1989). Therefore, the
values that children hold will be influenced by the
education the parents give. Nevertheless, many
parents still do not understand and realize that their
children’s behaviour, attitude, and knowledge are
influenced by theirs. Therefore, an effort to make
parents understand and realize about this is needed.
The reason to make parents understand and realize
about their roles is because the children’s optimal
developmental process is not only the responsibility
of school, but also society, family, especially parents
Parents’ incomprehension of their own role and
function relates to education and experience they
have. Hence, the process to make the parents realize
of their role and functions is necessary. The process
to make the parents realize of their role and
functions can be realized through the educational
events for the parents as the main educator.
Generally, the process of parental education
more focuses on problem-solving effort by bringing
up ideas to show the issue. the effects of deficit
paradigm in people’s life are (Sudjana, 2010):
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences